Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
As opposed to doing the same thing in a month when the health care system is collapsing and then you will have social unrest to get dried/canned good and toliet paper.

The healthcare system is not going to collapse. Seriously, people have to start being able to weed through facts and embellishment. I read it here several times and will reiterate because I think it's being lost: FEAR=RATINGS. The speed with which this has absolutely consumed every aspect of life is astonishing. The average American will not be affected by this speaking in terms of wellness. Please, do not fan the flames. Do we need to take this seriously? Yes. Do we need to live in fear and lock ourselves away for the next year? No.


Well-Known Member
Some people = panic! Buy everything! Stock up! Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize!

Other people = wash hands and no toucy
This is an issue.

Other other people = ....
You all are crazy. We deal with the flu.


My reaction: "So...I should go stock up on beer? Gotcha."


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't want to announce a lockdown in advance because it would trigger national panic like we have never seen before. If the US decides to "shut down" it should be a surprise announcement. It would be a tough few weeks but it's better than causing every grocery store in the country to be looted.
And how would those who run out of food get more? Seriously...we only buy what we need for the week both because of spoilage and also because of space issues. We've got some canned stuff, but not enough to sustain 4 people for an entire week.

Also, EIGHTY PERCENT of people who do become infected with this virus will have mild symptoms. A complete shut-down of a whole country doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


Well-Known Member
That is exactly why we need a two week lockdown and get it over with now instead of being held hostage for a year with all events and travel cancelled.
DEAR LORD. They aren't going to lock-down the entire country when EIGHTY PERCENT of people who do get it will only have mild symptoms. Is it inconvenient for some? YES. But better to inconvenience some than to over-react and negatively affect the entire country.


Well-Known Member
As a UK person, what was it like when H1N1 hit the US terribly? - I mean the figures were astonishing.
It wasn't at all like this. I keep asking myself that very question. Though it was a type of influenza, so the fear seemed less crazy. Also, social media wasn't as crazy as it is now just 10 years ago. There was no call for shutting down parks at all. Plus, I don't recall being unable to get toilet paper. Current situation is whacko compared to that. Maybe people washed their hands more regularly in 2009 than they do now so it wasn't such a hardship to overcome? ;)


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Near the entrance to Adventureland:




Well-Known Member
I'm not necessarily saying we should lock the country down, I'm no expert on this situation. But if Trump goes on TV and says something along the lines of "Starting Monday everyone is required to stay home for two weeks", the crazies will be out in full force before then stocking up on more than they need. It would make Black Friday look like child's play.
Which is why I seriously doubt anyone is even going to hint at doing that.


Well-Known Member
Listen, the park is going to get shut down. Florida just declared a state of emergency and this thing is about to go off like a bomb. Predictions are as high as 50 million people getting infected in the USA. Seattle’s mayor says she expected to have 70,000 cases in Seattle alone with in six weeks.

4,000 new cases worldwide. That number is going to keep going up. As it was said on Joe Rogan the other day; this is not a Coronavirus blizzard, it’s. Coronavirus winter.three to six months of this


Well-Known Member
Listen, the park is going to get shut down. Florida just declared a state of emergency and this thing is about to go off like a bomb. Predictions are as high as 50 million people getting infected in the USA. Seattle’s mayor says she expected to have 70,000 cases in Seattle alone with in six weeks.

4,000 new cases worldwide. That number is going to keep going up. As it was said on Joe Rogan the other day; this is not a Coronavirus blizzard, it’s. Coronavirus winter.three to six months of this
Oh. And Clinton is going to end up being the DNC front runner


Well-Known Member
@lisa12000 just know in the US there are a number of people that are not looking at the science and what is happening in other countries and believing that we really only have a handful of cases - but we have very limited testing and very incorrect numbers....

I would still hold off on any cancellations because odds are by april, the flight will be cancelled for you. The WHO already called us out for failing to respond as a country and minimizing it.

Ex. People today can just walk off a flight from Italy without issue. We have zero quarantines, etc here unless you are from China or cruise ship
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