Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
I believe you misunderstand how fear based programming works.

Are you trying to convince me? Or yourself? No need to answer.

Again, your using accepted truths as a rebuttal. At the same time, your response in essence excuses a business from being held accountable for morals and standards that they themselves once abided by. If you believe that media outlets of this day and age, of all forms do not heavily rely on psychological tactics to persuade you to not only keep tuning in, but also too persuade your thoughts on a subconscious level deeper than you would want to know, then you are not grasping the reality you live in.
You my friend are living in a world I know nothing about. The conspiracy and everyone is out to get you world that I want no part of. Thanks for the enlightening chat.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I have my doubts about needing prolonged exposure to catch it. Plenty of grocery store workers in NJ have contracted it and the average amount of time it takes to check out and bag an order of groceries isn't very long. Realistically, if it takes 15 minutes then you either have too many items or the cashier is very slow. I guess the extreme coupon people could have orders that large, but all of the stores around here limit how many of the same coupon can be used and how many of each sale item you're allowed to purchase so we don't get the shoppers that you see on TLC with a 10-year supply of deodorant on a shelf in the garage.
Who knows if they are getting it from customers. It could be from co-workers in break rooms and things like that. In large outbreak areas they may not have caught it at work.


Well-Known Member
Again, your using accepted truths as a rebuttal. At the same time, your response in essence excuses a business from being held accountable for morals and standards that they themselves once abided by. If you believe that media outlets of this day and age, of all forms do not heavily rely on psychological tactics to persuade you to not only keep tuning in, but also too persuade your thoughts on a subconscious level deeper than you would want to know, then you are not grasping the reality you live in.
It helps if you pretend that Morpheus is saying this.

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
Hurry and delete this post before you get the “ media is scaring and putting fear in to people” posts which are sure to come.

Not one of those who are on the media scaring everyone bandwagon, as I'm sure most know.

But I have witnessed many discussing the sensationalism of that article, which is also on LAtimes. Saying this is the same virus mutation that has been in the US since February, and the one that impacted Italy so heavily. As most of the virus that came over to the US is from Europe, this isn't really some brand new mutation, but it is indeed a mutation that came from transmission between China and likely Europe.

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
Who knows if they are getting it from customers. It could be from co-workers in break rooms and things like that. In large outbreak areas they may not have caught it at work.

It certainly is possible, but it raises enough doubt that prolonged exposure is required in order to contract the virus. Increased exposure to someone certainly increases the risk of catching it, but that doesn't mean it's the only way.

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
Another beauty of a person. I just don’t get people sometimes.

People like that should be sentenced to lengthy solitary confinement because they have clearly demonstrated an inability to function as a member of society. There's a huge leap between thinking the government is overreaching in issuing lockdown orders and thinking that your rights are being violated because a store is requiring customers to wear a mask to protect their employees and other customers. I'm sure that store also requires customers to wear pants, but that hasn't led to pantless protestors attacking clerks.


Premium Member
You my friend are living in a world I know nothing about. The conspiracy and everyone is out to get you world that I want no part of. Thanks for the enlightening chat.
Not a conspiracy if it's true, but either way, I appreciate you not taking my post as an insult towards you. These forums are always better when people can have different views without it getting nasty.

FWIW, I respect your personal feelings toward the issue. Our love for Disney is what brings us here and unites us.


Well-Known Member
Parents tried to give blood today. Mom was denied because her temp was 99f(reedom units) and my Dad lives in the same household. So now we're asking her how the Corona's going.

I guess we have a new joke to use around the house.


Well-Known Member
Almost all Catholic dioceses stopped physical contact (handshake, kiss, hug) for the Sign of Peace a few weeks before the lockdowns when the U.S. was just at the point of urging social distancing. Receiving from a common cup was also eliminated most places. Other things that entailed people touching the same things (passing a collection plate, 'bring up the gifts') were also suppressed.

Until widespread vaccinations knock out CV19, the Sign of Peace will be just a friendly wave and nod or omitted completely. Churches could also see a lot of their activities limited to just liturgical services and social welfare (food pantries) with a continuing ban on social events like dinners and dances.

Pretty much the same in my Anglican church. At "The Peace" the peace sign is being resurrected (pun intended). During the streaming of services, where we would normally receive communion, we just say a prayer instead for receiving it "spiritually". I would expect that practice to continue when people are back in the church before the actual practice of the common cup or wafers. Any more detail, I can discuss offline.


Premium Member
Although to be fair, if someone is willing to murder over a mask, they were probably willing to murder over other similarly petty things too (and very possibly have before and just weren’t caught; or if it WAS their very first murder, I guarantee you it wasn’t their first crime by a LONG shot). I don’t think this is going to suddenly ignite a murderous streak in your average school teacher or Church minister or librarian or any other average next door neighbor.
I agree with this. The current situation with masks and rules has just heightened stress and tension in everyone. Some people can’t cope. An overwhelming majority of people aren‘t going to shoot someone. More likely a verbal argument that maybe if it escalates turns into a fist fight. Someone earlier mentioned getting into an argument with someone at Home Depot over distancing in a line. Words were exchanged, nobody was shot. It happens. We all just need to remember we are in this together and it won’t last forever.

Parker in NYC

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Anyone here who keeps throwing out this idea that those of us who are cautious about reopening the parks are "spreading fear" AND then blame the media for enabling said fear, always have an answer when presented with facts that counter their arguments. Or they just joke. I want WDW to reopen just as much as anyone but honestly, there is so much not-even-thinly-veiled bias here, I'm amazed by all of it. Just amazed.
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