Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
I work at a large office in Orlando. My company has done an extraordinary job the past few days. Many employees did not have a laptops but rather desktop computers and it's my understanding they put in a large order in last week, as well as moved those on schedule to get a replacement down the list. We've been working through the logistics of our line of work as we need access to phone queues etc.

The office will remain open as of now but there's voluntary work from home beginning tomorrow. I think I'll finish out the rest of the week as I have things I'd like to clean up incase this lasts more than a week or two.


Premium Member
Well at least they're trying:

DL did same thing. It makes sense... you have a huge amount of perishiables built up in your normal inventory feed... that suddenly isn't going to be used. Donating it out is a win-win


Well-Known Member
I am praying so hard for all of the K-12 students in our country. If their school year and extracurriculars are canceled for the remainder, I don’t even understand how all will recover from it.
Millions of kids will be so behind from where they should be, in everything. Even with the home school time.

My sister is a reading teacher and has spent the last two days working normal school hours, working directly with her kids using Google Classroom. She works in a high-poverty school district with many at-risk kids, so they empowered all the kids with the technology they need to stay connected. Certainly it's not the same as in-person school, but it's also a step beyond those who are scrambling to home school (I don't mean this as a dig on home schooling, since many parents do a phenomenal job, but many are now scrambling to somehow home school with no knowledge and few resources, mid-year, which is daunting).

I imagine/hope that other school districts are doing the same to leverage technology and keep as much formal schooling as possible.


Well-Known Member
If we're having trouble then the 3rd world countries in Asia and South America (and I don't consider Phillipines third world, maybe somwhere between 1st and 2nd world, not really sure) are going to have a really tough time when Corona gets there.

I am going to have to respectfully disagree. I am Filipino and the majority of my extended family still Lives there and I visit semi regularly. While Makati is nice and and there are some good hospitals in Makati in Metro Manila, the Philippines is not even remotely close to being a first world country. Just take a walk around and see the squatter huts everywhere or go out in the provinces. My family owns large chunks of land out in Palawan where some People squat on it and they are not living what any one would say Is remotely in a first world experience. To say that they are between a first and second world country is just inaccurate and I will leave it at that.


Well-Known Member
My sister is a reading teacher and has spent the last two days working normal school hours, working directly with her kids using Google Classroom. She works in a high-poverty school district with many at-risk kids, so they empowered all the kids with the technology they need to stay connected. Certainly it's not the same as in-person school, but it's also a step beyond those who are scrambling to home school (I don't mean this as a dig on home schooling, since many parents do a phenomenal job, but many are now scrambling to somehow home school with no knowledge and few resources, mid-year, which is daunting).

I imagine/hope that other school districts are doing the same to leverage technology and keep as much formal schooling as possible.

That’s the tough part.. the hours. For kids who’s parents are working, especially the younger ones.. who/how is going to give them access during the time they need it?

Our school is using Google Classroom as well, our principal was very specific that this is not a break (as was our governor). We had parent-student-teacher meetings yesterday to receive packets, kids clean out their desks and lockers, and ask any questions at that time. The teachers have set hours where they will be online and be available to talk to students. If the students can’t do those hours due to parents working, then they can submit assignments later and email teacher with questions.

I applaud all teachers so much right now, they are really doing their best to make this work. It’s not an easy time for them either.


Well-Known Member
My sister is a reading teacher and has spent the last two days working normal school hours, working directly with her kids using Google Classroom. She works in a high-poverty school district with many at-risk kids, so they empowered all the kids with the technology they need to stay connected. Certainly it's not the same as in-person school, but it's also a step beyond those who are scrambling to home school (I don't mean this as a dig on home schooling, since many parents do a phenomenal job, but many are now scrambling to somehow home school with no knowledge and few resources, mid-year, which is daunting).

I imagine/hope that other school districts are doing the same to leverage technology and keep as much formal schooling as possible.
Our schools just called with an automated message. Learning resources by grade are available on the district website on the COVID-19 updates page. Chromebooks will be available to those families who don't have technology at home for their children to participate in learning during the closure. Sign ups are tomorrow.

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
That’s so good to hear. I really wish practices were left up to teams.. I understand cancelling games and tourneys.. but let kids practice together if all families are ok with it.
I'm a volunteer youth sports coach and I'm happy the state governing body of our sport recommended all clubs completely shut down. I did a practice early last week (before the shutdown) with at least one coughing child and many of our parents have been traveling internationally very recently. So while I miss my team, no practices means no exposure. Too many people in close quarters is the norm for just about any sports practice.


Well-Known Member
I'm a volunteer youth sports coach and I'm happy the state governing body of our sport recommended all clubs completely shut down. I did a practice early last week (before the shutdown) with at least one coughing child and many of our parents have been traveling internationally very recently. So while I miss my team, no practices means no exposure. Too many people in close quarters is the norm for just about any sports practice.

US Soccer did this too. All practices and league games. However, in an odd addendum, they’re allowing clubs to make their own decision on tournaments. We had a scheduled tournament the end of this month, the most geographically convenient of the year..but that was cancelled. I understand why.

In contrast, Baseball didn’t follow suit. My kid plays baseball for school, and we are cancelled for the length of state school closings (all of our school facilities are off limits). But, Club baseball kids were still at tournaments this weekend, and they’re leaving practices up to each team.


Well-Known Member
Wait, are LAN parties still a thing? 🤪

In all seriousness, I'm really thankful for Xbox Live. The ability for my kids to be able to talk and play with their friends and not have to be by each other is fantastic.
Played Overwatch last night with my brother who lives in Miami. We played lots of video games growing up and still play typically a couple times a week. It's comforting knowing that I at least won't lose that aspect of my daily life. If anything, I'll have more time.


Well-Known Member
Wait, are LAN parties still a thing? 🤪

In all seriousness, I'm really thankful for Xbox Live. The ability for my kids to be able to talk and play with their friends and not have to be by each other is fantastic.
Played Overwatch last night with my brother who lives in Miami. We played lots of video games growing up and still play typically a couple times a week. It's comforting knowing that I at least won't lose that aspect of my daily life. If anything, I'll have more time.
My oldest has been calling his friends on speaker phone so they can play games together and he doesn't need to bother with typing. 😂


Well-Known Member
What you mean is there has been no report of notoriety that the media has gotten their hands on...yet. I was sick last week. Still coughing. Been staying to myself even in the house. Sleeping separate from my wife and not touching anything I can avoid, and disinfecting what I have to touch. Washing hands all the time.

Today my wife started showing the symptoms.

Look up the phrase "incubation period". Lot's of people in my community are on self-quarantine because they were in contact with someone who tested positive. The test didn't come back positive until days after they were together, but the CDC said they were contagious at the time. We may not know the ramifications of Sunday's WDW trip for another couple of weeks. Until then, everyone who attended voluntarily put a gun to their head and pulled the trigger. We'll see if the chamber was empty or not.
Lots of selfish people were willing to "push the button" this past weekend and go to WDW before it closed. Wonder if they infected anyone? Wonder if they care?

The Box


Well-Known Member
The site-that-shall-not-be-named says Landry's has fired their entire staff. Feels entirely callous.

Always wanted to try Yak & Yeti; looks like I've got no reason to now on our next trip, even if they do still exist.

And this is why this time will be different than 9/11. The pressure Big Business is going to be taking from social media to provide for their employees and support their local communities is enormous. Many companies have read the tea leaves, and are being pro-active with sick leave, paying employees, etc. We were talking Amazon earlier. I know they've increased the pay of their warehouse / delivery staff $2/hr, free rent for small businesses who are located in their owned buildings (a growing thorn in Seattle, is how much Amazon now owns in the downtown / South Lake Union area), set up a relief fund for local small businesses to receive grants, and there will probably be more things. Just like so many were peer-pressured into shutting down, they will be peer-pressured into using the money they aren't paying in corporate taxes to help weather this temporary reality. If a popular, local, small business, raises their hand and says "we're in trouble." I bet we are going to see a local big business, step up and say, "we have your back."

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Played Overwatch last night with my brother who lives in Miami. We played lots of video games growing up and still play typically a couple times a week. It's comforting knowing that I at least won't lose that aspect of my daily life. If anything, I'll have more time.
100% agree! I can play games with my nephews, friends... It's great. The other night I jumped on my xbox in the bedroom, my wife on the xbox in the family room and my son jumped on the switch. We spent the evening squading it up in Fortnite.

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
US Soccer did this too. All practices and league games. However, in an odd addendum, they’re allowing clubs to make their own decision on tournaments. We had a scheduled tournament the end of this month, the most geographically convenient of the year..but that was cancelled. I understand why.

In contrast, Baseball didn’t follow suit. My kid plays baseball for school, and we are cancelled for the length of state school closings (all of our school facilities are off limits). But, Club baseball kids were still at tournaments this weekend, and they’re leaving practices up to each team.
Yeah, I think the baseball thing is a huge mistake. The quarantine clock starts for everyone only when the casual contact ceases. The sooner we try to lock down as much as possible the sooner the economy can recover. Youth sports is a total breeding ground for this thing.

Our family is limiting our outdoor time to backyard play and bike rides on relatively isolated trails. My wife and I are fortunate that one of us is in between work projects (and works mostly from home anyway) and the other is off this week for spring break. Lots of video games and Disney+ for us and the kids, but no playdates and no visits with the grandparents.

Not everyone can self-isolate but anyone who can definitely should for everyone's benefit.
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