Closing of Tower of Terror (WDW)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the follow-ups. As I said earlier, I have been lurking around here for a while and it seems the consensus both here and elsewhere on the web is that Marni is indeed the expert here.

Please correct anything I have wrong in here for me. I want to make sure I have the most accurate information possible as I near my trip date.

I also saw an earlier post about "old information" on the part of the OP. I am wondering if this is the case because, from my reading around here, there was, at one time, a plan to convert both towers. I know it got scrapped because DHS has so few attractions at the moment--and that it probably won't be on the table again until something new opens (which won't be until 2018).

Furthermore, Tower of Terror is the park icon. It's on the website, the app, and the merchandise as such, with one item I saw going to far as to say DHS was established in 1994--the year the Tower of Terror opened.

There has, of course, also been a persistent rumor of Voyage of the Little Mermaid closing, which was supposed to happen in 2015. I'm curious as to where the source of that came from, as it was operational the last time I checked on it.

My guess is the source of the information (for the OP) was a teenager based on having to relocate with the parent. I work with teenagers as a tutor and I know they tend to get facts mixed up sometimes (no offense to any responsible teenagers who may be posting here, but let's face it--I have heard my share of wrong assignments, page numbers, due dates for papers, material to be on tests, etc). I am going to hope this is the case.

Regarding Mickey: he has actually been on the merchandise for at least 16 years. I have a Tower of Terror t-shirt from 2000 with a picture of Mickey stepping into an elevator printed on it. Mickey has a habit of finding his way into merchandise for any attraction because he is recognizable, marketable, and popular (for nearly 90 years). While I have certainly heard a lot about the Great Movie Ride possibly going to a Mickey format, I'm not sure if the rest of the park would fully support Mickey in that capacity. It's an interesting thought, and I certainly give you credit for it.

For Tower of Terror, if the Twilight Zone IP is dropped, why not use the existing Twilight Zone movie and use that story? It's basically the same story, but without Rod Serling and the Twilight Zone theming.

The bar idea came up in the very early summer, right around the time they were thinking of converting both towers, if I have my timeline correct. This would explain why it was scrapped.

Whatever the case, I am hoping Marni and the others are right and that Tower of Terror will be waiting for me the first week of June. (Seriously, I'd reschedule my trip to earlier if it were to close). I'm going to ride it more than my usual three times just in case, and I'm already earmarking a lot of money for souvenirs.

Tower of Terror has been my favorite ride since I was eight years old and has been my absolute favorite spot at Disney.
Speaking of which my dad's boss told him the tower of terror in Orlando is closing and he was clearly referring to DCA as he mentioned the Marvel Panel event. It's easy to mix things up if you take them out of context or don't have a vast knowledge of the parks.


Well-Known Member
For a cheaper re-theme they could do Dr. Strange as that deals more in alternate dimensions and bending reality... but let's pretend I didn't write that as I don't want to incite rage.
I love the Twilight Zone and I love the Tower of Terror (Florida version- I think the California version may actually be improved by Guardians.) I don't want it to change, but if it's a matter of no longer paying CBS for the rights, I think it wouldn't be that hard to strip the Twilight Zone parts away. Take out Rod Serling and the music along with a few iconic images such as the shattering window, the eyeball. The hotel, the lightning strike, the ghosts- they're all original to the ride.
Or... Disney seems to be in good with Neil Patrick Harris- maybe they could tie it in with the Magic Castle and get a real Hollywood connection.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, GotG would be more of an intrusive (out of place) fit in FW then in Hollywood Studios
It does belong in Hollywood Studios, just not in the place they wanted to put it. Of all the places in the park, Sunset Blvd is the WORST place to put it much less the tallest structure that serves as theming for the entire side of the park.

Coaster Lover

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In the Parks
I don't want it to change, but if it's a matter of no longer paying CBS for the rights, I think it wouldn't be that hard to strip the Twilight Zone parts away. Take out Rod Serling and the music along with a few iconic images such as the shattering window, the eyeball. The hotel, the lightning strike, the ghosts- they're all original to the ride.

Said it before and I'll say it again, the Disney Sea Tower of Terror presents a 100% acceptable non-IP re-theme option for Orlando's TOT which could maintain the Old Hollywood feel of the ride without the Twilight Zone themeing.


Well-Known Member
You're right about why they wanted to include other properties in the park, but only 40 movies? I'm pretty sure that number is wrong. They had 25 animated features alone by then, not including the live-action cataloge which started decades prior.
Yep, you are right - I got some defective data. Should have gone with Wikipedia.


Well-Known Member
I don't put any stock in this rumor just because I don't have any faith that most WDPR executives actually know much about the parks they operate. I could easily see a lodging exec who probably has a cushy office far away from the parks or resorts easily get confused between Hollywood Studios and California Adventure.


Well-Known Member
I still find it hard to believe the jump to incorporate the current hot IP into an attraction that will be around after interest in that IP has waned. Established franchises such as Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Twighlight Zone, Pixar films, etc. have the ability of span multiple generations. Those like Avatar or GoG while popular do not. Disney is devoting billions to Avatar land for an IP that may be considerably damaged if the next set of movies underperform. (lets face it Cameron makes some blockbuster movies, but is there the anticipation ala Star Wars for the next set of Avatar movies?) GoG is similar but more akin to Frozen. Do you think in 5-10 years that people will really flock to these IPs the way they're doing now, especially if something newer and better comes out? It will be like the Tronorail that overstayed its welcome by 3 years.
There's a huge difference between Avatar and GotG. Avatar lends itself well to a land regardless, even if the movie flopped what they have planned would be just as amazing for DAK. GotG on the other hand has zero logical connection to Epcot other than being a big IP.
Upsetting for sure but does not surprise me at all. Twilight zone is appealing to us but deff not to children anymore. These kids don't know or appreciate twilight zone but they sure do know the guardians. This ride I'm sure will be changed eventually regardless, as each year goes by the younger generation riding TOT understands its theming less and less. Children who never went to wdw are not begging there parents for twilight zone but they are begging for guardians and frozen... Guess its time to accept that disney isn't only for adults lol
And I think the problem is that Disney seems to have the same flawed mindset.
I wouldn't mind TOT being made into a movie again. Nothing................... like the first one with Steve Guttenberg. More of a semi adult /adult mystery movie. No gore. No creatures or ghosts with eyes popping out of there skull. Just where did they go. Where are they now ghost story.
Someone brought up this idea a while back somewhere, but Disney should outright buy the TZ rights, and maybe make a reboot series for it.


Well-Known Member
It does belong in Hollywood Studios, just not in the place they wanted to put it. Of all the places in the park, Sunset Blvd is the WORST place to put it much less the tallest structure that serves as theming for the entire side of the park.

The only reason Sunset Blvd and its 1940s theming even exists at all is to provide context and a "pre-queue" for the Tower.

Are you just taking issue with the tower's placement in the front corner?


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Well-Known Member
The only reason Sunset Blvd and its 1940s theming even exists at all is to provide context and a "pre-queue" for the Tower.

Are you just taking issue with the tower's placement in the front corner?
No I take issue with the building is theming for the entire section of Hollywood themeing in the front of the park. It complements the parts that were there even before the expansion took place. A galactic factory would not


Well-Known Member
No I take issue with the building is theming for the entire section of Hollywood themeing in the front of the park. It complements the parts that were there even before the expansion took place. A galactic factory would not

Wait, are you talking about the Tower of Terror building as originally and currently used, or are you talking about the Tower building after a possible Guardians overlay?

Or both?
Plus, you have Morocco, which would look awful with a Guardians tower behind it.

I have never seen Guardians of the Galaxy and generally only see a Marvel movie if I get dragged there by my friends. (I actually have enjoyed the movies, although I probably wouldn't have seen them on my own accord; I'm more of a Batman/DC guy when it comes to comic books).

However, I am a huge Twilight Zone fan, and Tower of Terror is what got me into it. (The movie with Kirsten Dunst was also great, and while most people know it for Gutenberg, I prefer to reference my childhood crush here). I'm honestly surprised they don't sell more Twilight Zone-themed merchandise at the gift shop--why not get more people into the show? I think they used to sell DVDs there but I don't recall seeing them last year (but then again, I wasn't looking, as I own a boxed set of DVDs of the show and occasionally catch it on the local MeTV station if I'm still awake when it's on). Disney should just buy the IP outright, since CBS doesn't seem to be doing anything with it these days and a reboot would be perfect.

Don't attack me for this, but I think a Guardians ride in Epcot, as has been rumored, is a good thing. Epcot is a pretty stale park and aside from Test Track and Soarin, doesn't have any big thrill rides. Frozen brought the princess-loving crowd into a park known only as a poor man's geography lesson to most kids, so why not bring in Guardians to please the ones who prefer superheroes and thrill rides? Besides, Epcot was home to Honey I Shrunk the Audience--all SCIENCE FICTION!!!--for many years. (It was also a show my 8 year old self loved).

Any word yet from anyone to officially debunk this Orlando Tower rumor, which I think we've come to a consensus about on here in everything but hearing from the OP?

(If worse comes to worse, who would be up for doing a huge crowdsourcing effort, giving me a few billion bucks, and letting me buy the rights to both Tower of Terror from Disney and Twilight Zone from CBS, then reconstructing the Tower in, oh, maybe suburban Pittsburgh?) ;)
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Well-Known Member
Today the building looks fantastic and complements the entire area. A Guardians tower would all. I apologize if my posts were confusing
I agree...the only way this would work would be to completely change the entire theming of the front half of the park...Make it all sci-fi ...which of course they will not do. The Star Wars section of the park will be interesting, but I hardly think that the thematic land can sustain a whole park. I know it is a popular ip and all, but aside fomr the Cantina and a ship or two, what are the engaging parts of the world people want to see...most of the acion takes place in space or distant uninhabited desert planets... As much as I liked the films these are not places that I am excited to visit...or even places they have spent any time romancing in the films...

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