Trip Report *Completed* Sleepless on the Savanna - Nov/Dec 2023

Hello Friends, and Happy Holidays!

As you already know if you caught my Pre-Trip Report, my husband J, our 2yo son L, and I got back from a WDW trip earlier this month. This was L's fourth trip, J's eighteenth, and my twentieth! Since I already did introductions in the PTR,, let's jump straight into the trip!

Sunday, November 26th - Travel Day

I set my alarm for 4:15 am - thankfully, there wasn't much to be done this morning, since my in-laws had kept L at their house for a few hours the day before, which gave J and I time to get everything packed and get the car loaded up, save for any last-minute items that we would need to use that morning. I barely slept the night before. I always get travel anxiety the night before a trip - what if I have the dates wrong, and we get down there and have nowhere to stay? What if I dreamed about making park reservations, but didn't actually make them? What if Disney's website cancels all of our dining reservations? It always makes for a restless nights' sleep. I tossed and turned most of the night, and finally accepted my fate at 4am, and rolled out of bed before my alarm went off.

I got myself ready, woke J up at 4:30, and once we were both ready, we loaded the go bag with last-minute items into the car. J thankfully remembered that he hadn't seen me pack L's stroller flag, which is a lifesaver when you're trying to find your stroller in a crowded stroller parking lot. I knew exactly where it was in L's closet, so I asked J to very quietly and very carefully get L out of bed and take him to the car, so that I could turn the lights on in L's room and grab the flag from the closet. As J was walking down the stairs carrying L, I heard L wake up and say "Dada? What are you doing? Dada, where are we going?" and when J didn't answer him and told him to go back to sleep, L said "Dada, where's Mama?" 😂 We were so hoping we'd be able to keep him asleep as we were putting him in his car seat, but it was not meant to be. We loaded L up, hopped in the car, and were pulling out of the driveway at 5:04 am.


Unfortunately, it took over an hour of driving before L finally fell back asleep. We love leaving early to beat the Atlanta traffic - we don't love how it messes with L's sleep. Two hours after we left the house, we made our first stop for breakfast and a bathroom break at Buc-ee's. I sat in the back with L once we got back to the car, to help him with his breakfast and try to avoid a huge mess in my backseat.



As we were leaving Buc-ee's, I checked our ETA on the GPS, and it said we'd arrive around 12:30. If only that had been the case. We stopped again just past the GA-FL border for gas and another bathroom break, and everything went downhill from there. Around the time we were driving through Lake City (where I-10 and I-75 meet), traffic starting to build up. The GPS on my phone showed nothing but red for miles and miles. I'm not sure what the issue was - it was raining, so that may have caused some problems - but traffic was backed up all the way to the Florida turnpike, and the drive that should have taken us 7.5 hours took us over 9 hours. 🙃 Finally, at 2:06 pm, we were pulling through the gates.


Our room was not ready yet, so we decided to stop in at Jambo House for lunch at The Mara. Of course, I got the room ready text right as we were getting out of the car. 😂🤷‍♀️


We headed into Jambo House anyway, grabbed some pictures of the Christmas tree, and mobile-ordered lunch. I clicked "I'm Here" as soon as we got in the elevator to head down to The Mara. It took about twenty minutes for our food to be ready - I always forget that the resort QS tends to take longer than the QS in the parks - I guess because they have fewer staff. For lunch, I got the vegetarian falafel platter, J got the chicken strips, and L got the kids' hamburger meal with fries and grapes.



I was underwhelmed by my meal - it was unfortunately pretty bland, which was surprising for falafel. After we finished lunch, we headed over to the Flamingo Crossings Target to pick up a Drive-Up order I had placed for things like milk, bottled water, snacks for the room, etc. We probably should have dropped our stuff off at Kidani Village first before heading to Target, because we ended up having to put everything in my lap/at my feet, which made for a fun time trying to get out of the car at Kidani. When we got to Kidani, Bell Services unloaded the car, including our groceries, and we parked in the garage and headed up to the room. Of course, we made a beeline for the balcony to check out the view - not too shabby!



Once we had gotten in to the room, I tried to call Bell Services to bring up our luggage. I sat on hold for over ten minutes before the call dropped. I tried again - same thing. I ended up just sending J down to go get our luggage himself - he said when he got down there, the two CMs working the Bell Services area didn't appear to be busy, so I'm not sure what the deal was - maybe an issue with their phone lines. Regardless, J brought our luggage up to the room, and I set about getting everything unpacked and organizing the room. J and I set up L's sleeping arrangements - an inflatable toddler bed inside of a blackout tent - and finally, we were done and headed out of the room shortly before 6pm.

Up next: A Damp Dinner at Disney Springs


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Monday, November 27th - Animal Kingdom Day - Continued

I had heard people rave about staying at AKL and getting Sanaa To Go, and since we were staying right there at Kidani Village (at lobby level no less), we decided that this would be the perfect dinner for our Animal Kingdom Day. Around 5:00 pm, we placed our order, and requested for it to be ready around 6:00-6:30 pm. Once it got to be 6:00, we were able to notify the restaurant on the app that we were ready for our food, and pop downstairs to Sanaa to pick it up. On our way down, we took some pics of the Kidani Village tree - not as grand as the tree over in Jambo House, but still lovely, especially at night.


We also popped in to the lobby gift shop to refill our resort mugs that we had purchased the day prior. Once we made it to Sanaa, we let the CM at the host stand know that we were there to pick up a To Go order, and she brought it right out for us. Our original plan was for J and I to order a bread service to share, and then each get an entree. But then J was considering ordering another bread service as his entree, so we decided to just order two bread services, and no adult entrees. For L, we got the cheeseburger kids meal with mac and cheese, and dirt pudding.



Two bread services ended up being way too much food - we definitely could have split one and called it a day. But, it was delicious as always, and it was nice to be able to enjoy it in our room while watching a Christmas movie. L enjoyed his meal as well, and I snuck a couple bites - Mom tax - and it was not too shabby for a kids meal!

After dinner, we wound down for the evening, and got L bathed and put down to bed shortly before 8:00. We decided to pack up the blackout tent and toddler mattress, and let him try sleeping on the pull-out couch with bed rails. It had been a really wonderful first park day, despite the lack of sleep the night prior.


Up next: A chilly MK morning


Premium Member
I had heard people rave about staying at AKL and getting Sanaa To Go, and since we were staying right there at Kidani Village (at lobby level no less), we decided that this would be the perfect dinner for our Animal Kingdom Day. Around 5:00 pm, we placed our order, and requested for it to be ready around 6:00-6:30 pm. Once it got to be 6:00, we were able to notify the restaurant on the app that we were ready for our food, and pop downstairs to Sanaa to pick it up. On our way down, we took some pics of the Kidani Village tree - not as grand as the tree over in Jambo House, but still lovely, especially at night.
That's a beautiful Christmas tree, and I think this is the first photo I've seen of the Kidani Village tree. (All others I've seen have been from Jambo House.)

What a great idea to have Sanaa To Go -- I've only heard good reviews about that restaurant. It's also a smart move for them to have the "to go" option, in addition to the "dining in" option. :hungry:


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Double Bread Service AND Dirt Pudding??
Bruce Campbell Hello GIF
Not gonna lie, that dirt pudding was
Yum Yum Chefs Kiss GIF by Nick Jonas

What a great idea to have Sanaa To Go -- I've only heard good reviews about that restaurant. It's also a smart move for them to have the "to go" option, in addition to the "dining in" option. :hungry:
It’s a great option, especially for those staying at AKL. It’s nice to be able to enjoy dinner in the quiet of your room.


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Tuesday, November 28th - Magic Kingdom Day

It was another restless night. L slept on the pull-out, and was up multiple times throughout the night. All three of us had been dealing with the respiratory crud earlier in November, and poor L still hadn't kicked it completely. His sleep this particular night seemed to be interrupted by discomfort from post-nasal drip. I ended up sleeping on the pull-out for 3-4 hours with him, which was not pleasant on my 32-year-old back. 😅

At some point in the middle of the night, I was up using the bathroom, and something compelled me to double-check the park hours for that day. I'm glad I did, because I thought that the park was opening at 8:30 am for resort guests, but it was actually 7:30 am. 😬 That meant one less hour of sleep, but we were committed to rope-dropping, since it was a party night, and we would only have access to the park until 6:00 pm. L woke up around 5:00 am, and I went ahead and got up with him and started getting the two of us ready. Around 5:45, I got J up, and we left the room around 6:30 am.

On the ride over to MK, I purchased Genie+ for the day - I believe it was $25/person. We parked at TTC, and L had requested to ride the monorail (he had been talking about the monorail for weeks leading up to the trip), but unfortunately it was down at that time, so we rode the ferry over to MK, and promised L he could ride the monorail later. It was 7:00 am as we were walking to the ferry, so we stopped for a couple moments to make our first LL reservation, and get a boarding group for Tron.



I was so impressed that we were able to get such and early return time for Jingle Cruise, since that one seems to be tough to get lately. LL and boarding group secured, we boarded the ferry for a chilly ride over to MK.


I'm sure you'll all be surprised to hear that those mittens lasted approximately 3.5 seconds. It was a beautiful, albeit cold, morning at Magic Kingdom.


This is why you go to MK on party days. This was taken at 7:21 for 7:30 park opening.


We decided to hit up some of the Fantasyland classics first. We started at Peter Pan's Flight, which was posted at a 50-minute wait - we ended up waiting about 20 minutes. After soaring over Neverland, we headed across the way to It's a Small World, one of L's favorites. Of course, it was a walk-on this early in the morning.


Jump Scare


And both J and I got our names displayed at the end of the ride! L asked where his name was - thankfully he can't read, so he doesn't know that his name was not up there.



Up next: More Fantasyland Fun


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Tuesday, November 28th - Magic Kingdom Day - Continued

After It's a Small World, we decided to hit up another classic, and one of L's favorites - the carousel. I love this pic of my two boys walking through Fantasyland - L felt like a big boy getting to walk more in the parks on this trip.


After the carousel, we let L try to pull the sword from the stone - no luck this time!


We were all hungry by this point, so we popped into Tomorrowland to Joffrey's to get coffees for J and I and a donut for L, and then mobile-ordered some breakfast from Friar's Nook. I got the sausage gravy tots, and J got their breakfast sandwich.



After we had eaten breakfast, we decided to head toward the left side of the park, since our Jingle Cruise LL return time was approaching. On our walk over, we saw that Haunted Mansion was posted at a 13-minute wait. Of course we all know that it's a law that you must ride Haunted Mansion when it's only a "13" minute wait.


L has reached the age where he sometimes gets a little freaked out by darkness and loud noises, so we explained to him in the stretching room that it was all pretend, and he could hug Mama or Dada if he felt scared. Ultimately, he was fine.


We did not nail it.


Once we had ridden, L declared that he wanted to "ride two haunted mansions." Thankfully, he settled for two pictures.



Up next: Skippers, Pirates, and Runaway Mine Trains


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Tuesday, November 28th - Magic Kingdom Day - Continued

After riding Haunted Mansion, we headed toward Jingle Cruise for our LL return time. Once we had scanned in, I made an LL for J and I to take turns riding BTMRR.


This was our first time riding Jungle/Jingle Cruise in years, and L's first time ever!


L was not super into it, but we had a great skipper. I have to say, I missed Trader Samta.



After Jingle Cruise, we planned to hit up Pirates, since it was showing a 10-minute wait, but L spotted the Magic Carpets of Aladdin and requested to ride. Who were we to say no?


After our flight, we headed toward Pirates, which was thankfully still a walk-on (at 10:30 am!)


J got soaked by one of the cannonball splashes, which L thought was hysterical. After Pirates, we headed into Frontierland. L was looking a little sleepy so we reclined him in his stroller, and J strolled around with him, while I rode Big Thunder. Only one side of the line was open - that's how you know the park is empty!



After I had ridden, I took over with L while J rode. L was wide awake when I took over, so I figured maybe he needed a snack, and he would go to sleep more easily on a full belly. Just as I had sat down on a bench and opened up the snack bag, I glanced over, and L was fast asleep. 😂 🤷🏻‍♀️


After J texted me saying that he was about to get on the ride, I made our next LL for Space Mountain.


Up next: Tomorrowland Fun


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Tuesday, November 28th - Magic Kingdom Day - Continued

After Big Thunder, we started making our way over to Tomorrowland, stopping in the Main Street shops along the way. L has reached the age where he wants something every time we go into a store, so we did most of our shopping on this trip while he was asleep. 😂

Once we made it over to Tomorrowland, we took turns riding Space Mountain while L napped.


Let's pretend this was on purpose 😂


The poor kid sitting behind me was terrified. Also, I was wearing a crossbody bag, and decided to just keep it on for the ride. And it flew up and smacked me in the face on the first big drop. 🤣🤣🤣

After J and I had both ridden, I got us an LL return time for Buzz for after L woke up.


Shortly after we rode Space, our boarding group was called for Tron, so we headed up to the entrance to set up rider swap. While we were talking to the CM, little man woke up from his nap. We decided that J would ride first using the regular queue, and then I would ride second using the Lightning Lane.

While J was doing this...


L and I were doing this...


And this. Mom shows no mercy. 😂


After J texted me that he had gotten off of Tron, we met up, and he took L while I rode. My picture never showed up. While I was riding, J took L on Buzz, and then for his first ride on the Tomorrowland Speedway.


He also let him get his "drivers license," which is the cutest thing ever.


After I got off of Tron, I met up with the boys outside of Tomorrowland Speedway. It was around 1:30 and we were all famished, so we decided to mobile order some lunch from Cosmic Ray's. Not the best food in MK, but we thought L would enjoy watching Sonny Eclipse. For lunch, J and I both got the spicy chicken sandwich (which we both enjoyed), and L got the mac and cheese kids' meal with fries and apple slices.


Up next: Fantasyland fun, and L's first roller coaster!
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Every child is different, but I was able to convince my daughter to get her picture taken with whatever article it was she wanted me to buy (she was also a year or so older than L when we first started going to Disney parks) and that usually worked.
I'll try that! Thankfully, he's usually fine when we tell him "No, you have a bajillion toys at home." It also helps that we brought some new toys with us on this trip for him to play with in the room.


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Tuesday, November 28th - Magic Kingdom Day - Continued

While we were at lunch, I grabbed our next LL, for Winnie the Pooh


After lunch, we decided to hit up the rest of Fantasyland. We gave L the choice of riding Teacups, Dumbo, or Barnstormer first, and he chose the teacups.



J said we shouldn't spin the teacup, but L had other plans



After teacups, L requested to ride Dumbo next. We didn't take any pics, but L enjoyed it as always. After Dumbo, it was time for L to take on his very first roller coaster - Barnstormer! We let him watch the roller coaster for a couple minutes to make sure he was okay with riding.


At first, he was a little hesitant...


Still not quite sure how to feel...


And then decided he loved it!


He laughed hysterically through most of the ride, and immediately requested to ride again.


We officially have a thrill-seeker on our hands! We're hoping he'll be big enough for SDMT this year!

Up next: All aboard the MPB


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Tuesday, November 28th - Magic Kingdom Day - Continued

After It's a Small World, we decided to hit up another classic, and one of L's favorites - the carousel. I love this pic of my two boys walking through Fantasyland - L felt like a big boy getting to walk more in the parks on this trip.

View attachment 762332

After the carousel, we let L try to pull the sword from the stone - no luck this time!

View attachment 762333

We were all hungry by this point, so we popped into Tomorrowland to Joffrey's to get coffees for J and I and a donut for L, and then mobile-ordered some breakfast from Friar's Nook. I got the sausage gravy tots, and J got their breakfast sandwich.

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View attachment 762335

After we had eaten breakfast, we decided to head toward the left side of the park, since our Jingle Cruise LL return time was approaching. On our walk over, we saw that Haunted Mansion was posted at a 13-minute wait. Of course we all know that it's a law that you must ride Haunted Mansion when it's only a "13" minute wait.

View attachment 762336

L has reached the age where he sometimes gets a little freaked out by darkness and loud noises, so we explained to him in the stretching room that it was all pretend, and he could hug Mama or Dada if he felt scared. Ultimately, he was fine.

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We did not nail it.

View attachment 762338

Once we had ridden, L declared that he wanted to "ride two haunted mansions." Thankfully, he settled for two pictures.

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View attachment 762340

Up next: Skippers, Pirates, and Runaway Mine Trains
the picture with the backwards Mickey cap is the cutest thing I've ever seen!
Hi I'm here for your TR! Loving everything so far, I've been wanting to go the week you did for a long time and I think you've finally convinced me to! :) I am glad you liked AKL Kidani, it's one of my fave resorts (and the giraffes are of course my fave)!
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Well-Known Member
Heart Tuesday, November 28th - Magic Kingdom Day - Continued

While we were at lunch, I grabbed our next LL, for Winnie the Pooh

View attachment 762655

After lunch, we decided to hit up the rest of Fantasyland. We gave L the choice of riding Teacups, Dumbo, or Barnstormer first, and he chose the teacups.

View attachment 762656
View attachment 762657

J said we shouldn't spin the teacup, but L had other plans

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View attachment 762659

After teacups, L requested to ride Dumbo next. We didn't take any pics, but L enjoyed it as always. After Dumbo, it was time for L to take on his very first roller coaster - Barnstormer! We let him watch the roller coaster for a couple minutes to make sure he was okay with riding.

View attachment 762660

At first, he was a little hesitant...

View attachment 762661

Still not quite sure how to feel...

View attachment 762662

And then decided he loved it!

View attachment 762663

He laughed hysterically through most of the ride, and immediately requested to ride again.

View attachment 762664

We officially have a thrill-seeker on our hands! We're hoping he'll be big enough for SDMT this year!

Up next: All aboard the MPB
His hands!!!
I Love You Flirting GIF by Max


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The joy on Lincoln’s face riding the Barnstormer is priceless.😃
He absolutely loved it! He kept asking to go back and ride Barnstormer throughout the rest of the trip. 😂
I like the hands up on the Barnstormer. His first rollercoaster and already riding No Hands! 😊
I agree! Those tiny little hands are 😍😍😍
That picture is one of our favorites from this trip! It's actually a screen grab from a video I took on our second time riding. He was loving it!
the picture with the backwards Mickey cap is the cutest thing I've ever seen!
I remember buying that hat back in 2018 or 2019 when we were still trying to get pregnant, it's hard to believe it fits now!
Hi I'm here for your TR! Loving everything so far, I've been wanting to go the week you did for a long time and I think you've finally convinced me to! :) I am glad you liked AKL Kidani, it's one of my fave resorts (and the giraffes are of course my fave)!
I highly recommend the week after Thanksgiving! We've been to WDW four times, and Disneyland twice the week after Thanksgiving. I'll be bummed when L is in school and we can't go that week anymore!
His hands!!!
I Love You Flirting GIF by Max
He put his hands up on almost every ride after this. 😂

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