No, this isn't a disagreement about whether vanilla is better than chocolate. People who like to lie about facts always resort to this false equivalency that "that's just your opinion, dude."
This is someone who posts falsehoods. If someone kept trying to make the argument that the earth is flat, they lie. Their ""proof"" are all lies. Their rebuttal to real proof is ""questioning"" the experts and accusation of a hoax which impossibly requires hundreds of thousands of compliant hoaxers, not to mention every world government being in on the hoax.
And that is exactly the situation when someone continues to promote that vaccines cause autism. Oh sure, they know they can't just come out and say that lie out loud. They've learned that will get them shut down. So, they constantly attack and call into question every scientific finding to allow for that doubt that maybe... just maybe (but they really believe for sure) that vaccines cause autism. And when that doesn't work, they switch to other tactics like claiming, without any scientific proof, that you can't give children too many vaccines at once... you have to spread them out... because of presumed reasons... that have no basis in science.
That's who Tink is. And that poster and others also push other big lies about the virus, like how wearing masks cause people harm, or how COVID death certificates are fake, or how COVID is just like the flu.
It's all lies, not a matter of "disagreeing with others." Stop peddling that tired fallacy.
And when they can't post stuff like that any more, they troll. They purposely goad people and cause dissension and turmoil.
Trolling is against the Terms of Service of this board. It's bannable.