Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Premium Member
Don't hold your breath. You started your statement with New York State that alone should make you cringe.
It’s already up and running. The post I replied to said it would take so long to setup that the pandemic would be over. I was just pointing out that it doesn’t take that long to setup. If vaccine passports never become a reality in the US it will not be because of the time or challenges of setting them up. There are plenty of other reasons it’s unlikely to be a thing here.


Well-Known Member
It’s already up and running. The post I replied to said it would take so long to setup that the pandemic would be over. I was just pointing out that it doesn’t take that long to setup. If vaccine passports never become a reality in the US it will not be because of the time or challenges of setting them up. There are plenty of other reasons it’s unlikely to be a thing here.
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President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
It’s already up and running. The post I replied to said it would take so long to setup that the pandemic would be over. I was just pointing out that it doesn’t take that long to setup. If vaccine passports never become a reality in the US it will not be because of the time or challenges of setting them up. There are plenty of other reasons it’s unlikely to be a thing here.
The article made it sound like people were self-reporting their vaccines. Is NY State assuring those registrations are correct by checking with their own internal database that they may or may not have?


Premium Member
The article made it sound like people were self-reporting their vaccines. Is NY State assuring those registrations are correct by checking with their own internal database that they may or may not have?
Yes, from the website:

This screening website will allow you to confirm a recent negative COVID-19 test result or vaccination status and demonstrate this information to third parties.

To facilitate this confirmation, the website collects your COVID-19 status, and website use for the sole purpose of your receiving a Excelsior Pass the essential information from you, which may include questions such as: First Name; Last name; Date of Birth; Zip Code; vaccination location or COVID-19 test location; vaccination type or COVID-19 test type; and vaccination date or COVID-19 test date.

Based on this information, the application queries the State-hosted database through an interface and returns to you and active or inactive pass.



Well-Known Member
If they require a vaccine to go I will stop going. This is from someone who has visited every week since I was a baby. I am not taking that vaccine.
Not judging, but wondering truly why?

I'm now 24 hours past my second dose of Pfizer. Slightly achy shoulder, but no other side effects at this point. I'm in my early 40's, so I fully expected to have the headache, chills, fever, etc... that so many have reported. I'm pleasantly surprised I seem to have avoided all that!
I think this needs repeating. Most people do not have really bad side effects. Pfizer lesser than Moderna too. One family member also early 40s only reported aches where past injuries were post 2nd. I only had sore arm. The negatives are more vocal really. Not saying it doesn't happen but one shouldn't necessarily expect it as fact.


Well-Known Member
Vaccine Passports - the practical functioning of such a concept reminds some of us of a sign seen in some businesses - "Fast, cheap, or right - You are limited to 2 of those"


Well-Known Member
I’m asking because I don’t know! Under the Governors “orders” not certain of correct terminology, would Disney be able to ask for Vaccine passports,or equivalent, from foreign visitors? I appreciate that from the U.K. we would have to fly in so would have already been cleared, but South and Central America and Canada could theoretically drive so may not require vaccination passports to enter the country if it is a mitigation introduced by the airlines rather than the government. This could lead to a lot of problems for Disney and the USA in general.
If the mitigation applies to all entry points across all borders then my question is irrelevant but I haven’t seen any discussion around these points.


Premium Member
"Canada's vaccine advisory committee is recommending immediately suspending the use of the AstraZeneca-Oxford COVID-19 vaccine in Canadians under 55 following reports of rare but potentially fatal blood clots in Europe that appear to be connected to the shot.

The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) updated its guidelines to provinces and territories against the use of the vaccine for younger Canadians on Monday over safety concerns.

Health Canada said Monday that 300,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine have been administered and no cases of the rare blood clotting adverse events have been reported in Canada, but that it was aware of additional cases that have recently been reported in Europe.

Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island have all suspended the use of the vaccine for anyone below the age of 55. Other provinces and territories are expected to follow. "



Premium Member
I’m asking because I don’t know! Under the Governors “orders” not certain of correct terminology, would Disney be able to ask for Vaccine passports,or equivalent, from foreign visitors? I appreciate that from the U.K. we would have to fly in so would have already been cleared, but South and Central America and Canada could theoretically drive so may not require vaccination passports to enter the country if it is a mitigation introduced by the airlines rather than the government. This could lead to a lot of problems for Disney and the USA in general.
If the mitigation applies to all entry points across all borders then my question is irrelevant but I haven’t seen any discussion around these points.

The orders do not exist yet so we can't say for sure. They would likely be worded to prohibit business operating in Florida from requiring proof of vaccinations, it wouldn't make a difference if the guest from the the US or overseas.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Yeah, don't force people who are perfectly healthy to get the vaccine, just make it impossible for them to live a normal life. All for the "greater good" right? Anyone who supports vaccine passports should immediately start pushing for bans on unhealthy foods. After all we have to protect each others health and unhealthy food creates a huge drag on our health care system as well.

There will always be communicable diseases. Life will always have risk. These passports just continue the further stripping away of our freedoms in the name of "safety".
this is literally until the pandemic is over. did you forget we’re living in a modern black plague?


Premium Member
The orders do not exist yet so we can't say for sure. They would likely be worded to prohibit business operating in Florida from requiring proof of vaccinations, it wouldn't make a difference if the guest from the the US or overseas.
I agree that it’s impossible to analyze an executive order that does not exist. All that’s out there right now is a statement from the governor as to what he plans to do. We have no idea what authority the order will be based on or what it’s scope will be.

Dan Deesnee

Well-Known Member
this is literally until the pandemic is over. did you forget we’re living in a modern black plague?
Well, we're not, so...

Also who gets to say when it's over? Is that with zero cases? 1 year? 10 years from now?

Slippery slope. Powerful people don't like to give up power and control once they have it, it's just a fact of life proven time and time again throughout history.


Well-Known Member
Also, I'd be interested in the legality of such an order. It's been a while since I was in law school, but I'm not sure a governor has that kind of authority with regards to private business (especially absent a state of emergency, although this order goes in the opposite direction regardless). I imagine it would be litigated.


Well-Known Member
Uhm. Driver’s license? Not flying without one. If some had their way, not,voting without one either. Social security card or alternative? Not working without one. Probably not opening a bank account either. construction permit? Not building a house without one. Proof of vaccination? Not getting into some schools without it. That’s been true for decades. I think a passport poses some ethical questions, but dictatorship isn’t one of them.
hmm, sounds like an argument for voting reform.....but that's for another thread.
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