I know I'm a few pages late for this point but after reading to catch up I noticed multiple people saying masks were giving people PTSD and tying that to nurses saying there's been increases in su*c*des / attempts, is this a serious argument? That masks are causing PTSD and driving people to su*c*de? I highly highly doubt wearing a mask is what's pushing people over the edge, and would attribute that more to social isolation we all went through, the worst loss of jobs in decades in the country, people being unable to afford rent, not receiving any assistance for these conditions, and potentially losing friends and family members from a novel viral disease, not to mention the civil unrest and all the political conflict surrounding the BLM protests, election, etc. Sorry if I'm being rude but I really don't know who gets PTSD from putting on a mask, or how it has "caused health problems" according to some people. People in other countries wear them all the time especially when sick when going about their lives and there's never been a problem in those countries, is there something magical in the air in the US that causes masks to make people sick? Why do surgeons not have problems performing operations for multiple hours while wearing a mask? If you can't breathe in a mask consider switching from a cloth mask to a single use paper one, they're much more comfortable / easier to breathe in.
As others have said it feels like lots of people (not in this thread, just in the country in general) have not paid attention to anything from the last year and have not changed their minds on the science / facts since the pandemic started and we knew nothing about COVID. It's honestly exhausting, and the most exhausting part to me is the people who scream the loudest about masks and lockdowns are also the reason they are coming back because they refuse to get vaccinated, it would be ironically funny if it wasn't affecting the entire country. I feel like it's pretty simple, if more people get vaccinated then the virus spreads less and is less severe in those who do contract it. If more people get vaccinated then we won't go back to masks indoors and such. At a certain point people exercising their "freedom" to not get vaccinated causes sickness, death, and economic destruction. Someone said that the government's job isn't to keep you safe when that is the literal reason our government was founded, we give up some of our individual freedoms in exchange for a government that serves our interests and protects us, both from foreign and domestic issues.
Obviously this is all complicated with many facets of how it affects us individually and as a country, but I feel tired of this. It feels like lots of people are stuck in their perception of the virus at the start of the pandemic and refuse to admit they're wrong and change their understanding as we learn more about the virus over a year later. And like others said before our country doesn't care about the common good anymore, people are selfish and cause harm to themselves and others because they don't want to be inconvenienced by putting a mask on to go grocery shopping and act like we are living under a totalitarian dictatorship because some people want others to wear masks for their 30 minute grocery store trip so they don't unknowingly spread a disease in the middle of a global pandemic. Rugged American individualism is destroying our nation's sense of unity, and even local communities.