I think May 1 is a good target for starting the general public, but I expect it will take 1-2 months to finish the shots. I posted earlier how CO is starting the next group 1B3 on Friday, of about 958,000 people. To date, CO has 913,000 who have received a first dose. So this next group is bigger than the group that took 2.5 months to do. Obviously, there have been many improvements to the process, and increased availability, but as each group remaining gets bigger, it's going to take time to work through everyone. CO is hoping to move to the first part of the following group in only 3 weeks, which seems optimistic to me, but we will see. I hope so, since 1B4 is the group I am in. Some states will probably be a little faster, which may be good if it's for efficiency reasons. Bad if it's because of poor uptake. I saw a graphic today that CO is one of the states where polling shows the highest numbers for people wanting the vaccine. Good in the long run, and we are hitting our ~70-80% targets, but it explains why we are behind other states for opening the next groups because we've still got people in the groups already open, lining up.
Anyone know about CA? I haven't been paying attention, but remember seeing they thought it was going to take deeper into summer because of their huge population.
EDIT: Gov is doing a press conference now. We're only supposed to receive another 405,000 doses by April 11, so I have no idea why they think they can start 1B4 in 3 weeks when we have 958,000 in 1B3. But supply is still going to be a sticky wicket for getting done by May, regardless of
@GoofGoof's calculations.
EDIT 2: I can't read. 405K is just for that week. Between now and then we are scheduled to receive 1.67 million doses. Much better.