Okay, here's a question that might possibly turn this discussion into something a little less nit-picky than we've all made it: Rides like Hulk and DD cost CONSIDERABLY less expensive than traditional e-ticket style rides and a large number of people in this group seem to really, really like them. Do you guys think that Disney (and Universal in their other park) should start to build these types of rides? If so, in all the parks and where in each park do you think would be a good place for it? Since they are a lot cheaper and easier to develop, Disney could put a few of these in for the price of one ride like Test Track which would stretch their money a lot further both in terms of development and maintenance and if there is a large enough audience for these kinds of attractions (which contrary to what some who really like the steel monsters is a validly questionable point when you look at attendance records for parks with and without them) to offset the people that don't care, can't ride (not tall enough, pregnant, back or neck problems, too old to even think about it) or might actually be upset about the effect their presence has on the atmosphere of the park, then it would only make sense for Disney to go full force into this, wouldn't it? Just a new question for debate - I'm going to try to make this my last post in this thread, honest!