Just watched your video...
Chills, my friend. Chills. I think knowing everything that went into your wedding made it all the more special to watch you two get married.

Totally choked up when your dad was giving you away...
Congrats again to you and Jason! And I wish you so many happy years together!
P.S. Loved your music choices, I had the same songs for my processional.
Aww thank you! I think the Wedding Pavilion is made for that music. I've watched videos where they used Disney music and it just isn't the same as the traditional wedding music. I especially love the chimes and the wedding march. I'm going to write an entire page of the feelings I went through standing behind those doors hearing the chimes, our wedding planner said we had 12 chimes for 12 o'clock and I just stood there counting down....wow what a feeling!
Your video is beautiful!!!! And you looked GORGEOUS! I can't wait to hear all about it.
Thank you, I can't wait to write all about it! I need to catch up on your PJ, you're next my friend!! :sohappy: We went to the Boardwalk to meet up with some friends on Sunday and I told Jason all about your wedding

I'm so excited for you, it's going to be beautiful!!! And the Cindy dress...you are just going to look and feel like a princess!! Scratch that, you are going to BE a princess!!
Congratulations on your special day! I had happened upon this thread just after you left and I'm so glad everything worked out. You look beautiful!! Were you at MK on Saturday? I swear I passed you at some point and thought about saying something, but would've been so embarrassed if it wasn't!
I'm from Maryland too - I used to live in Baltimore County. I moved down to Orlando in 2006 and have loved the mild winters, so I totally understand where you're coming from, lol! I wish you all the best in your moving planning process!
Thank you and yes we were at MK on Saturday 10/1! Man that was a madhouse but what an experience! The crowd sing along to When You Wish Upon a Star at the end had me absolutely sobbing

The 2 ambassadors actually wished us congratulations as we walked by on Main Street and I wish we had stopped to get a picture! They were so nice!!
What a coincidence, we live in Baltimore County! I might hit you up for some relocation advice, we talked to so many different friends and cast members and have gotten conflicting reports about different areas to move. We're looking to move in April and we can't wait! We made SO many friends on this trip and most of them live in Orlando. It will be a great new adventure for us :sohappy:
Thanks for the heads up about needing tissues. I'm sitting here sobbing...sobbing I tell you.
My husband heard me & said "what's wrong"!?!
I said I was watching Cinderella getting married.
He said "who"? :lol:
Such a lovely wedding...and bride of course. You are so sweet to post the video for all of us to enjoy. So happy you had a "magical day".
I hope some written details will be coming at some point. I just can't get enough of your love story.
Also, the bouquet you made was to.die.for.
Not only did it look real, but it put some real bouquets to shame. Great job.
Welcome home & best wishes always for a happy life!
Awww your post made me cry!! And yes I will write up an entire trip report and I'm trying to get Jason to join so he can write up what he did the morning of our wedding.
Ack the bouquet! That was actually the real bouquet that was included in our wedding package. The bouquet that I made we used for the bridal portrait sessions and I'm SO glad we did. The bouquet from our wedding day weighed about 10 lbs (or so it felt). Taking portraits with that giant paper weight was really hard. If I had known, I definitely would have chosen a different flower. Take notes future brides, the all rose bouquet is the heaviest one you can get. It also bled a little bit on my dress by the end of the day. Our photographers for the bridal portraits said they could photoshop that out. Yea for technology!!
Ack! Tracey is home sick from work so we just laid here and watched your video...oh-so sweeeeeet! Y'all are just adorable. You are so gorgeous! Such a perfect princess! And Jason, wowza! What a handsome prince you have there! Loved the music choices...such a beautiful ceremony. Thanks so much for sharing that with us. It's so sweeeeeeeet. Definitely makes a girl all reflective-n-junk.
Aww I can just imagine you guys watching the video! I hope Tracey feels better! Thank you for all the compliments. Jason did look SO handsome, didn't he?? I literally couldn't take my eyes off of him! ::swoon:: I cannot wait to get our portraits, our photographers were really great. We had Joe and Alicia. Alicia and I actually had so much in common that we decided to keep in touch and I added her to facebook. I cannot believe how many new friends we made on this trip, it was just so great to meet such nice people! Now I just need to meet you and your family LOL.