Well-Known Member
That's how our Wednesdays are too, including if they go back Wednesday will still be virtual. The kids call it a day off. Very few make use of the office hours time. I do hope it's helping the kids that need it, and I've told my oldest to use it more than once when a grade slipped.
Social interaction
Group work
Interactive feedback
Sense of community
In my case, both kids moved up and into new schools that combined kids from many schools of the prior grade. Which means they don't know most of the other kids, only the ones that came from the same prior school as them.
Teachers will put them in break out rooms for a group activity with like 4 kids. This is 4 kids that don't know each other trying to work on some group action over zoom. Almost all with camera's off and probably the mic too. Very little happens in these break out rooms.
It's hard to meet classmates when they're just a name in the participant list, even if they have a little video box. It's not like they're talking before or after class.
Plus all the tech issues that need to be solved by the in home technical support team. Don't you know I could be reading this forum more if I wasn't providing tech support?
It's easy for something to go wrong and just get left behind for any single class.
I'm lucky, my kids are old enough that they're mostly independent. We solved most of the technical issues the first month, but now and then something still comes up. This included replacing the entire Wi-Fi infrastructure in the house. People with kids in grammar school or younger have it much harder with every grade lower being exponentially harder than the one above.
Nothing like some house wifi to be a true first world problem.