Contemporary DVC is coming - demo starts Oct 1st

Boardwalk Joe's

New Member
I totally disagree that the new tower is "contemporary" in that sense that it complements the futuristic design of the Contemporary. Now if you mean the design is "current", yes you're right. Too current. The new structure looks like hundreds of other current condo building cropping up all over south florida on both the east and west coasts. Just my opinion, but if they do go forward with this design it will be dated very quickly and just doesn't fit in with disney. Even the Swan and Dolphin are more disney than this place.

Its funny that you mention the condos. One of my great dislikes of that design is that it reminds me of a condo building my brother lived in South honestly has the same exact design! Its nice though, but its not 'Disneyish', for lack of a better term...


Well-Known Member

I'm going to speak for my family when I say that I like that a lot better. No DVC Resort has been that high. The thing I've always like about them was they were so laid back and spread out. That C shape doesn't even cover a lot of the area the current hotel covers. They should drop a few stories and add them along the sides. Probably move the pool area (Who wants to swim where an entire hotel could be watching you?) and add a few trees. Making the beach longer and better connected is a plus. Over all, I like the more spread out, five or six stories better than a crammed 15 story resort.


New Member
Does anyone think that WDI has had a look at this? Doesn't there seem to be a blatant contradiction of architectures? I just say this because I remember reading in one of those field guides about how WDI takes major precautions in keeping architecture coinciding with adjacent structures. Those curves seem to be clashing with all the sharp angles on the original tower.

Plus, those views from the top floor look like they might give peek into the MK CM parking lot.


Active Member
I was considering to stay at the Contemporary after they finished the re-hab because I had felt for some time that it needed to be gutted. I liked the new rooms with the fluffy down comforters, so I guess I better stay there before they build the monstrosity.

I think that if they do indeed build the DVC at the current height and room #'s suggested, it's going to severely impact on the main tower's capabilities and resources, including the monorail. I don't think the monorail is capable of handling that many additional guests and you know everyone always wants to use the monorail. It will make the area feel much more densely populated which is something I've never really felt at any WDW resort, including Pop.

Also, I recall someone talking about SSR selling well, but from what I've heard and seen, they have had to make and run more "special" offers in order to do that, unlike BWV or BCV which their location sold them on their own.


New Member
Recently we discussed the concourse noise in another forum... but I'm not looking forward to the noise of the construction which appears to be very close next door! Chef Mickey's may sound like a whisper in comparison!!

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member

Seeing that the Garden rooms are only 3 floors right now...that little layout I posted earlier with 6 floors (7 floors on the northern 'pool' bldg) can be done without really obstructing any views from the tower and keeping the tower the main focal point of the resort. hmm...
I just noticed another possible issue with your design.....

The main hub for the DVC building has the walkway that goes to the the Main Contemporary tower. That walkway would come from the main concourse of the main tower, (4th floor) but where would it arrive in the DVC building? Shouldn't the base floor of the DVC building be the check in/out area?

This isn't really a problem, just sort of a way to dicuss what might go well in the main building.

Maybe the main DVC building would have a 4 - 5 story tall ceiling with some sort of escalator to the 4th floor walkway.........or maybe there is a new restaurant located in the DVC hub.....

......any ideas?

Boardwalk Joe's

New Member
Maybe the main DVC building would have a 4 - 5 story tall ceiling with some sort of escalator to the 4th floor walkway.........or maybe there is a new restaurant located in the DVC hub.....

......any ideas?

Yes! The inside of the hub will be a complete open atrium (hollowed out?) ala the GF Lobby/Wilderness Lodge lobby, with the rooms all off to the side of the building facing northwest (MK view) /northeast (garden view) and then some rooms in the little block north of the hub. The south side of the hub will be mainly opened up with windows/main doors facing the pool/tower. basically the main entrance of the building (im thinking of something like AKL's lobby facing the savannah). probably add more rooms on the southeast end of the hub...considered as a lake view. there will be elevators from the first floor up to the 4th floor where the connection is in the main atrium and then some extra elevators in the back for people going straight to their rooms that are located in the hub.

you can also get to the hub from the tower by walking through the gardens on the first floor, the 4th floor concourse connection is just an alternative...which is also good for rainy days :)


Well-Known Member
LOVE the Contemporary. I think this would help freshen it up a bit since it seems like people are ALWAYS complaining about it, which has always bugged me cos I think it's great! The Grand Canyon Concourse is one area of WDW I try to make a point to visit every trip...we either stop to have a drink at the lounge or we stop in the concourse on our way to Cali Grill! :slurp:


Well-Known Member
What I find interesting is the sudden increase in DVC properties (at least it seems that way to me.) I guess because Saratoga Springs is so large it seems like there is more of a push to join DVC. I mean, there is *always* a push to joun the DVC :animwink:

My husband did make an pretty good point though....he said that it's probably a good idea to have a Contemporary DVC because it would be another property close to MK. I know that there are the Villas @ the WL, but it seems that the majority of DVC propertiers are either near DTD or Epcot. Perhaps another one near MK could be a good thing...


My husband did make an pretty good point though....he said that it's probably a good idea to have a Contemporary DVC because it would be another property close to MK. I know that there are the Villas @ the WL, but it seems that the majority of DVC propertiers are either near DTD or Epcot. Perhaps another one near MK could be a good thing...
I agree, that is a pretty good point.


Active Member
umm.. well, this may be for nothing, but when I was down there in June, I spoke with my DVC sales rep and what is happening is the South Wing is being converted into a DVC resort while the North Wing is being completely refurbished. The plan is to start offering points at the Contemporary by the beginning of 2008, once all the points are sold out at Saratoga Springs. I'm already on the list for DVC Contemporary points, and I'm hoping that some more Boardwalk points open up too (yes, that means I'll have points at 2 resorts, but my family SHARES (which sux) the Boardwalk points)


New Member
Well, I agree with what someothers have said. If this is true, I will finally take the plunge and buy into DVC at the Contemporary. The monorail can't be beat! The only other I would buy into would be the WL but I believe that sold out a long time ago. So, I hope this is true!

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