Considering driving instead of flying because of TSA

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I have a trip to WDW planned for May 2011. I've already purchased my flights, but I'm seriously considering requesting a refund based on all the stories I've been reading about the invasive security procedures being used by the TSA. I don't have a problem going through a metal detector or having my bag searched. I don't even have a problem with a standard pat down. But I do have a problem with being strip searched by a machine. And if I choose to opt out of that, I also have a problem with a pat down that involves touching my private areas. I don't want to subject myself or my 5 year old son to these things so that we can get on a plane and fly to Disney World. I'd rather drive 17 hours in a car. My husband has convinced me to wait until closer to our trip to get a refund on the plane tickets, just in case the TSA decides to back down on their procedures. I'm just wondering if anyone else is feeling this way. I can't believe this is the direction our country is heading. :(


Well-Known Member

Your original post to Sadie was over the line and that is why I called you out. Everyone is entitltled to an opinion and it does not mean it has to involve being rude to the original poster. Someone with only 5 posts at the time can easily be a troll versus a true WDW Magic member and I apologize if I generalized you by mistake.


Respectfully said. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing but there's a way to do it. Insults, mockery and immaturity aren't the way.
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Well-Known Member
I have a trip to WDW planned for May 2011. I've already purchased my flights, but I'm seriously considering requesting a refund based on all the stories I've been reading about the invasive security procedures being used by the TSA. I don't have a problem going through a metal detector or having my bag searched. I don't even have a problem with a standard pat down. But I do have a problem with being strip searched by a machine. And if I choose to opt out of that, I also have a problem with a pat down that involves touching my private areas. I don't want to subject myself or my 5 year old son to these things so that we can get on a plane and fly to Disney World. I'd rather drive 17 hours in a car. My husband has convinced me to wait until closer to our trip to get a refund on the plane tickets, just in case the TSA decides to back down on their procedures. I'm just wondering if anyone else is feeling this way. I can't believe this is the direction our country is heading. :(

Actually, if you read the wording, it specifically says, "Pistole emphasized that children under the age of 12 are excused from the enhanced pat-downs."
It doesn't guarantee that will happen in every case every time. When my child goes off through the metal detector, she will still be subject to a pat down or the imaging. I agree with your opening statement!
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Well-Known Member
So they could see my dingdong in that thing? Well, that's kinda cool, I guess.

Wondered why the guy kept calling me "Lefty", guess ge knew about my missing part. Find it kinda funny now, just thought it was for some creepy reason or another. But now I'm not creeped a bit.
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Follower of "Saget"The Cult
So they could see my dingdong in that thing? Well, that's kinda cool, I guess.

Wondered why the guy kept calling me "Lefty", guess ge knew about my missing part. Find it kinda funny now, just thought it was for some creepy reason or another. But now I'm not creeped a bit.

:lol: A true exhibitionist at heart!
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Well-Known Member
I went through one of the new scanners in London. I got to see the imagery from it, and very impressive it was. If we could get everyone through one of these they could give almost 100% guarantee of nothing getting on a plane on a person's body. Would certainly make for safer skies.

I do agree that some of the protocols do help, but it just helps for a little while until they find ways around them.
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New Member
This is the side I don't get. Don't teens and children go to the doctor? I know I didn't love the old "turn your head and cough" when I was a kid, but you had to do it to play sports so we did it. I realize that TSA agents are not doctors, but really, another person is another person. Maybe I'm thinking about this wrong, but I have a daughter (about to have a second) and I just can't picture myself getting worried about someone scanning my kids. I'd rather have someone scan my daughters or even pat them down (in a completly professional way, as I'd guess a vast, overwhelming majority is) than I would have some wackjob blow up a plane we're on.

Again, it all comes down to what people are comfortable with. I'm 100% ok with all the security measures and will continue to fly rather than spend the extra few days on the road.

The problem is the chance of your kid being felt up by a pervert is much higher if he/she is being felt up by a minimum wage rent a cop in a TSA uniform than by being molested by your doctor.

The other problem is the amount of radiation is much higher than you are being led to believe. The amounts they state you receive is the amount that penetrates your body... they ignore the amount that penetrates the first few layers of skin which raises your chances of skin cancer.

I will not let my kids fly anywhere now.... the choice of increasing their chance of skin cancer or being felt up by some pervert isn't acceptable.
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Well-Known Member
I went through one of the new scanners in London. I got to see the imagery from it, and very impressive it was. If we could get everyone through one of these they could give almost 100% guarantee of nothing getting on a plane on a person's body. Would certainly make for safer skies.

I'm in the "doesn't bother me at all" camp.

I doubt the security measures will be going away any time soon. Governments around the world have invested significant amounts of money to purchase equipment to meet U.S. requirements. Security measures are fine by me. Given the choice of being "exposed" to some poor schmuck who has to view an awful lot of not particularly attractive body shapes to possibly get his or her jollies out of an occasional pleasant outline of a relatively pleasant body shape [which is the best they're likely to see] or being unfortunate enough to be on the aircraft blown out of the sky by some moron that thinks they'll be a martyr, I'll choose the former.

Since the new scanners have been in place at airports I travel through regularly, I've been scanned only once out of dozens of flights. It's not that big a deal to me. Honestly? It speeds the screening process for everybody if people cooperate. Individuals who refuse are probably causing longer processing times.

99% of the population who have nothing to hide worry too much about privacy in my opinion. I really could care less if various Government agencies hold information about me. If they abuse anything they have, then I'll take issue with the abuse. Having it is not in and of itself abuse and I truly don't care.

Put me in the "I will keep flying camp"

As long as things like scanning and such are voluntary (and they are, you choose to fly or not to fly) then I don't consider it invasive. If it because something that is required in everyday life, then we can have a discussion about violation of rights.

So it basicly becomes a questions of do I mind the screening procedures. No, I don't. I understand how for some people it is uncomfortable or downright stressful. For me, it does not bother me.

I have said before that air travel is no longer what it used to be, and has been reduced to basicly the level of an airborn bus. But that flying bus still gets me there a LOT faster, so I continue to put up with it.



I feel better about flying now more than ever. I don't really care if someone sees what is under these clothes. I am not going to die because someone saw all my fat rolls. I try to live by my mothers words....if nobody dies it is a good day. So I feel that if it doesn't cause me pain or kill me, I'm in. My main goal is to get to WDW! I don't want to spend a second longer getting there than it has to take because I love the place so much. Every minute that I am there makes me a happier person. I find flying to WDW a somewhat relaxing adventure. We always get a non-stop flight from Columbus to Orlando and we use the Magical Express so from the time I leave my house until the time I arrive at my hotel it is only about 4-5 hours total. We don't think of flying as a hassle. And as long as everyone has gone through the same appropriate security procedures it is safer than driving on the freeways with all the road rage and big trucks and stupid people. Plus we are not totally exhausted when we get there. I'm a flyer!
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Well-Known Member
The problem is the chance of your kid being felt up by a pervert is much higher if he/she is being felt up by a minimum wage rent a cop in a TSA uniform than by being molested by your doctor.

The other problem is the amount of radiation is much higher than you are being led to believe. The amounts they state you receive is the amount that penetrates your body... they ignore the amount that penetrates the first few layers of skin which raises your chances of skin cancer.

I will not let my kids fly anywhere now.... the choice of increasing their chance of skin cancer or being felt up by some pervert isn't acceptable.

First 'perverts' are not exclusive to a single demographic. People from all walks of life - from TSA workers, to preists, to doctors, to lawyers all have potential to be a 'pervert'

In fact, there have been quite a few CM's at WDW that have been arrested for child . You may want to avoid WDW, because by going there you are increasing your chances of your child being eyed by a 'pervert'

For that matter taking them out of the house increases their chances of encountering a 'pervert' - presuming of course that there are no 'perverts' in your house. How many kids have been molested by friends of a family who nobody had an idea about?

If kids need to be patted down, you are going to be right there. It is not as if the TSA agent is going to do anything besides the pat down. Even if they are 'perverts' how does that make the pat down any different than a pat down by a 'non pervert'

My kids will still fly. And, at times, fly by themselves. (Oh the horror)

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Well-Known Member
The problem is the chance of your kid being felt up by a pervert is much higher if he/she is being felt up by a minimum wage rent a cop in a TSA uniform than by being molested by your doctor.

The other problem is the amount of radiation is much higher than you are being led to believe. The amounts they state you receive is the amount that penetrates your body... they ignore the amount that penetrates the first few layers of skin which raises your chances of skin cancer.

I will not let my kids fly anywhere now.... the choice of increasing their chance of skin cancer or being felt up by some pervert isn't acceptable.

Ok, then how much radiation is the body subjected too? How many RAD's or REM?
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As someone who flies almost every other week and sees airports all over North America, and sometimes the world, it isn't something I personally concern myself with. Every airport does things differently. Yes you will find some places where the people are a little rude and others where they go out of their way to be helpful. I see that at nearly every kind of business, even WDW. The news reports of the whole pat down are blown out of proportion. I had one last week. No big deal.

In the end, it is all about safety, not getting a picture or feeling someone up. Try travelling in many other countries around the world. Now that can be invasive and frustrating, not to mention scary.

My advice, don't worry about it and enjoy your vacation.
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Well-Known Member
I just did a little research and I was actually REALLY surprised.

Now coming from MA, it would SUCK in the sense that is a 22 hour trip straight through, but... according to it would only cost me $375 dollars roundtrip in gas. That's really impressive considering I drive a Jeep Wrangler. If I had a prius or some other type of small car I could see taking at least 75 bucks off that total. Now, me and my gf in a car for 24 hours, not sure about that one.

What would be worse, the drive down or the impact that the drive would have on the rest of your vacation. Staying up for that amount of time driving would probably make me suffer my second day down at WDW. I think after the second day I'd be back on schedule.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I just did a little research and I was actually REALLY surprised.

Now coming from MA, it would SUCK in the sense that is a 22 hour trip straight through, but... according to it would only cost me $375 dollars roundtrip in gas. That's really impressive considering I drive a Jeep Wrangler. If I had a prius or some other type of small car I could see taking at least 75 bucks off that total. Now, me and my gf in a car for 24 hours, not sure about that one.

What would be worse, the drive down or the impact that the drive would have on the rest of your vacation. Staying up for that amount of time driving would probably make me suffer my second day down at WDW. I think after the second day I'd be back on schedule.

Well, it doesn't HAVE to be a straight through drive if you don't want it to be. Sure, that's the cheapest way to do it, but you can always do a side trip, or just get a room for the night. There are also rest areas where both of you can always a catch a cat nap if you need. You've got options.
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Well-Known Member
Well, it doesn't HAVE to be a straight through drive if you don't want it to be. Sure, that's the cheapest way to do it, but you can always do a side trip, or just get a room for the night. There are also rest areas where both of you can always a catch a cat nap if you need. You've got options.

True... I guess I REALLY value my time off. I get three weeks from my employer (not bad considering I'm only 25) and so I try to squeeze as much out as I can in those days. I suppose I could leave early Saturday morning (say 2-3AM and stop maybe 14 hours down, sleep a night and be down by Sunday night, therefore wasting no vacation time.
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Well-Known Member
I just did a little research and I was actually REALLY surprised.

Now coming from MA, it would SUCK in the sense that is a 22 hour trip straight through, but... according to it would only cost me $375 dollars roundtrip in gas. That's really impressive considering I drive a Jeep Wrangler. If I had a prius or some other type of small car I could see taking at least 75 bucks off that total. Now, me and my gf in a car for 24 hours, not sure about that one.

What would be worse, the drive down or the impact that the drive would have on the rest of your vacation. Staying up for that amount of time driving would probably make me suffer my second day down at WDW. I think after the second day I'd be back on schedule.

Unless you are renting a car (or stole one) the cost of gas is NOT the cost of driving.

There is a reason the IRS lets you deduct 50 cents per mile when you use your personal car for business purposes. It is most assuredly not out of the goodness of their heart, it's because that is an average representation of the cost to drive an average vehicle one mile.

There are more costs than just gas, there is wear and tear on your vehicle.

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Well-Known Member
Unless you are renting a car (or stole one) the cost of gas is NOT the cost of driving.

There is a reason the IRS lets you deduct 50 cents per mile when you use your personal car for business purposes. It is most assuredly not out of the goodness of their heart, it's because that is an average representation of the cost to drive an average vehicle one mile.

There are more costs than just gas, there is wear and tear on your vehicle.


considering my 2010 vehicle has 3,700 miles on it, I certainly am not worried about adding another 3K onto the dash.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
True... I guess I REALLY value my time off. I get three weeks from my employer (not bad considering I'm only 25) and so I try to squeeze as much out as I can in those days. I suppose I could leave early Saturday morning (say 2-3AM and stop maybe 14 hours down, sleep a night and be down by Sunday night, therefore wasting no vacation time.

Hit a couple of the ginormous outlet malls along the way, or perhaps a stop at the Baltimore Aquarium, or maybe a drive through historic sections of towns like Charlotte, arrange your stop-for-the-night with a halfway decent hotel, a romantic dinner...who says the way down has to be something to be merely endured because you're not in WDW?

Or - and this is a thought if you can swing it - on either the way up or the way back, take a few nights to stopover at the Disney resort in Hilton Head SC. It's about 6-7 hours away from WDW, and it's a beautiful resort. We've stayed twice, once for a 3 night post-WDW stay, and this year for a 5-night standalone trip. If you go on the way down, it's like a way of conserving your strength for the trip to follow. If you go on the way back, it's like a vacation after the vacation.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Unless you are renting a car (or stole one) the cost of gas is NOT the cost of driving.

There is a reason the IRS lets you deduct 50 cents per mile when you use your personal car for business purposes. It is most assuredly not out of the goodness of their heart, it's because that is an average representation of the cost to drive an average vehicle one mile.

There are more costs than just gas, there is wear and tear on your vehicle.


I'd say that's more of a concern if you drive your car a lot day-to-day, or it's an older car with a lot of miles on it. Lord knows I'm not a mechanic, but I'd suggest, were you to take any sort of long car trip, to get an oil change first and have mechanics give it the once over. If they don't bring anything up, odds are you car will make it there and back :D And if they find any problems...well, they're probably problems you should have taken care of even if you weren't about to attempt a road trip.
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Well-Known Member
I have been thinking how to take the guesswork out of the "pat down". Maybe if we all were to wear bikinis and speedos that would help. Arrive with your coat or beach coverup on and when asked to assume the position whip it off and WHA-LAA!!! No need for a pat down or up. It is all there in full view!! :rolleyes: :lol::lol:
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