Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
@ImperfectPixie you can buy 7-8 boxes of pasta and a few jars of sauce and have a weeks worth and take up limited space. If you really do have a family of 4 i assume there are kids you should have 2 weeks onhand. If you get exposed or get quarantined that means from the store also.
I'm aware of pasta, etc. Hell, I can survive in an outdoor environment for months if I really HAD to (yes, I'm serious). However, suggesting draconian measures in the United States isn't just ridiculous, it's inviting trouble from citizens who can't even control themselves when their favorite sports team wins/loses an important game or if there's a large sale on bridal gowns (Filene's Running of the Brides, anyone?).

The facts are that most will only experience mild symptoms if they even become aware that they're sick to begin with. Yes, hospitals will see an uptick of patients, however, that isn't likely going to be the flood some seem to think it will be because not everyone will become infected at the same time, nor will everyone who is infected come down with severe symptoms. The BEST DEFENSE against this virus and overloading our healthcare system is the steps that are already being taken to slow the spread...the slower the spread, the less likely it is that our hospitals and health care system will be over-strained.


Well-Known Member
It needs to be taken seriously. China was able to enact a hardcore quarantine (something perhaps no other country could get away with). Compare the arcs in the graph below. The western world is just now getting started.

View attachment 455523
Taken seriously, yes. Efforts put into place to slow the spread as much as possible, yes. Lock-down the entire country? No.


Well-Known Member
Not really plausible. You'd have to give warning so people can stock up on food, and then you'd have a rush and the typical hoarding of dried/canned goods. That would likely cause more problems than it would solve as people (generally speaking) aren't able to police themselves and behave appropriately.

TBH - We were told many weeks ago by the WHO and CDC to stock up and have 2-3 weeks of medicine, toiletries and food on hand in the US. Most people just didn't pay attention and downplayed it. Even on here you still see people unwilling to look at facts and making assumptions this is all the media. You watch what is happening in italy, a developed country with healthcare and the dr's have to choose who to save because there isn't hospital beds and ventilators for everyone.

What isn't plausible is what will happen if 60-70% of this country gets infected - which is what they are expecting in europe and the us because we have waited to long to contain and still aren't testing. (Again, this is science and world health organization not my opinions). Supply chains will be stopped and there will be limited food available at that point.

The only reason singapore, etc have stopped is they did an almost immediate quarantine for 3 weeks of the entire country.


Well-Known Member
Taken seriously, yes. Efforts put into place to slow the spread as much as possible, yes. Lock-down the entire country? No.
You should read up on this more. I don't think you have the full picture. It doubles every other day. it lasts weeks. So yes, it will be everyone at once basically if we don't contain.

And without quarantines there is no way to contain because we have no clue where it even is.


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, from the Orlando Sentinel...

Guests already staying in the resorts, would they have to scram? There’d be warning beforehand, I hope. Maybe a few days in advance so that folks planning trips would have a chance to set things on their end. Or would this just be the parks?

Regardless of what one firm thinks, I'm not cancelling my vacation unless and until WDW actually closes.


Well-Known Member
Those downplaying this seem to commonly forget one key item - Hospital capacity. Yes, a large chunk of the population could come down with this and be OK. But, a large number would require hospitalization. That takes up beds and, in a lot of cases, will max out capacity. That will make treating other issues far more difficult as there simply isn't space. People with other problems may have to be turned away. That's a huge problem.
This can't be emphasized enough. Out of the 23 cases in my state, 1 is dead and 20 are hospitalized currently.


Well-Known Member
You should read up on this more. I don't think you have the full picture. It doubles every other day. it lasts weeks. So yes, it will be everyone at once basically if we don't contain.

And without quarantines there is no way to contain because we have no clue where it even is.
I have and do read up on it daily. If you'd look at some of my previous comments, you'd understand that I'm fully aware of how quickly it spreads. Where I live, we went from 41 cases to 94 in 24 hours. No, it won't be everyone - because NOT EVERYONE will require hospitalization.

I fully support quarantine of those who test positive, and fines and/or punishment for those who violate that quarantine. I DO NOT support putting the United States into a dangerous situation by triggering a mass freak-out by announcing a lock-down of the entire country.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe someone on here just suggested that their inconvenience of a 2 week lock down because 80% of "us" would be fine is more important than the 20% of people (22 million+) that could end up dead, hospitalized or facing serious effects.

This causes PERMANENT lung damage if you get it, it is way more deadly for most age groups than the flu, it is way more contagious and we have zero immunity or antibodies. There are healthy people in other countries in their 20's and 30's dying. No one is immune.

I am so sad for our country when we are willing to let grandparents, parents, those with underlying conditions (high blood pressure, diabetes, etc) die or have severe illness because we think only of if WE will be safe.

Parker in NYC

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Original Poster
Regardless of what one firm thinks, I'm not cancelling my vacation unless and until WDW actually closes.

Ok but that’s not what I asked. I wanted to know if you think they’d give any advance notice or if they’d just - boom - close out of nowhere.


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, from the Orlando Sentinel...

Guests already staying in the resorts, would they have to scram? There’d be warning beforehand, I hope. Maybe a few days in advance so that folks planning trips would have a chance to set things on their end. Or would this just be the parks?

That's a good question but I don't think anyone knows the answer to that yet. There are hotels in parts of the world closed due to the Coronavirus.
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