For now with no vaccine passports, people like me who have the CDC card that proves I have gotten the two Moderna shots will show them as proof if WDW and other places require them. I know upon arrival in Hawaii at the airport, one shows the CDC card to airport officials and the person does not need to do the mandatory quarantine when arriving in HI.I am 100% vaccine. I think everyone that can get one should not think twice. My parents, both my uncles, and my grandmother already have had BOTH doses
The VACCINE PASSPORT is going to be so much more complicated then we all think. First off the cards they give you showing you got vaccinated can be duplicated in about 2 minutes. So if Disney wants to accept those as proof, I am sure there will be tons of fakes out there.
If Disney DID require the vaccine, they would have to make exceptions for those that cant get it for medical reasons. Then you have people making up doctors notes and that is one big mess.
The IBM passport is good in theory but I can see it be taken to courts for HIPA violations, privacy laws etc........ All the stuff people like to sue over.
Like @Chi84 just said, most likely Disney will just say those that are not vaccinated "enter at your own risk"
WDW guests have faked many things I'm sure. Does one really think those all service dogs are really all legitimate?
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