Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Premium Member
If your not high risk why? If you are high risk or simply old aka high risk your already getting priority. Your high risk loved ones will have also already had priority. Doing it based on ocupation and creates a duality of have and have nots with no science behind it. Employment shouldn't grant you special status in society. (How i feel about LEO etc as well) i appreciate respect and thank them all BUT they are human like the rest of us Americans like the rest of us.
So you were opposed to healthcare workers being vaccinated? What about teachers? We are already doing essential workers.


Premium Member
Based on the desperate and often incoherent complaints about Biden’s speech from the people who don’t like him and are going to be opposed to anything he says, I’d say he probably hit a home run. It’s obvious by all of the triggered responses with desperate attempts to spin it negative that he hit a nerve.

We just got a formal declaration that all adults will be eligible for the vaccine no later than May 1. I told everyone this a few weeks back:cool:, but it‘s much different to hear it from the leader of the free world who put it on the record formally vs a goofy guy on a Disney fan board. There’s simply no way to make a sincere attempt to spin this negative. Having a goal of a return to a level of normalcy for July 4th is a pretty inspirational message in my opinion. You can agree of disagree, but regardless of that, we have 3 highly effective vaccines, we have a commitment from manufacturers to get the vaccines to us at a pretty tremendous pace, we figured out the logistics of getting those shots in people‘s arms quickly to match the delivery pace and now we can say unequivocally that the light is visible at the end of the tunnel. We have a less fuzzy picture of when things can start to return to normal. This is all great news, something we should all celebrate and be happy about together. It’s sad to see people rooting against success or trying to sour the picture just for political gain. Do people really want to see Biden fail and the pandemic rage on just so he looks bad? That’s pathetic and probably bordering on mental illness. I feel sorry for anyone who can’t see the positive in all of this. It has potential disaster out consequences if enough people resist the vaccine because of it.

Insert mic drop gif here:


Premium Member
If your not high risk why? If you are high risk or simply old aka high risk your already getting priority. Your high risk loved ones will have also already had priority. Doing it based on ocupation and creates a duality of have and have nots with no science behind it. Employment shouldn't grant you special status in society. (How i feel about LEO etc as well) i appreciate respect and thank them all BUT they are human like the rest of us Americans like the rest of us.

The priority should be based on risk which is a combination of how susceptible the person would be to a bad outcome if they got sick, but also how likely they are to get infected. All else being equal I would rather see a shot go to a police officer who often has to have close contact with the public over a person who can work from home every day.


Well-Known Member

Cannot arrive soon enough, as Michigan is one of the worst, in terms of recent cases, in the nation.


Tom P.

Well-Known Member
So you were opposed to healthcare workers being vaccinated? What about teachers? We are already doing essential workers.
If there is one thing that irks me more than anything else in this past year, it's this designation we came up with of "essential workers" and "non-essential workers." There is no such thing as a non-essential worker. And no job is more essential than another. And I mean that sincerely and literally. I do not think a nurse is more essential to society, even by 0.01%, than a garbage collector. And I don't think a teacher is any more essential to society than a tax accountant. Society functions because of ALL of our jobs. To designate someone as "non-essential" or "less essential" is insulting and wrong.

(Note: This isn't a rant directed at you, @GoofGoof. Just using your comment as a springboard.)


Well-Known Member
If there is one thing that irks me more than anything else in this past year, it's this designation we came up with of "essential workers" and "non-essential workers." There is no such thing as a non-essential worker. And no job is more essential than another. And I mean that sincerely and literally. I do not think a nurse is more essential to society, even by 0.01%, than a garbage collector. And I don't think a teacher is any more essential to society than a tax accountant. Society functions because of ALL of our jobs. To designate someone as "non-essential" or "less essential" is insulting and wrong.

(Note: This isn't a rant directed at you, @GoofGoof. Just using your comment as a springboard.)
Maybe it would be helpful to think in terms of activities. Some activities are essential to life in the short run, and others are not. Some activities are really nice, but not essential for a human to do at all. Our pandemic response tried to classify those activities in order to guide citizens’ behavior. The “essential/non-essential” status for employees flowed out of that.

Of course Disney Cast Members need income. This is essential for them. But society can (and did) go without trips to Disney World for a short time in the interest of public health because trips to Disney World are not an essential activity.

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
Maybe it would be helpful to think in terms of activities. Some activities are essential to life in the short run, and others are not. Some activities are really nice, but not essential for a human to do at all. Our pandemic response tried to classify those activities in order to guide citizens’ behavior. The “essential/non-essential” status for employees flowed out of that.

Of course Disney Cast Members need income. This is essential for them. But society can (and did) go without trips to Disney World for a short time in the interest of public health because trips to Disney World are not an essential activity.
I think that it is fair, and it is really more the terminology that bothers me more than anything. Of course Walt Disney World can be closed for a short period of time for far less impact on society than a hospital being closed. But in the long term, recreation and entertainment are just as important to our society as healthcare. (In fact, recreation and entertainment are a form of mental healthcare.) But describing people, or even businesses, as "essential" or "non-essential" rubs me the wrong way. Especially when it is coming from our government.

As far as vaccine distribution, when supplies are limited, I support prioritizing people based on their risk level, but that is different from the "essentialness" of their job. So, yeah, I can see prioritizing healthcare workers who work in a hospital dealing with Covid patients. But a nurse in a plastic surgeon's office is no more at risk than anyone else in society. Yet they are "essential workers" and others are not.

Disney Analyst

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I will probably come back and expand on this thought when it's not midnight. But I watched Biden's speech in its entirey. And it was easily the worst presidential speech I have seen in my lifetime. By a mile. And, yes, I'm including the utter horsesh*t we had to listen to day in and day out from Trump.

It is clear Biden knows nothing about leadership. Nothing about how to motivate and inspire a nation. In a time where there is truly light at the end of the tunnel, and people are desperate to hear some positive news, the leader of the free world just came out and crapped all over everything. After an uplifting and inspiring PSA from most of the living former presidents, inspiring people to get vaccinated and looking forward to a return to normal, Biden struck an absolute dreary and depressing tone, devoid of any hope.

If Biden truly wants people to get vaccinated, he is approaching this in exactly the wrong way. And he's going to cause more people to skip the vaccine, feeling there is no real point.
I was happily surprised to see a New York Times article on my Yahoo page this morning that fact checked many of President Biden's claims.
Surprised at the Times, and really surprised Yahoo posted the story.


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In the Parks
This happened to here, with vaccinated residents.

Of course monitoring to see how severe it is for them, if severe at all... but an important reminder that even if vaccinated you can still get it, especially if it hasn’t even been 2-3 weeks post vaccination.
Nooo we're doomed! I hope vaccines are okay still to stop virus for good!


Well-Known Member
If there is one thing that irks me more than anything else in this past year, it's this designation we came up with of "essential workers" and "non-essential workers." There is no such thing as a non-essential worker. And no job is more essential than another. And I mean that sincerely and literally. I do not think a nurse is more essential to society, even by 0.01%, than a garbage collector. And I don't think a teacher is any more essential to society than a tax accountant. Society functions because of ALL of our jobs. To designate someone as "non-essential" or "less essential" is insulting and wrong.

(Note: This isn't a rant directed at you, @GoofGoof. Just using your comment as a springboard.)
Not sure I agree with that. My job is 100% not essential to like anyone. Not at all. I work as an IT person and weirdly combo sales person for a luxury item. I'm not at all essential. My IT husband working for a law firm that does deal with legalities that cannot be ignored was considered by many definitions globally to be essential. That communication person keeping all the WFH people working would be more essential. Those getting you your electricity and food again essential.

I have no issues being non essential. None. People who really are not essential need to own it. Others thinking they are essential when not really need to realize it too.

Nooo we're doomed! I hope vaccines are okay still to stop virus for good!
We are not doomed.
As of Feb. 15, 82 per cent of residents at the facility had received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, or 220 of its 268 residents
Not all residents were vaccinated or considered fully vaccinated.


Well-Known Member
Aren't ALL of the vaccines less than 100% effective, meaning some may still get the disease even though they have received the vaccine? So WDW and life in general will never be 100% safe, n'est pas?


Premium Member
If there is one thing that irks me more than anything else in this past year, it's this designation we came up with of "essential workers" and "non-essential workers." There is no such thing as a non-essential worker. And no job is more essential than another. And I mean that sincerely and literally. I do not think a nurse is more essential to society, even by 0.01%, than a garbage collector. And I don't think a teacher is any more essential to society than a tax accountant. Society functions because of ALL of our jobs. To designate someone as "non-essential" or "less essential" is insulting and wrong.

(Note: This isn't a rant directed at you, @GoofGoof. Just using your comment as a springboard.)
From the start of Covid we have established some workers as essential and others as not. It’s not a knock on the non-essential workers (I am one of them) it’s just that certain jobs are more necessary for basic survival than others. So a grocery store clerk is essential but a cashier at the World of Disney store is not. Both are probably near minimum wage jobs with similar skill sets but one store sells essential goods in food and one sells souvenirs. As far as hospital workers and first responders go they are higher priority since we need them for basic public health and safety.

I think there is a need to draw a distinction between essential workers and higher risk of exposure workers. In the CDC guidelines there are what they call essential workers in 1b and 1c of their plan. The 1B group includes first responders, teachers and essential retail like grocery stores and pharmacies. In my opinion the 1c group should really be called high exposure instead of essential because the reason for their priority is not that their job function is more essential than others it’s that they are public facing and at much higher risk for exposure. This group includes food services workers, bank tellers and other people working direct with the public.

I can understand the argument that we shouldn’t prioritize the 1c group more than the argument against 1b. One other caveat that gets deeper into politics is the essential worker groups skew lower income, hourly type jobs and also tend to skew more minority and disenfranchised groups. There has to be a push to get those groups vaccinated and so far we’ve seen a lot of progress there in many places. It’s not shocking to see that in places where those groups aren’t likely to vote for the incumbent Governor that there’s less priority given.
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Well-Known Member
Aren't ALL of the vaccines less than 100% effective, meaning some may still get the disease even though they have received the vaccine? So WDW and life in general will never be 100% safe, n'est pas?
I don't think that's necessarily true. Lots of viruses have become endemics while life returns to 100 percent normal.
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