Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
NY just announced they are lowering the age for vaccinations to 30 and over beginning 4/1 (can start registering tomorrow 3/30) and to 16 and over as of 4/6. It is very hard to get appts now - can only imagine what will happen tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
That would be my biggest concern with mandating testing. If you fly somewhere and then test positive you are essentially stuck there for up to several weeks.
You do know there are places that are already mandating testing, right? Hawaii has been doing it since the state was reopened. It isn't a new concept. Having a vaccine passport would remove the testing requirement.


Well-Known Member
A national vaccine passport would do a lot of good to encourage people to go get vaccinated, and places that face capacity restrictions would want a system as well to overcome said restrictions. I imagine a sports venue would rather have 100% capacity and a mandatory vaccine passport enforcement than limited capacity.


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile PA is being extremely slow at this point and Ohio and WV are open to all. They keep modifying group 1A but refuse to actually move on to 1B. 1C is where a large number of people will be able to get it.

Hopefully that pushes PA to do something.
Virginia is still stuck in group 1B, too. Our state and local leaders are trying to spin that fact favorably by saying that the states moving to open availability have less organized vaccine plans, less focus on marginalized groups, and less overall vaccine interest, so they are grasping for takers. I'm a 1B, put my name on the state registry months ago, and am still waiting for my "official" invitation from the state to get my first shot. Fortunately, some pharmacies are operating outside of the state system, and I found an appointment and got my first dose ten days ago.


Well-Known Member
Airlines in the US already said requiring vaccine passports was a hard no for them for Domestic flights. It would ruin their business. They are not opposed to having a vaccine passport system but they do not want the government to mandate proof of vaccination to fly domestically. They are on board for International flights especially to higher risk areas.
Here's an idea, a certain number of flights are "vaccine only" flights. I wonder how comfortable anti-vaxers would be if they knew they were loading up on a plane with all other non vaxed individuals. For those that are vaxed, they get a nice trip with an immune group.

I say this half heartedly... but it does make you think.


Well-Known Member
Here's an idea, a certain number of flights are "vaccine only" flights. I wonder how comfortable anti-vaxers would be if they knew they were loading up on a plane with all other non vaxed individuals. For those that are vaxed, they get a nice trip with an immune group.

I say this half heartedly... but it does make you think.
How about vaccine only and no babies allowed? I'd pay extra for the latter!


Premium Member
Numbers are out - there were 69 new reported deaths, along with 3 Non-Florida Resident deaths.

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Well-Known Member
Lessons from Israel..
Herd immunity vs indirect protection:

A comment that would scare people about Disney's re-opening:

"When 60 percent of the population is vaccinated, it's enough for the infection rate to go down. This in addition to wearing masks and social distancing are enough to curb infection rates and reopen the economy," Balicer said."

There are definitely those in the scientific community who believe masks and social distancing will continue to be required with 60% vaccination rates. But doubtful the American public would be very tolerant of masks and social distancing at that juncture.
See this right here is then problem. On one hand it’s “get you vaccine so we can go back to normal”. That is immediately followed up by “you have to keep wearing your mask because we don’t know how effective the vaccine is against all variants, we don’t know how long the vaccine lasts, and we don’t know if you still spread the virus once vaccinated”. The mask police are actively creating millions of more people not taking the vaccine. If your life doesn’t change for getting the vaccine, there is no reason to get it. And for someone under 50 without any pre-existing conditions, there’s almost zero risk of dying from COVID. And before you say that there are possible long term side effects, there could also be long term side effects from the vaccine. We don’t know yet. And I say this as someone signed up for their vaccine Friday. If you want more people to get vaccinated, tell them they can go out maskless once they get it.
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