Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
In NJ, hospitalizations for people ages 20-29 rose 31% in March and 48% for people ages 40-49. Seniors getting vaccinated hasn't resulted in hospitalizations decreasing. Statewide, hospitalizations increased 28% over the 2 weeks ending 3/31. Protecting the seniors is great, but people are under the false assumption that they're not at risk for serious cases if they're not in their 70's and that's just not true. The current hospitalization numbers are better than the first 2 waves in NJ but are still trending in the wrong direction because people here just don't want to believe that their actions have consequences.

We are having a lot of younger people hospitalized now also in BC. The P.1 variant is spreading rapidly, and scary.


Premium Member
In NJ, hospitalizations for people ages 20-29 rose 31% in March and 48% for people ages 40-49. Seniors getting vaccinated hasn't resulted in hospitalizations decreasing. Statewide, hospitalizations increased 28% over the 2 weeks ending 3/31. Protecting the seniors is great, but people are under the false assumption that they're not at risk for serious cases if they're not in their 70's and that's just not true. The current hospitalization numbers are better than the first 2 waves in NJ but are still trending in the wrong direction because people here just don't want to believe that their actions have consequences.
You can't just use flippant, generalized language like "people are under the false assumption that they're not at risk."

Yes, you are correct that the risk for healthy people under 65 is not LITERALLY ZERO.

But people are not saying "the risk for me is LITERALLY ZERO," they're saying "the risk for me is sufficiently small that I'm comfortable with taking it and dealing with the consequences."


Well-Known Member
In NJ, hospitalizations for people ages 20-29 rose 31% in March and 48% for people ages 40-49. Seniors getting vaccinated hasn't resulted in hospitalizations decreasing. Statewide, hospitalizations increased 28% over the 2 weeks ending 3/31. Protecting the seniors is great, but people are under the false assumption that they're not at risk for serious cases if they're not in their 70's and that's just not true. The current hospitalization numbers are better than the first 2 waves in NJ but are still trending in the wrong direction because people here just don't want to believe that their actions have consequences.

There is definitely a false sense of security out here, too, now that the vaccines are available. Having them in a freezer at Albertson's isn't the same as having them in arms. Or, similarly, having them in about 1 in 5 people for competed doses isn't the same as vaccine herd immunity.

Luckily, we've been hanging flat in the northern plains, but the way people are behaving isn't in line with where we actually are just yet.

You can't just use flippant, generalized language like "people are under the false assumption that they're not at risk."

Yes, you are correct that the risk for healthy people under 65 is not LITERALLY ZERO.

But people are not saying "the risk for me is LITERALLY ZERO," they're saying "the risk for me is sufficiently small that I'm comfortable with taking it and dealing with the consequences."
That's the point, though. An increase in hospitalizations like what was illustrated shows that the risk is substantially more than zero if mitigations aren't held for just a while longer. Look, I've been out and about since last summer to varying degrees. But that's with mitigations in place. We're so close to the end, I don't understand why we can't keep going mostly even as we were in Jan/Feb until May, with incremental lifting in localized "green zones." We'd be much better off nationally.


Well-Known Member
A small part of you wants this to go on forever to spite people? Okay....

Funny, the first thing I want to see go is the physical distancing/capacity restrictions and I this say mainly in regards to going to Disney in October - I don't want to wait in a 60 minute line just to get into the Mexico Pavilion! :D
Yes part of me. It's mainly due to being tired and over Covid. It's tiring hearing the same people complain about restrictions.

I can understand you wanting it to go on Disney's part. I enjoy my personal space so this past year I have loved the fact people stay away from me.

Well, it seems I’ll have to eat my own words. Why would anyone want this to carry on just to spite others?
Why you ask? This past year I have learned a lot about humanity. What I have seen isn't good. All the in-fighting between everyone and how it's all politically driven. The we are all in this together mantra lasted all of 2 minutes. I've gotten to point that I have lost respect for majority of people. Especially those who go on and on about "draconian measures" and "magic masks".


Premium Member
For goodness’ sake, everyone wants the pandemic to end. We may disagree on what the months ahead are going to look like, but there’s no reason (other than stoking further division) to doubt that we are all on the side of wanting this awful moment to be behind us.

Well, it seems I’ll have to eat my own words. Why would anyone want this to carry on just to spite others?
Sir, have you spent any time on twitter dot com?

You can debate how widespread my theory is, but it ABSOLUTELY exists.

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
Yes part of me. It's mainly due to being tired and over Covid. It's tiring hearing the same people complain about restrictions.

I can understand you wanting it to go on Disney's part. I enjoy my personal space so this past year I have loved the fact people stay away from me.

Why you ask? This past year I have learned a lot about humanity. What I have seen isn't good. All the in-fighting between everyone and how it's all politically driven. The we are all in this together mantra lasted all of 2 minutes. I've gotten to point that I have lost respect for majority of people. Especially those who go on and on about "draconian measures" and "magic masks".

I don’t agree with wanting this to go on forever out of spite.

However I get where you are coming from. I also find myself increasingly angry and disappointed with society as a whole. I can only hope I am long gone before the day an even worse virus spreads and the world is in full anarchy.


Well-Known Member
Why you ask? This past year I have learned a lot about humanity. What I have seen isn't good. All the in-fighting between everyone and how it's all politically driven. The we are all in this together mantra lasted all of 2 minutes. I've gotten to point that I have lost respect for majority of people. Especially those who go on and on about "draconian measures" and "magic masks".
Nope, still don’t get it. As annoyed as I am with certain people, the last thing I want is for this pandemic to drag on longer than necessary just to spite them.


Well-Known Member
I don’t agree with wanting this to go on forever out of spite.

However I get where you are coming from. I also find myself increasingly angry and disappointed with society as a whole. I can only hope I am long gone before the day an even worse virus spreads and the world is in full anarchy.
It's why its only a small part of me that feels that way. For the most part I do want this to end and while it's going a little slower in Canada, I should be able to get my vaccine by the end of the month. Phase 2 allows for essential works to get it.

I want to be able to travel again.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
My take is similar, but slightly different.

There is a small but loud and absolutely real subset of people who don't want the pandemic to end because their normal lives are lonely and uninteresting, and there's a conscious or unconscious part of them that enjoys seeing other people made to live like they do.

If your "normal" sucks, you aren't compelled to get back to it any time soon.
But most people want to end pandemic soon cause a lot of people getting vaccinating. We want go back to normal by summer/fall.

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
It's why its only a small part of me that feels that way. For the most part I do want this to end and while it's going a little slower in Canada, I should be able to get my vaccine by the end of the month. Phase 2 allows for essential works to get it.

I want to be able to travel again.

Meanwhile in BC it really feels like it’s getting worse. 😥


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
An important and somewhat concerning analysis of the current situation:

Luckly America is better to end pandemic than other countries of the world.


Well-Known Member
12-15 likely by June-August. (My 16-year-old son is going this Friday). Pfizer will apply for EUA by the end of April, it should be granted by June.

Under 12..... Can safely say by early 2022, but it could be sooner. Best case scenario, by September.
The JnJ CEO said September. I doubt he would have said so if he didn’t think it was likely. They aren’t making money directly from the vaccines, so they want prestige and high stock prices. You lose both when you miss targets. See AstraZeneca.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I just don't see the data on that. It sounds good, but the data don't support it. The tightness or looseness of mitigation measures in different states has not correlated to statistically significant differences in health outcomes.
A lot of it has to population density and how people live. Here our 2 hardest hit regions are the cities with the highest population and a lot people there live in multi generational homes, so Covid spreads faster there.


Premium Member
A lot of it has to population density and how people live. Here our 2 hardest hit regions are the cities with the highest population and a lot people there live in multi generational homes, so Covid spreads faster there.
Exactly! That's my point. Whether people are wearing masks or not isn't going to change the fact that two of your regions are cities with high populations where people live in multi-generational homes. The masks aren't the variable that drives the hot spots.


Well-Known Member
Luckly America is better to end pandemic than other countries of the world.
Sounds good in theory but you need the whole world to be on the same page for it to end. As long as variants keep spreading and people aren't vaccinated it's far from over.
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