Premium Member
I’m not the one to ask that question to. Dr fauci and the CDC is and my concern is they can’t give us an answer so what does that mean and how long do they continue restrictionsDefine normal? Is 75,000 cases 800 deaths daily normal, nationally? Do you have a smaller or larger number in mind?
I'm honestly asking. What's your number for normal?
Not some "at some point we have to", but a real metric. In your opinion, if you're making the call. Is 75,000 cases 800 deaths daily the new normal? Is the new normal higher or lower than that?
I'm not wondering what any of the science people are saying. They'll provide all the advice in the world about what actions will cause the numbers to go up or down. It's a policy decision then about weighing those actions and the change on the numbers against the other "not COVID" things those actions will impact. If we want to talk about when we should stop different actions, assuming we're not fighting about if the actions actually work, we should at least decide if the goal even matters.
So, what's "normal"? What's the level of daily cases and daily deaths nationally when we're all just fine with the number?
(It's not 0. Not even close to 0, well above that. But, it's not what those values were today either.)
I’ve said from the beginning of all this there has to be a line and something has to give somewhere at some point because the virus will likely always be out there and there will always be some risk involved so when will we leave the decisions up to the individuals to decide on when to do what rather than the government to tell us