Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
People have been saying the most horrible things to and about each other the last few days - I wish there was a reset button somewhere.

Honestly, I didn't realize people were so affected by emojis. If someone whose opinion I valued laughed at a serious point I was trying to make, there's no question I would be hurt. But if it's some random internet person, I just figure they can't come up with a valid response. It's a shame people are using emojis as an additional weapon to make someone feel bad. As if we need that these days.
You can justify allowing all sorts of online bad behavior by saying, "That's just a random internet person I'll just ignore."

And your forums get filled with garbage posts and people leave. And worse: online bullying and threats... but, just ignore it... it's just an online rando!

If this board didn't have standards to stop trolling, I wouldn't stay here... because it would wind up being mostly garbage. Just hang a sign for 4Chan to come and play.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Scientist don't agree on a lot of this.

There's a lot of scientific knowledge which has the overwhelming majority of scientists in near 100% agreement.

There are new fields of study in which the science is still learning and there are competing hypotheses and the scientific method is trying to pin down the reality. In many cases, doing so is incredibly difficult because of the complexity of the situation and ethical bans on experimenting on humans.

But cases of disagreement does not mean one can wave away all science because not all science is contentious. Most is settled.

But, this is again, an attempt to not consider scientific findings that one doesn't like by painting science as all wishy-washy.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
My teenagers and their friends tell me the earth is flat all the time. It's a joke.
There are many who don't consider it a joke.

If there were people who were serious about the earth being flat, and you tried to correct them, would you accept their rebuttal of: "That's just your opinion. We are entitled to our opinion!"

You say you're not an anti-vaxxer, so, you know that childhood vaccines don't cause autism. But, I'm sure you know people who say it does, and not because they're teenagers making a joke. So, if you were to point out to them that the original 'study' which made this claim was severely flawed and the scientist who ran it recanted the conclusion, and study after study shows zero correlation of childhood vaccines with autism, and they responded to you: "Well, that's just your opinion. We are entitled to our opinion!".... Would you consider that a satisfactory rebuttal? Would you accept that from your children not getting any future grandchildren vaccinated? (Based on fear of autism... not some other anti-vax argument).


Premium Member
People have been saying the most horrible things to and about each other the last few days - I wish there was a reset button somewhere.

Honestly, I didn't realize people were so affected by emojis. If someone whose opinion I valued laughed at a serious point I was trying to make, there's no question I would be hurt. But if it's some random internet person, I just figure they can't come up with a valid response. It's a shame people are using emojis as an additional weapon to make someone feel bad. As if we need that these days.
What makes it worse was that it wasn't just laughing at a point someone made. It was laughing at a post where they shared about losing a beloved family member and their grief.

Miss Bella

Well-Known Member
Nothing at all to say why it’s bad and many healthcare workers aren’t getting it. Except for “ visit other websites”. If you don’t believe in the yeti.. or that the earth is flat.. or Area 51..or pigs can fly.. visit other websites. What a weak argument for a opinion.
The science clearly states it’s safe. How about reading a respectable science website. If you find one that says please don’t get this vaccine, post the link. I’ll be sure to visit to see what they have to say.
I can't speak for everyone choosing to not get the vaccine at this time. If you want differing viewpoints you would need to go to another forum. There are hundreds of forums out there where people discuss this topic.

I've never given an opinion on the vaccine nor told anyone not to get it or to get. I've only said I'm not getting it at this time and I'm not alone. I can't tell you why every healthcare worker opting out is opting out. It's a personal decision.
There is no vaccine shaming going on among my co-workers. People in real life are respectful of others choices. I can't say the same thing about this forum.


Well-Known Member
People have been saying the most horrible things to and about each other the last few days - I wish there was a reset button somewhere.

Honestly, I didn't realize people were so affected by emojis. If someone whose opinion I valued laughed at a serious point I was trying to make, there's no question I would be hurt. But if it's some random internet person, I just figure they can't come up with a valid response. It's a shame people are using emojis as an additional weapon to make someone feel bad. As if we need that these days.
Not to excuse people being horrible to others but especially for me, I'm tired and fed up with the amount of people who don't care or the keep downplaying Covid. Its also why the way I'm coping with all of this is that I'm no longer going to argue or use emojis. I'm now sitting back and watch as the world around us crumbles little by little. As awful as that sounds we did this to ourselves.

It all could have been avoided by following the simple things they asked us to do. Avoid gatherings and non essential travel, wear masks, social distancing and stay home when sick. Instead many have made it out to be the end of the world to do those simple things.


Well-Known Member
People “opting out” of the vaccine is why I won’t be going back to WDW anytime soon. Also, in my opinion, “opting out” is a terrible abuse of privilege.

Hypothetically if you get vacinated why does it matter how many non vacinated are around? Aren't you now protected? So the virus will bounce around thosd who did not get vacinated but again why would this impact your visit etc if you and your family were vacinated? Im generally curious as i hear this a fair bit where people are going to avoid places due to the likelihood that some people there are not vacinated? They are at risk sure but you are not? Right?

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Hypothetically if you get vacinated why does it matter how many non vacinated are around? Aren't you now protected? So the virus will bounce around thosd who did not get vacinated but again why would this impact your visit etc if you and your family were vacinated? Im generally curious as i hear this a fair bit where people are going to avoid places due to the likelihood that some people there are not vacinated? They are at risk sure but you are not? Right?
I think possibly that because vaccination makes you immune but not resistant to infection. Theoretically you could travel vaccinated catch covid and be ok yourself but still pass it to someone unvaccinated on your return.


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for everyone choosing to not get the vaccine at this time. If you want differing viewpoints you would need to go to another forum. There are hundreds of forums out there where people discuss this topic.

I've never given an opinion on the vaccine nor told anyone not to get it or to get. I've only said I'm not getting it at this time and I'm not alone. I can't tell you why every healthcare worker opting out is opting out. It's a personal decision.
There is no vaccine shaming going on among my co-workers. People in real life are respectful of others choices. I can't say the same thing about this forum.
Thanks for the links to the “ websites” you said to visit about the why people wouldn’t take the vaccine.


Premium Member
Not to excuse people being horrible to others but especially for me, I'm tired and fed up with the amount of people who don't care or the keep downplaying Covid. Its also why the way I'm coping with all of this is that I'm no longer going to argue or use emojis. I'm now sitting back and watch as the world around us crumbles little by little. As awful as that sounds we did this to ourselves.

It all could have been avoided by following the simple things they asked us to do. Avoid gatherings and non essential travel, wear masks, social distancing and stay home when sick. Instead many have made it out to be the end of the world to do those simple things.
I guess what makes you fed up and tired depends on the person. Scientists have developed multiple vaccines with an effectiveness rate that exceeded expectations along a timeline that posters mocked as impossible just a few months ago. So people are complaining that it isn't being distributed as quickly as projected. It's disheartening.

I've been here long enough to know that the site skews negative and that people will find the dark cloud behind even the brightest silver lining, but the unrelenting need to focus on the bad is depressing. Don't bother telling me to leave, I know the way out.


Well-Known Member
Things are open in my state and people are out and about. I'd say this country is pretty divided on the subject, but that's just my opinion. Of course you'd have to visit other forums to get that impression.
I agree it is divided and IMO its a big reason things are the way they are. Its also I say humanity is crumbling. This pandemic has shown me how little people care for others. Its disgusting and I no longer have empathy for anyone anymore.


Well-Known Member
A lot of my friends are still concerned about it being a “new” vaccine with such a quick turnaround time. They’re not necessarily *never* going to get it, but they want to make sure there’s no long term effects or allergic reactions we don’t know about (I.e. by any effect that could happen long term I mean something more then a few months, the time of trial period). Not saying it’s a correct decision, but giving my anecdotal experience as to why many are waiting.
I do understand the concern. My number won’t be coming up any time soon so I’ll have a while to watch how things go and decide.

When the Vice President and Vice President elect both agree to get the vaccine it should be a sign though!

I've been here long enough to know that the site skews negative and that people will find the dark cloud behind even the brightest silver lining

It skews realist / cynic imho.

Miss Bella

Well-Known Member
Oh I can find them. I thought you meant science based websites not conspiracy discussion forums. There’s plenty of those around and I tend to avoid them.
Do you honestly think I'm the only person taking a wait and see approach to the vaccine. You can disagree with that approach all you want, but like I said I don't speak for other people. I do not know what's in the heart and mind of everyone's decision making process.
There are other non conspiracy type forums these forum isn't the end all be all of forums.


Well-Known Member
I guess what makes you fed up and tired depends on the person. Scientists have developed multiple vaccines with an effectiveness rate that exceeded expectations along a timeline that posters mocked as impossible just a few months ago. So people are complaining that it isn't being distributed as quickly as projected. It's disheartening.

I've been here long enough to know that the site skews negative and that people will find the dark cloud behind even the brightest silver lining, but the unrelenting need to focus on the bad is depressing. Don't bother telling me to leave, I know the way out.
First I expect the way we are living is going to continue til the end of the year at minimum.

While it skews negative that has nothing to do why I am fed up and tired. Or why humanity is crumbling. It all has to do with how we have treated each other since the beginning of this. Its not even this site that's the issue, its people in general. Its why I'm done with all of it and going to grab my popcorn, sit back and watch it continue to crumble. All cause people have to people.


Well-Known Member
I guess what makes you fed up and tired depends on the person. Scientists have developed multiple vaccines with an effectiveness rate that exceeded expectations along a timeline that posters mocked as impossible just a few months ago. So people are complaining that it isn't being distributed as quickly as projected. It's disheartening.

I've been here long enough to know that the site skews negative and that people will find the dark cloud behind even the brightest silver lining, but the unrelenting need to focus on the bad is depressing. Don't bother telling me to leave, I know the way out.
You keep mentioning the complaining. I don’t agree with this. Except maybe the complaining coming from everything not being fully open. That’s a loud bunch but from the other side I see mostly caution.
The vaccines that are hear and the ones that are coming down the road is a great thing. I’ve not seen any complaining about that. Now when you mention that people are “ complaining “ about it not being distributed fast enough.. I’m not sure if that’s complaining or going with what they were told , and now for many reasons it’s not being done. I’m disappointed but not upset. I do think we could do a better job of it. If you want to say that’s complaining then that’s your opinion. I think that’s why numbers shouldn’t be preached by our leaders and government when they really don’t know how many will be able to get out there. When people hear 20 million by the end of the year.. and it’s around 3 million last I heard, people wonder what’s going on. Then the conspiracy stuff starts.. then the “ it’s political “ stuff starts. Just say we are getting it out to everyone as quick as possible. Would stop a lot of the other stuff.
I think in all, this thread has not had much complaining but has open arms to the good news.


Well-Known Member
Hypothetically if you get vacinated why does it matter how many non vacinated are around? Aren't you now protected? So the virus will bounce around thosd who did not get vacinated but again why would this impact your visit etc if you and your family were vacinated? Im generally curious as i hear this a fair bit where people are going to avoid places due to the likelihood that some people there are not vacinated? They are at risk sure but you are not? Right?

The two current vaccines are 95% effective, that means 5% of those who receive it aren’t (at least fully) protected from Covid. That means for every 20 people who are vaccinated, 1 of them isn’t protected and can get Covid. No way to know if you are the unlucky one until you get Covid.

Get enough people vaccinated though and the virus doesn’t have enough hosts to continue to be in “the wild” and it stops spreading (the much hyped herd immunity.)
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