Not a political reason, but an economic one since there is Federal funding for COVID-19 associated care.
Hospitals are paid more for Medicare patients with COVID-19, but a senator who first said that says he doesn't think the system is being gamed.
Just because it's "TRUE" that hospitals get more insurance reimbursement for COVID cases doesn't mean that they're lying about COVID cases for that sweet extra 12% per fake COVID patient.
For this to be a reason for increased reported numbers of hospitalizations then several other things have to happen:
1. There would have to be a widespread conspiracy for lots and lots and lots of hospitals to be doing it to move the needle on total number of cases.
2. So, doctors... a metric tonne of them... would have to lying. But the article says that the guy bringing this up says it's not the doctors. It's the administrators!!! DUHN-Duhn-duhnnnn... Wouldn't want to insult good doctors. It's the evil administrators. And the doctors... don't notice? Don't have to sign off on the reports? Are all these morally good doctors just really dumb?
3. States would have to be extraordinarily dumb, too.... all of them. And there's a whole lot of states that would like their COVID numbers to be low. And if they got wind that their hospitals were inflating numbers, they'd be spitting nickels.
4. There are no whistle-blowers. No administrator, nurse, doctor who has a twinge of conscience to come forward to blow the whistle (and do so in a reliable way with proof that's actionable by authorities). This also means there's no family member who gets an autopsy report and says, "Hey, Granma didn't have COVID. That's the first thing they tested!" Also, all the medical labs would have to be in on the conspiracy, too.
Even the guy in the article says he says that he isn't claiming hospitals are doing it. He just wants to point out "they could."
Hospitals *could* be killing their patients using a blend of science and magic to see if they can resurrect the dead. Now, just because I said "they could" doesn't mean I'm accusing anyone of anything. But, did you notice how there's cemeteries everywhere? Hmmm?