Convenient that Fox News finds a source that once again pushes the easy solution, not the more difficult one that requires patience.
I lost two patients over the weekend to COVID-19, at least one of whom followed bad advice on mitigation measures and probably got 4 other people sick as a result. Suffice it to say, I've had enough of the grifters, hucksters, whataboutisms, "fake news" declarers, self-defined "patriots", "free-thinkers", anti-vaxxers, and just general contrarians.
We all hate this pandemic. We all want to it end as soon as possible. But pretending that there's some kind of magic loop hole that will get us out of the pandemic sooner, rather than doing the necessary but harder things is why January of 2021 will go down as one of the deadliest months in American history. 95.3K lives lost in the US, by my count, between December 31st and January 31st. That's about the equivalent of losing an Albany-sized city in one month.