CM Attacked at ToT


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Original Poster
I understand what you are saying, but do not agree. It is the sentiment that "oh, we shouldn't judge others" is what gives people license to act this way. If society didn't glamorize and, in a way, allow this type of behavior, but condemned it more harshly, then people would be less likely to commit these kinds of acts. There is zero justification for this person's actions.
Absolutely. Not the same thing but related. Here in NYC In the past few days several police officers had water thrown on them by the large bucketfuls in two separate incidents, one in Brooklyn, one in Harlem. One police officer even had the bucket thrown at him and it hit him in the head. In both cases the police simply walked away or ignored it. That is because they know that the current resident of City Hall hates them and would love nothing more than to fire them, if he could. So of course I'm sure more people will act this way for the notoriety. I have heard that three of the perps are now wanted by the police and will be arrested. People think they can do what they please with no repercussions. In many cases unfortunately, this is true. Bad behavior like that cannot be tolerated as it will lead to this type of behavior just being repeated. Marie


Well-Known Member
Simple assault just isn't a big deal. Sorry snow flakes.



Active Member
That family in Toontown didn't wanna make statements to avoid incriminating anyone....but the video got out and the police had something to work with. I would be shocked if Disney wants any media coverage of this situation in courts...all it would do is highlight the incident even more and potentially harm the image. However, if the video the family members too at ToT got in in the hands of law enforcement, would something happen even if the CM elects to not make a statement or be involved in any action against the guests?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The family in Toontown were beating up each other, no CMs were involved except at the end to break it up. The charges that are being brought are being pursued by the DA against the guy in the pink/red shirt for assaults on his own family and threats against the same. Nothing to do with Disney other than the location. Marie


Well-Known Member
That family in Toontown didn't wanna make statements to avoid incriminating anyone....but the video got out and the police had something to work with. I would be shocked if Disney wants any media coverage of this situation in courts...all it would do is highlight the incident even more and potentially harm the image. However, if the video the family members too at ToT got in in the hands of law enforcement, would something happen even if the CM elects to not make a statement or be involved in any action against the guests?
The family in Toontown were beating up each other, no CMs were involved except at the end to break it up. The charges that are being brought are being pursued by the DA against the guy in the pink/red shirt for assaults on his own family and threats against the same. Nothing to do with Disney other than the location. Marie
At Disneyland, there was also the incident with the car - the driver threatened to kill members of his family and tried to run over a CM on their way out of the parking garage...which I'm sure was likely caught on security footage (if there are cameras in the garages). This went way further than a family argument that ended in fisticuffs. EDIT: This doesn't even take into account the multiple guests that tried to break up the fight and probably took a hit in the process.

As to the WDW incident, I'm sure if a witness got video, or if there was ample reason to confiscate any phones, or if she continued trying to attack people on her way out of the parks, then there would likely have been further action.
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Well-Known Member
I understand what you are saying, but do not agree. It is the sentiment that "oh, we shouldn't judge others" is what gives people license to act this way. If society didn't glamorize and, in a way, allow this type of behavior, but condemned it more harshly, then people would be less likely to commit these kinds of acts. There is zero justification for this person's actions.

And this the problem, in large part. We now do such a wonderful job of reinforcing the idea that whatever the eff I feel like doing is OK, and no one has any business questioning me. Got news -that's not how a society functions, not in a healthy sense anyway. By definition, it's why we have prisons.


Well-Known Member
There is zero justification for this person's actions.
I agree with this statement 100%, but in HIS mind, there IS justification. And that is the root of the problem - there's a large segment of the population that lives in a world in which violence is not only accepted, but applauded. Mainstream media and music certainly don't help, either, by glamorizing that sort of lifestyle. Heck, one of my husband's acquaintances is raising his 8-year-old autistic son with the idea that striking out against people is okay if he gets angry, basically setting him up for a future full of violence and more difficulty than his disability brings by itself. This child loses his mind if he doesn't win a video game, but the father doesn't see the inherent problems that come along with his parenting choices.


Well-Known Member
I agree with this statement 100%, but in HIS mind, there IS justification. And that is the root of the problem - there's a large segment of the population that lives in a world in which violence is not only accepted, but applauded. Mainstream media and music certainly don't help, either, by glamorizing that sort of lifestyle. Heck, one of my husband's acquaintances is raising his 8-year-old autistic son with the idea that striking out against people is okay if he gets angry, basically setting him up for a future full of violence and more difficulty than his disability brings by itself. This child loses his mind if he doesn't win a video game, but the father doesn't see the inherent problems that come along with his parenting choices.

To me, that is child abuse. I would think that the poor child should be taken away from that parent.


Well-Known Member
To me, that is child abuse. I would think that the poor child should be taken away from that parent.
Dad does say only in self defense, but to a child with autism who has anger issues, that line is pretty much non-existent. In dad's defense, he does love his son...he's just not very bright at all. Whether he feels stuck in his life or chooses to barely eek out an existence...I don't know. He's a hell of a mechanic, but I do know that child-care has caused issues with his job in the past (he's divorced and the mother only demanded primary custody for the SSD checks and other services she's able to get).

EDIT: Sorry for derailing the thread...I'll stop now, promise.
With all the 💩 CMs deal with on a daily basis, i’m actually shocked we don’t ever hear about them assaulting guests. As amazing as they are, they are still only human beings so it’s bound to happen at some point. Everyone has a breaking point. I mean if what people are saying is true (which I believe) and cast members are getting spit upon and punched, at some point some CM is gonna hit back. Anyway, hats off to all the CMs who put up with the masses everyday so that the rest of us can enjoy some time away from the daily grind. We appreciate you!



Well-Known Member
Has any video come out? Surprised I have not seen anything. Virtually anything unusual is filmed these days.

The Daily Mail (which I don't believe enjoys being linked to on message boards) reported that either the person that punched or someone in their party recorded the whole thing themselves.

As you do.

So not only did they assault someone... They likely are the ones that provided the proof of the assault.

Also... There was debate over what the altercation was about. Someone said they guessed it was standby to FP ratio being let in, etc... The DM reported that it was because they were told FP's they held weren't good.

Considering the level we're dealing with here, my guess is they found FP's laying somewhere that were old, or maybe they bought some online before the trip not knowing how everything works or something similar.

Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
I, too, feel for what the CM's must put up with Every Day!
We were in the fast pass line at TOT one time, with a long, long standby line.
A woman and a girl about 10 or so was in front of us by about 10 people. The Mom started arguing loudly with the CM that they had a fp and they were going to use it! The CM told them in a firm voice that they Did Not have a fp and had to go back to the end of the standby line. They argued for a while, and finally turned around and left. The male CM in that situation did not back down at all and he won that one.
I just cant' imagine the amount of abuse they get from entitled rude people every day.
We are always grateful for the lovely CM's who stay in character and love their jobs and it shows.
Disney needs to be accountable to their employees and these incidents need to be made public.
I just read that the people involved in the DL fight have been arrested, so there is justice:) Didn't read the whole thing, just the headlines.


Well-Known Member
The short version is...

Disney doesn't stand up to guests
Disney doesn't stand behind CMs

The more that theme is made well known... the better chance Disney is shamed to change their tune.

So many people think Disney is so magical.. working there must be so awesome... and they don't realize the abysmal way Disney treats most front-line positions.

All those comments about the guests being banned from the parks? I LOL'd. They would have been removed from the park at best and handed to the police to deal with.

Knowledge of this has become more and more apparent to me over recent years - though fortunately little of that has been due to actually seeing it in person.
In any event, it troubles me greatly.
Before I knew these things, I thought that Disney must have some kind of military strictness and enforcement regarding guest behavior.
Mess up, and "they'd" be on you in a second.
Turns out the truth is sadly so far from that.
And as the public in general become more and more disgusting and entitled, as the parks get more and more crowded - and as word gets out that people can get away with this horrible behavior - we will see more and more of it.
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Well-Known Member
I blame the media. If the CM pressed charges, the aggressor would claim to be the victim, and since it's Disney, the story would run. It would tell the story of the evil empire denying admittance to an attraction to a poor family who saved and traveled for their dream vacation. How poorly they were treated, how this ruined their vacation. their continued stress, and how much they love Disney, and now cannot return. The assault would be downplayed, if mentioned at all. This is the result of avoidance of negative publicity by the media and lobby groups.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that is true at all. My grandmother has severe high blood pressure. She is on 3 different blood pressure medicines and has been for over 2 decades. One of the signs that I recognize with her blood pressure spikes is her behavior. High blood pressure can affect your mental abilities, no doubt about it.
Maybe some react differently, but, in all the years I have been on BP medicine no doctor has ever asked me it I had mood swings when my BP was high. I didn't feel good, but, I wasn't moody and nothing I have ever seen lists that as something to watch for. But, like I said, maybe it has never been a symptom for me.

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