Based on the desperate and often incoherent complaints about Biden’s speech from the people who don’t like him and are going to be opposed to anything he says, I’d say he probably hit a home run. It’s obvious by all of the triggered responses with desperate attempts to spin it negative that he hit a nerve.
We just got a formal declaration that all adults will be eligible for the vaccine no later than May 1. I told everyone this a few weeks back

, but it‘s much different to hear it from the leader of the free world who put it on the record formally vs a goofy guy on a Disney fan board. There’s simply no way to make a sincere attempt to spin this negative. Having a goal of a return to a level of normalcy for July 4th is a pretty inspirational message in my opinion. You can agree of disagree, but regardless of that, we have 3 highly effective vaccines, we have a commitment from manufacturers to get the vaccines to us at a pretty tremendous pace, we figured out the logistics of getting those shots in people‘s arms quickly to match the delivery pace and now we can say unequivocally that the light is visible at the end of the tunnel. We have a less fuzzy picture of when things can start to return to normal. This is all
great news, something we should all celebrate and be happy about together. It’s sad to see people rooting against success or trying to sour the picture just for political gain. Do people really want to see Biden fail and the pandemic rage on just so he looks bad? That’s pathetic and probably bordering on mental illness. I feel sorry for anyone who can’t see the positive in all of this. It has potential disaster out consequences if enough people resist the vaccine because of it.