Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
It’s still a business. Every ride or attraction open has a cost associated with it. You can’t open everything with less than 30% of the guests and stay profitable unless you jack up the cost like the up charge events. Certain things like parades and shows will be naturally cut due to social distancing. They will probably have to make a call on the other rides based on actual expected attendance.

Long term, I agree.
But I have also considered that Disney is going to have to start somewhere.

Actually, every business is going to have to start somewhere.

Some businesses might have to operate at a loss for a period before they are able to rebuild their customer base/customer confidence.


Premium Member
I read the article. It basically boiled down to a "YOU DISRESPECTED MY WIFE!!!" BANG! situation.
Just to recap: woman and daughter go to dollar store and security guard tells the daughter she can’t come in without a mask. Apparently the mother had one daughter didn’t. They leave and then a little while later the husband and adult son return to confront the security guard. While the husband was arguing with the guard the son shot the guard in the back of the head and they fled. Husband and son are still on the run (at least they were when the article was published) and the wife was arrested. All 3 are being charged with 1st degree murder so the police at least believe it was premeditated.


Well-Known Member
Just to recap: woman and daughter go to dollar store and security guard tells the daughter she can’t come in without a mask. Apparently the mother had one daughter didn’t. They leave and then a little while later the husband and adult son return to confront the security guard. While the husband was arguing with the guard the son shot the guard in the back of the head and they fled. Husband and son are still on the run (at least they were when the article was published) and the wife was arrested. All 3 are being charged with 1st degree murder so the police at least believe it was premeditated.
WOW...huge difference between two articles. The one I read didn't have that much detail.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn’t that be a great incentive to get tested. I admit I have not been tested. Being home for seven weeks with no one in our household working I haven’t seen the need. We don’t go out much except for food and the pharmacy. No one has been ill during this period.

Yet, I think it was you who also talked about having an illness earlier this past winter, and interest in the antibody test.

I too, would be interested in that test. I think many people would, especially if it was just a little pinprick. (as opposed to the swab up the nose.)


Premium Member
WOW...huge difference between two articles. The one I read didn't have that much detail.


Well-Known Member
Yet, I think it was you who also talked about having an illness earlier this past winter, and interest in the antibody test.

I too, would be interested in that test. I think many people would, especially if it was just a little pinprick. (as opposed to the swab up the nose.)
I just went for an antibody test today at CityMD; they took a blood sample to be sent out...will know in some days. It’s free.


Well-Known Member
Thank you! The article I read was on a smallish news outlet's website. Can't remember which one though. 🤷‍♀️


Premium Member
After the earnings call I am wondering if Disney Springs is going to still be a few more weeks. They announced Shanghai opening next week if Disney Springs was also opening wouldn’t they have announced it too? Maybe they wanted to avoid people mixing up just DS with all of WDW and it’s probably not a material amount of money for the segment, but I would think they would want to share any good news they had.


Well-Known Member
Yet, I think it was you who also talked about having an illness earlier this past winter, and interest in the antibody test.

I too, would be interested in that test. I think many people would, especially if it was just a little pinprick. (as opposed to the swab up the nose.)
Yes, it was me. I was recently tested for whether my blood clot could be from a blood disorder. That came back negative. My hematologist can’t explain why I got the PE and recommended I get the antibody test because of my strange circumstances. I will definitely pursue that when it’s available as a drive thru. Regardless of the results I will continue safe practices like wearing a mask and good personal hygiene.


Well-Known Member
This is just so tragic. One person lost their life and three others lives are now ruined.


Well-Known Member
Imagine truly thinking it is worth shooting someone over something so... minuscule? What education are they lacking to even have this cross their mind? Absurd.
A LOT of missing education.

ETA: And a feeling of hopelessness and that there's no other choice but to be involved in criminal activity.


Well-Known Member
I’d really be impressed if they were testing more than a tiny fraction in a state when 20,000,000 people 👌🏻

...but small victories...I guess?
Good news is testing has increased day by day. Obviously it’s a really good sign for the state that percentages are trending down.

I’m very much in the camp that we need to ramp up antibody testing across the whole state and country.

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
A LOT of missing education.

ETA: And a feeling of hopelessness and that there's no other choice but to be involved in criminal activity.

Unfortunately I believe many grow up around violence, and that they may see violence as the only answer to get what the want/to solve problems.

I think many would benefit from better social etiquette education and problem solving/conflict resolution. Or perhaps better parenting in general. In all honesty, not everyone should be parents...


Well-Known Member
I just went for an antibody test today at CityMD; they took a blood sample to be sent out...will know in some days. It’s free.

That's neat. But looks like the nearest CityMD is ~10 hours away from me by car. :)

I'm tempted to do the Quest Diagnostics test. I'd only have to drive ~30 minutes and it costs $119. I'm not sure I want to spend $119 on information that might not be accurate (I'm not sure which test they are using) and is certainly not actionable. but on the other hand it's not a huge sum of money and it would be interesting to know.


Premium Member
Long term, I agree.
But I have also considered that Disney is going to have to start somewhere.

Actually, every business is going to have to start somewhere.

Some businesses might have to operate at a loss for a period before they are able to rebuild their customer base/customer confidence.
Yes and no. For Disney they don’t have to open the parks and run at a loss like some other businesses might. They have the cash and the balance sheet to hold out for as long as they need. Not years on end but 6+ months for sure (I don’t think it will be that long but they could survive if they did need to). On the earnings call the question came up of what the minimum capacity at a park would need to be to be profitable. The answer was we would not reopen any park unless we can make at least a positive contribution to the overhead and operating profit level. In non-accounting talk that just means turning a profit ignoring the non-cash expenses like depreciation which are sunk costs and exist whether you open or not. So at least publicly they are saying we would not reopen and run at a loss.

When they talked about the cruise lines they noted that they felt the business line would be the last thing to open back up but it would be profitable again long term and that they believe based on market research they have done that customers will be just as interested in cruising with them long term, obviously not in the next few months, and they are much more resilient than competitors because people love the Disney brand and trust the business to act in a responsible way and protect them. Based on those types of comments I do think they will be cautious to protect that image. They want to appear conservative and risk adverse to the public and maintain that family friendly reputation.
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