Well-Known Member
This seems directionally correct. We have a trip planned for early October that hinges on vaccination. We are in the key target demographic for Disney (4 kids, stay deluxe, eat in their restaurants etc etc). We would go with masks but not without a return of more key restaurants and entertainment. Just rides isn’t enough for us to shell out $5k for a few nights with early parkInteresting article on a survey around the prospects of a travel boom in 2021. Some highlights:
For Disney that 2/3 number is huge if it holds true since that is a big demographic for them. It also skews by age with younger, lower income workers tending to me more impacted by layoffs and have less money saved. Either way, it seems Disney is heavily dependent on an efficient vaccine rollout program to jump start the parks. The longer that gets delayed the less of a summer they have.
- Only 14% of Americans have booked out of state travel so far for 2021
- 50% of those surveyed said they plan to travel out of state within 6 months of vaccination
- 61% said they would not feel comfortable traveling without the shot
- Almost 2/3 of families earning $100K+ Plan to travel compared to only 37% making under $50K
- 68% of those surveyed say they would eat out more after vaccination
2021 American travel boom less likely than previously thought, survey finds
A new poll from Yahoo Finance and The Harris Poll found headwinds to a post-pandemic travel
Closing and no chance to meet Mickey. Casual conversations with similar people say the same