Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Horizons '83

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I work in IT supporting medical researchers. What you don't understand is that drug research protocols move through various steps and levels. They don't just conduct a test to see if the drug does its thing and if it seems to work, ship it. Usually after lab tests in animals show promising, they move to human testing. Human testing first starts out with testing different amounts of the drug on people and recording side effects and problems. They may do various combinations of drug dosage and ingestion methods. But they are only looking to see if the person tolerated the drug okay and if there are any side effects. They do record results, but only minimally. Its not until all the dosage/useage studies are finished that they do a study on actual results of the drug. They start off small, only a few people. See how it goes. They may adjust the dosage and start over. If it looks promising, they will do a bigger study and so on until they get to a large study. This is why they are saying a year.... Otherwise what could happen is that they test for results on a few people, get great results, start shipping the drug and after 1 million dosages, they find it destroys your liver. Now with the urgency of this crisis, they can do studies in parallel and other things to speed up the process, but it still will take time. The other thing that slows down this testing, is that this drug prevents you from getting it, not curing you after getting it. Its much easier and faster to see if a drug cures a disease than it is to see if a drug will prevent you from getting it. Prevention studies have to take time to see if you get the disease or not..... For ethical reasons, they can't expose people to the disease and see what happens. Our yearly ethical training makes that VERY clear.
Thanks for the insight 👍


Well-Known Member
So...not Florida bans beach groups over 10, San Francisco is on lockdown, and here in Texas. Schools have extended their closures to April 3rd. Think WDW will extend their closure?
If they don't want the same press they got from the huge gathering of people their last day open, it will be extended.
I’m not in charge of baseball in this country.. I’m just pointing out what they’re doing differently.. and I don’t agree with it. Not because I think it’s necessarily dangerous, but I think they needed a one-rule-for-all... such as soccer did. We aren’t even allowed to have ‘unofficial’ practices, and can face severe consequences if we do. Our soccer academy is sending out daily practice routines for individuals, encouraging kids to use FaceTime while doing it so they can practice “together”.

Besides all of that, I know that you think only medical professionals are left working right now, but they’re not. There are a lot of people who are still working. Women especially should not be tearing other women down for not quitting their jobs over the coronavirus. I can’t think of a worse thing to do to one’s family. Everyone who is still working can practice the recommended social distancing behaviors, told to us to those standing behind the podium.. what they’re not telling us to do is completely matter how many people want to pretend like that’s what we’re being told.
When did they tear someone down for not quitting their job?


Park History nut
Premium Member
So...not Florida bans beach groups over 10, San Francisco is on lockdown, and here in Texas. Schools have extended their closures to April 3rd. Think WDW will extend their closure?
We aren’t quarantined and I feel like people keep acting like we are.
It is prudent to act as if you are, as far as possible.


Well-Known Member
If they don't want the same press they got from the huge gathering of people their last day open, it will be extended.

When did they tear someone down for not quitting their job?

Social media is full of mothers, mostly SAHM’s, telling everyone to stay home and bunker down with their family.. Stop the Spread! Don’t send your kids anywhere!
It’s not realistic. Neither is assuming that every parent in America has a neighborhood babysitter where the only participants are people who aren’t exposed to anyone who has been around other people outside of those families. That’s near impossible if one is still going to work everyday. We just have to be responsible in how we limit our distance and our hand washing and sanitizing.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but encouraging the continuation of normal play dates and team sports practice is flat-out irresponsible. (If what you described as your personal situation is true, you should start referring to it as swapping babysitting hours with one friend.)

I’m more concerned about how this country is going to get thru the next few months than I am about someone being concerned about the term “play date” as opposed to “babysitting swap”.

It’s silly, right? Isn’t this the last thing we should be focused on? But social media is full of this exact thing over the past week.


Well-Known Member
I think you should change your name to PerfectPixie. ;)
I just can't even with the levels of denial I've been seeing. People who are doing what they're supposed to are being made fun of and laughed at on social media, and if the actions of those laughing on social media echo what they're saying, this shut-down is going to need to last way longer than it should. 😞


Premium Member
I’m more concerned about how this country is going to get thru the next few months than I am about someone being concerned about the term “play date” as opposed to “babysitting swap”.

It’s silly, right? Isn’t this the last thing we should be focused on? But social media is full of this exact thing over the past week.

Then stop listening to social media.

John park hopper

Well-Known Member
Govenor of SC just announced all hospitals will suspend elective surgery in 72 hours, all restaurants will close indoor sit down service. Drive through will remain open and recommend people use, all schools will be closed. Told people to stop hoarding supplies it's not necessary and your preventing your neighbors ability to purchase normal amounts.


Well-Known Member
I just can't even with the levels of denial I've been seeing. People who are doing what they're supposed to are being made fun of and laughed at on social media, and if the actions of those laughing on social media echo what they're saying, this shut-down is going to need to last way longer than it should. 😞

Then get off of social media.

Presume that people are doing the best they can given the circumstances, their jobs, their childcare situations, their financial situations, etc.

We will get through this.

Spending hours debating things (over semantics or where a parent may need to place their child while they work) goes nowhere.

And let's all hope the shutdown does not last much longer that necessary as people will lose their jobs, businesses will close, the Central Florida economy (in particular, as that's where I live) will be decimated.

I'm trying very hard to choose to try and be positive rather than doomsday. Helps my blood pressure. :)


Well-Known Member
There is no ventilator issue right now, that's correct. But if this virus continues at the rate that models show, then we here in the US will be woefully short on ventilators. That is simply a fact, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Now, maybe we will acquire a great many more ventilators in the coming weeks, or maybe the models will prove to be wrong, or maybe the actions that we are taking right now will greatly reduce the spread, but none of that changes the fact that we will not have enough ventilators absent those things from happeneing.

As for the age of the decedents, there is no doubt that this virus attacks the elderly and infirm much more drasticly than it does others. That notwithstanding, anyone who compares this virus to the common cold is an unmitigated idiot. Full stop.
The reality is we do not know how many ventilators even exist in the US. If you go back to a previous news article when a reporter asked how many we had in the US the government official refused to answer on the grounds that it was a national security issue and would not be disclosed. So frankly we don't know if we have enough for any model, and anyone stating that we don't have enough for the worst case scenario model is flat out lying because they can't possibly know if we do or don't given the government refuses to release the information.

If you think a back we had chicken littles tell us the hospitals would be over burdened and collapse in 10 days and that was two weeks ago... now I've seeing someone say the Hospitals are 8 days from collapse... This is the type of malarkey that causes people to stop listening to anything the media or government says. If you don't have the ability to say what is going to happen in the future then have the guts to admit you don't know instead of just making up worst case scenario answer.

As for models, they are really pointless. I've run enough model in my life to know that for any model to be accurate you need good data to base it on. We don't have good data to base any model on in this country. We don't really have a clue how many people are really already infected nor have a clue as to what the real rate of being asymptomatic or of suffering serious life threatening consequences are which means everything in those models is a guess. You might get away with one guess in a model and have a guess that is close enough to right that it doesn't matter but the more things you have to guess about the further your model will be from reality. I will be shocked if the mortality rate of this virus ends up being more than half a percent, which would still be equivalent to the Hong Kong Flu of the late 60's which while bad didn't result in nearly as much pandemonium as you are seeing today.

John park hopper

Well-Known Member
What one person views as denial is another person’s reality. This country used to be good about coming together and supporting each other in a crisis.. but we’re not, none of us, are doing a very good job of that right now.
Could it be many if us no longer view ourselves as Americans but as some diverse group


Well-Known Member
I feel like there may have been some confusion. Looking at your reply, it seems like you were using play dates when you meant child care. If that's the case, I have no issue with that. Parents have to do what they have to do. But if parents in your area are just taking their kids over to each other's houses, not because it's necessary for them to work but just because the kids wanted to, so hey let's do it, that's a different ballpark. I know the difference seems miniscule, but in situations like this it really isn't.

I don't think anyone here is going to get on you to quit your job just so you don't need to have childcare. What we were trying to say is: childcare is fine, but interaction beyond that shouldn't be happening if it can at all be helped.
Thank you, you hit the nail on the head that there was a huge lack of clarity. Yes, parents need to do what they need to do, but to continue on with life as if nothing has changed wouldn't be good for anyone.


Well-Known Member
Is anyone in a state where all youth sports are not cancelled?
Even if not games, anyone still an area where practices are being held?

I think you are in my state (Ohio), bu all cancelled here. I realize a sweeping statement of "all" is easier to make. But youth soccer seems to me to be a pretty low risk activity. Outdoors, <15 kids, well spread out and not touching one another.

Bob Harlem

Well-Known Member
TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday announced sweeping new restrictions across Florida to tamp down on the spread of coronavirus, ranging from a mandatory last call for bars and night clubs to ordering all university students to study from home.

Starting at 5 p.m. Tuesday, all bars and nightclubs will be closed for the next 30 days, DeSantis said. That will be enforced by Florida’s Department of Business and Professional Regulation, but the governor’s office did not provide details on whether businesses that don’t comply will face fines or other penalties.

Restaurants should only allow 50% capacity at a time, and should separate seated customers by a distance of at least six feet, DeSantis said. Restaurants should also screen their employees before allowing them to work, and he encouraged Floridians to use take-out and delivery services instead of dining in.

Predicting the rise of the speakeasy again, 100 years later.
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