Convince me to ride TOT!


Original Poster
So here's my story. I used to be a bit of a chicken and never road any of the coasters at WDW. I started visiting regularly in '98 and have gone at least once every year since then, sometimes twice a year. In Spring 2003 I finally built up the courage to ride Space Mountain for the first time. My heart was pounding, but when I sat in that little car I completely relaxed and had the best ride ever! And since then I've gone on every coaster at WDW. The only thing I haven't gone on is TOT. I just can't seem to bring myself to do it. So help me out here! Tell me what I'm missing and maybe I'll be so convinced that I'll ride it when we visit this May!


Active Member
You NEED to ride ToT, as much for the going through the lobby and seeing the preshow as for the ride itself. My son was like you and refused to ride anything stronger than BTMRR, but last October finally gave in and rode ToT three times, RnR 4 times, Space and Spash Mountain, etc. and can't wait until October to ride them again.

ToT is a great ride--the "free fall" feel is not bad at all, and I feel pretty sure that after you ride it the first time, you'll realize that your fears were overblown and will want to ride it again. If not, than you can say "been there, done that" and let it be over with.


Active Member
I completely agree. I made myself face my fear, and rode ToT last fall. The preshow was amazing, as were all the effects throughout the ride. And for all the falling, it was still smoother than I thought it would be. Go for it!! :sohappy:


We went last April and my DS was talking about how he was definately going to go on the TOT. When we got there he wound up backing out. Myself, DW and DD went while he waited. Once we came out and he heard us talk about it then he wanted to go! So we wound up going on it a 2nd time and he wound up loving it! The anticipation is the biggest thing. It is definately a wild ride. I know I was holding on for dear life when I was on it, while others had their hands up and laughing. But even with that I still went on it a second time! Plus if you are like me you see all the young kids go on it and know you just have to conquer it.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Psssst.............. its not a real elevator, its a pixie dust powered machine, with a potential for producing pavement pizza.



Well-Known Member
My DS(5) rode ToT last year. He had heard so many stories of his daddy's first ToT ride (he screamed like a girl), that he had to ride it to show his daddy that he didn't scream like a girl :ROFLOL: He loved it! :D

And, if you are that worried about the ride, you can watch the whole thing on YouTube. I've done that for my son on occasion so he knows what to expect on a "scary" ride (but he also thinks that HM is the scariest!)


Well-Known Member
I seem to be the only one I know who thinks RnRC is much scarier than ToT. Maybe it's because ToT is my favorite (currently open) Disney attraction and I've been riding it since it opened. Honestly - the build up and anticipation is what gets you. The drop itself isn't that bad and you'll find yourself laughing before long.

Give ToT a chance and at least then you can say you've done it. If you honestly hate it, you can avoid it but you gave it a shot and you'll know for sure!


Well-Known Member
Give it a go

I rode t of t for the first time this fall. My son was determind to get me on it. I hate hights. The preshow was great. When the ride went into the elevator portion you could feel the temperature change from cool indoors to the heat of outside I just closed my eyes. It was good. I will likely go on again. But I won't be opening my eye :)


New Member
Your description of Space Mountain is my ToT experience. I get myself so worked up that sometimes it's hard for me to ride at all. But when I do, I have a wonderful time. The build up and anticipation are much scarier than the actual ride. The actual ride is lots of fun, it's just the whole Twilight Zone thing and freaky music that works me up so much. In addtion to watching the ride through video, there's a Travel Channel WDW special that airs from time to time that I would check out. It's called "Walt Disney World Behind The Scenes" or something like that. Others here may know the correct name, but it shows the ride and how it actually operates. This helped me so much with my fears. Look around online or watch for it on the Travel Channel. It usually comes on about once every other month or so. But don't be embarrassed by your fears. I've had this love/hate thing with ToT for over 10 years now. :D


New Member
I just checked your profile. Looks like we'll be there at the same time. I've been trying to talk my husband into riding the ToT as well (this will be his first Disney vacation) I love him more than anything in the world and I feel like I've definitely lucked out when it comes to husbands; however he's a weeny when it comes to rides. :lookaroun I'll let you sit next to him and I'm sure watching him ride the ride will be enough of a distraction for anyone... ;)


New Member
you should ride it, cause if you dont youll be missing out on a great disney ride.its good fun, and remember its a disney ride! made for fun!


New Member
Listen I just rode TOT for the first time in 2006. I screamed at the top of my lungs the first time. I watched videos on Youtube and got use to it. I knew when EVERYTHING would happen. I love it now and so will you. Plus you get an AWESOME on-ride photo when you are done.



Talk about top chickens.....After 2 visits to WDW (1996 & 2000) and not riding the TOT (other family members did but not me :eek: ) I decided that the next time I visited that I should consider it (being from Arizona we only make a trip every now and then). Well in Oct. 2005 we visited again and I decided that I would ride. My son who was 13 at the time also was considering riding but backed out. My palms were sweaty and I was really nervous (the good thing about it was there was no line so no time to really stand there and think about it). Anyway, the drops were super smooth and I didn't get the funny stomach feeling I got when I rode Splash Mountain. Needless to say, when I got off the ride I was ready to go again! I even told my son he could do it and he did (and he has rode it ever since!). I have now come to realize not to work yourself up about any rides. Just do it and have fun with it (that's what I just did when I visited January 07 and rode Expedition Everest for the first time. Great ride!) You'll love it! Have Fun! :wave:


New Member

I feel like you told my story!

We have been to wdw several times. . .at first I wouldnt even go on BTMR or Splash Mountain!

I have rode every thrill ride there except ToT!

I am trying to get myself to the point where I will consider it this summer when we go!

I know how you feel, but it seems like we are just missing out!


Original Poster
Ok, I think I'm convinced now. It doesn't sound like it's that bad. The only thing that might make me back out would be if there's a long line. I think the reason I went on SM for the first time is because there was absolutely no wait, so I just said, that's it, I'm doing it and I marched down that long dark hallway. The funny thing is, EE is my absolute favorite ride now at WDW and it has that huge drop in it. I've even requested the back of the train so that I could feel it even more. I suppose if I love that then I'll love TOT too. Maybe my fear of TOT stems from my parents taking me into the HM when I was very little. I remember clinging to my Dad's leg in that round room with the paintings. I was so terrified, but that ended up being my favorite ride when I was little.

I'm going to have to do this alone though, because we'll have my 1 1/2 year old DS with us and we have to do the baby swap. That's probably for the best though. I think my DH might wind me up too much! At least my Mom won't be there. She's the worst at getting me anxious about stuff!

Thanks everyone for all your convincing. I think it did the trick. Though I may have to come back and reread all these posts right before we leave for the trip. :)

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
It's fun. I like it. You'll ride it when you're ready. No sense trying to screw up your courage here, 'cuz you could change your mind eleventy-seven times between now and the moment you look up at the tower and hear other people screaming.

How's this for motivation. Look at the statistics for people who die in theme-park related accidents.

Now look at the sheer number of auto fatalities ever year.

Which number is higher?

And yet, you still get in a car, probably many times a day.

Despite the thrill factor, ToT is much safer than a car. Probably because you're not about to collide with another elevator. :D


Well-Known Member
When I went earlier this month, I went with my boyfriend (who refused to do any thrill rides but Splash and BTMRR) and my best friend (who is terrified of heights.) They made me ride it by myself first so I could tell them how it was.

Going through the queue was horrible for me (did I mention that I'm scared of normal elevators in the first place?) but I just worked myself up hardcore for something absolutely terrifying.
They sat me next to a little boy who couldn't have been more than 4 and he was SO excited to go on his favorite ride. I felt sort of silly being so nervous when the kid next to me was ecstatic.

The ride itself is nothing. Nowhere near as "terrifying" as I expected. I laughed and yelled with the kid the entire time.

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