1. This school year is almost over.
Potentially, many schools can continue to offer online learning for the few remaining weeks, if they have been operating this long.
2. School systems generally provide teachers with professional development courses over the summer, so if they plan for it, they'll be able to beef up their online offerings come fall.
3. Frankly, the idea of being able to offer online K-12 coursework is long overdue. Goodbye snow days! Hello, online learning-weather days!
4. Let me also put it this way, operating school buses is VERY expensive. Heating and cooling physical school buildings is also very expensive. Online learning is very budget -friendly. Like it or not, now that this can of worms has been opened, now that we see it is feasible, I don't expect it to go away. In the future, I foresee many districts wanting to keep a portion of their learning online. It might only replace weather closure days, or it might continue 1-2 days per week.
5. When has any US public school district ever NOT been under tight budget constraints? And that was BEFORE we hit, how many million people out of work?
I don't think they will be closed until covid-19 no longer exists, but fiscal reality might = keeping school costs down until government funding is restored.