Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Valleyfair will may not have Halloween event this year I guess, the park will close after Labor Day weekend.
Cedar Fair is not releasing set dates past their normal summer season for any of their parks yet.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I understand, and I'm in agreement with you.
My 52 year old wife - a DON at an assisted living facility has been vaccinated, as have her mid 70 year old parents.
At 57, retired (I'm barely around people outside of parks) and no underlying conditions, I've got a while to wait.
That makes sense to me.
I'm playing devil's advocate for those insulted by the term "non essential."
Ah well in that case, but essential to the society at large is what we are getting at. Though by your other comment below, still 100% not essential here.

But for most people, their jobs are essential to them.
Mortgages, rents, car payments, school, food, clothing...

My Dad got his 2nd shot today!

Here in CO, we are celebrating the 1 year anniversary of pandemic by going back into lockdown. Grocery stores are bare, every official organization is telling everyone not to leave their house for the next 3 days.

Not for COVID, but for the snow storm of the century.

Most vaccination sites are canceled for the weekend. However, the Gov has said in the past that our capacity for giving shots is above our shot capacity, so everyone expects that we'll be back on track after next week. We had a shot shipment arrive on Thursday, and the next is scheduled for Monday, so no delay expected in shipments.

Anyone want to make predictions of what we'll actually get? For my city, the low is 12", the expected is 21" and the high is 35". Welcome to March in CO! The most we've experienced is 16-18", so I hope we beat that, otherwise it will feel like a bust.
Yay for your dad, but good luck with the storm! I'll hope for 20" for you lol


Premium Member
Yes, I understand, and I'm in agreement with you.
My 52 year old wife - a DON at an assisted living facility has been vaccinated, as have her mid 70 year old parents.
At 57, retired (I'm barely around people outside of parks) and no underlying conditions, I've got a while to wait.
That makes sense to me.
I'm playing devil's advocate for those insulted by the term "non essential."
Here’s how I look at that. I have spent the last year pretty happy that my job is classified as non-essential. For people with essential jobs they have mostly been going into work physically since the start and facing way more potential exposure than me.

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
Seems a bit of unfortunate timing and possibly, only speculating, not stringent enough protocols in place for a long term care facility. They don't mention in that article if any residents completed a second dose and only that most had their first dose less than 4 weeks ago, so the possibility of an outbreak among 200+ elderly in a convalescent setting is still unfortunately high. working in the same industry, this is terrible to see, going to be a long road for the LTC industry before many protocols relax.

So many factors.

And as our health officer said, many had only received their dose two weeks before, which is likely not enough time to build the immune response.

My only point in sharing was not to scare or make people thing doom is upon us, just that the reality is the vaccine does not necessarily mean return to normality right away, and it also does not mean that you may not get it.

The real thing to watch in the case of those infected in that home is how sick they get. The hope would be it is now very mild and not life threatening.
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My job is essential to me for income too, but I have no problem with nurses or firefighters getting the vaccine before me. This isn’t about punishing the people who aren’t classified as essential.
I also don’t have a problem with teachers.. grocery store workers.. delivery drivers.. anyone that comes into contact with multiple people everyday. They not only have close contact with people, they are on the front lines. IMO


Well-Known Member
Life will be close enough to safe to make the risk of covid fatalties something that should be of negligible concern.
If some people are still concerned, they can always go out wearing n95 masks after being vaccinated.
Isn’t this exactly what some members have been saying is already the case, even since the beginning of the pandemic?


Premium Member
The article's conclusion is misleading.

"Around 70% to 85% of the population will likely need protection for herd immunity to be reached, Dr. Anthony Fauci has said. Based on Thursday's poll, between Trump supporters and significant chunks of other demographic groups, those numbers may prove difficult to reach."

It will be difficult to *vaccinate* 70% of the population, it will not be difficult to (Vaccinate + Already Infected) 70% of the population.
They don’t believe infection provides long term immunity.

See the problem?


Premium Member
They don’t believe infection provides long term immunity.

See the problem?
Plus it takes much longer. If all of those who refuse to get vaccinated agreed to be intentionally infected with Covid on a set date instead of taking the vaccine then it would be Ok by me. They would all simultaneously be immune along with the vaccine crowd and we’d be at full herd immunity. It makes no difference to me if someone wants to get Covid. What does make a difference is if we lose the Summer because not enough people take the vaccine and it takes months for those unvaccinated people to be naturally infected.


Well-Known Member
The 12+ trials should be done in a month or sooner. The kids under 12 have a while to go. I think there’s a good chance that kids 12-17 will have access to the vaccine and have a good chance to be done by July 4th as well.

Suspect June will be straggling adults.

I’ve heard rumblings they want to have high school (so 14+) by September.. K-8 by early 2022.

Would make sense to do vaccine clinics at the schools.


Well-Known Member
You can’t under the CDC guidelines. That’s a fact.

You *shouldn’t* pursuant the CDC guidelines and recommendations.

As we have seen, compliance has been far from perfect.

... and I was infected by Covid in my own limited deviation. Had a small (4 adult guests) gathering for NYE.. and that’s when I was infected.

So yes... the CDC guidance works, and wish I had adhered more closely.

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
They don’t believe infection provides long term immunity.

See the problem?
To be more precise, I believe the current stance is that they *don't know* whether or not natural infection provides long-term immunity. Covid just hasn't been around long enough for us to have solid data on that yet. But, for that matter, we don't know yet whether or not the vaccines provide long-term immunity either. It may be that you have to get a booster every year, just like the flu shot. But I'm not sure that natural immunity is less likely to endure than vaccine-induced immunity.


Well-Known Member
Plus it takes much longer. If all of those who refuse to get vaccinated agreed to be intentionally infected with Covid on a set date instead of taking the vaccine then it would be Ok by me. They would all simultaneously be immune along with the vaccine crowd and we’d be at full herd immunity. It makes no difference to me if someone wants to get Covid. What does make a difference is if we lose the Summer because not enough people take the vaccine and it takes months for those unvaccinated people to be naturally infected.

There are other problems with natural infection, most notably variant mutation.

The more natural infection you have, the more opportunity for mutation and variants... some of which may evade vaccines.

And between variants + natural immunity just wearing off... good chance that natural infection to Wuhan strain in December 2020 won’t be protecting you from the Brazil strain in September 2021.

Brazil is a good model for this danger— they had uncontrolled infection last year. Many thought they might have even hit herd immunity. Now they are in a massive new wave... possibly due to it being a new variant.

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
You *shouldn’t* pursuant the CDC guidelines and recommendations.

As we have seen, compliance has been far from perfect.

... and I was infected by Covid in my own limited deviation. Had a small (4 adult guests) gathering for NYE.. and that’s when I was infected.

So yes... the CDC guidance works, and wish I had adhered more closely.
Well, this is a relevant point, and it's one of the issues I have with Biden's speech. There's a difference between can/can't and should/shouldn't. In most cases, both the president and the CDC have no authority to tell you what behavior you can or cannot engage in. That's why, for example, Biden called upon Americans to wear masks for 100 days but couldn't issue a mandate beyond federal property. Yet Biden chose to frame it as the CDC will be telling us what we "can" and "can't" do. Sorry, but the CDC doesn't have that power.


Well-Known Member
To be more precise, I believe the current stance is that they *don't know* whether or not natural infection provides long-term immunity. Covid just hasn't been around long enough for us to have solid data on that yet. But, for that matter, we don't know yet whether or not the vaccines provide long-term immunity either. It may be that you have to get a booster every year, just like the flu shot. But I'm not sure that natural immunity is less likely to endure than vaccine-induced immunity.

They are starting to know.. Brazil had 75% “natural immunity” last year... now lots of the population is getting re-infected...



Well-Known Member
I think there is a need to draw a distinction between essential workers and higher risk of exposure workers. In the CDC guidelines there are what they call essential workers in 1b and 1c of their plan. The 1B group includes first responders, teachers and essential retail like grocery stores and pharmacies. In my opinion the 1c group should really be called high exposure instead of essential because the reason for their priority is not that their job function is more essential than others it’s that they are public facing and at much higher risk for exposure. This group includes food services workers, bank tellers and other people working direct with the public.
I believe you answered the question of why we call them "essential" instead of some other label, even when the that 1C group should probably be called something else.

If we called them "high risk" or really something more like "higher risk" since depending on the specifics, it may not be classically "high risk", then other things would start to come into play, both in treatment and in perception.

Someone working a "higher risk" job could reasonably expect some type of hazard pay. Along with the employer taking steps to reduce the risk to less "higher risk" as possible. Someone working an "essential" job, just has to come to work even when it's more difficult.

It's not great as a classification or as a way to treat workers.


Well-Known Member
If he wasn't banned from Twitter it is likely he'd be touting the vaccines and taking credit for them which would help with some portion of his followers.

Being banned from Twitter has nothing to do with this.
Hasn't he been issuing statements on letter head that read like tweets?

A quick google confirms that on 3/10, he issued a statement taking credit for the vaccine. That if he wasn't president wouldn't be getting the beautiful "shot" for 5 years.

They even read just like tweets. I know I've seen more than just this one. A light scroll through a Twitter search shows others on 3/8 and 3/5. That's just with the eagle seal at the top. There's more with the Save America logo at the top. Not having Twitter isn't stopping him from doing anything.

None promoting people to actually take the vaccine though.
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