Closing of Tower of Terror (WDW)


Well-Known Member
I think the 5th Dimension is a technical marvel and a fun surprise when it initially happens, but many feel Disney dropped the ball on the actual room. Non Theme Park fans won't realize the ride is trackless in that section, so that technical footnote is lost of most guests. Disney also doesn't use the trackless tech for anything showy. I mean obviously an elevator car moving from one shaft to another is showy, but it doesn't highlight the trackless nature in a way that trackless darkrides do with the cars bouncing around a large room in a seemingly random way without any indication where you're going next.

Well it's extremely clear we'll never see eye to eye on this. I think they made brilliant use of the trackless technology, in that it allows the ride to execute something you would never expect, nor would think even be possible from an elevator. The build up to it, in contrast to the other Towers, in how it functions like an elevator before leaving the shaft seemingly of its own volition only adds further to the surprise.

I suspect had they utilized the trackless technology in the manner you wish, it would have detracted from the experience.


Well-Known Member
I suspect had they utilized the trackless technology in the manner you wish, it would have detracted from the experience.

Certainly. I never said they should have the car move about aimlessly, just that since it doesn't, most people don't realize it is trackless. If the car followed a track on the floor it would be the same experience for the guests, so that's why I don't give it extra points for being trackless. It's a cool footnote, but not a feature to most guests.


Well-Known Member
Certainly. I never said they should have the car move about aimlessly, just that since it doesn't, most people don't realize it is trackless. If the car followed a track on the floor it would be the same experience for the guests, so that's why I don't give it extra points for being trackless. It's a cool footnote, but not a feature to most guests.

I don't think anyone argued it as a feature? It functions in the exact manner it was meant to, in that it helps achieve an effect. It wasn't intended to draw attention to itself.


Well-Known Member
I disagree. HS has such a mixed up theme right now, it wouldn't impact it in the least. This would be a far greater negative impact to Epcot then it ever would to HS. At the very least, Hollywood Studios is still in name a Studio. Having film related IP's hit the park in any form in any part of the park makes much more sense then fitting GoTG into a park that had nothing to do with IPs in the beginning. Additionally, GoTG does nothing to educate on Energy let alone the future. GoTG is fantasy, Epcot was always about a realistic view of the future and it's possibilities. I don't anticipate that we will live in anything like GoTG in the future therefore GoTG in Epcot;Energy would be a monumental fail the likes Disney has never seen! That is from a themeing perspective.

Sunset is not mixed up......sunset is damn near fact its the only part of that park not broken and you want to go ahead and break it?


Well-Known Member
Sunset is not mixed up......sunset is damn near fact its the only part of that park not broken and you want to go ahead and break it?

It wouldn't have to break it up. Tower/Rockin Rollercoaster/Animation Courtyard could become superhero themed and not disrupt the majority of Sunset.


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't have to break it up. Tower/Rockin Rollercoaster/Animation Courtyard could become superhero themed and not disrupt the majority of Sunset.

Theres only one suler hero set up they can even build and its GOTG your never going to see suler hero land or something. God i wish they never bought marvel pr star wars. First they destroy all the cannon than they try to cram it everywhere...


Well-Known Member
One of the main reasons why Sunset works is because it all acts as a build up to Tower of Terror. If you take that away it's a solid themed area with no payoff. It's Cars Land without any rides.

I agree mostly however each could exsist without the other to some degree. Sunset is just such a nice flush area with very minimal outside intrusion and the tower is icing on the cake as you allude to. The street as a whole is a thematic masterpiece. Could it be refreshed with some touches of modern tech? Sure give it a little more flash (in fact i hope so).


Well-Known Member
Theres only one suler hero set up they can even build and its GOTG your never going to see suler hero land or something. God i wish they never bought marvel pr star wars. First they destroy all the cannon than they try to cram it everywhere...

Guardians, Peggy Carter, The Incredibles, Big Hero 6, Doctor Strange.... All super hero properties available.


Well-Known Member
Sunset superheroes.jpg
Taking more than half of Sunset and retheming it to Superheroes would not upset the theming of Sunset Blvd? lol at that point all that is left is a couple shops on the backside of Hollywood Blvd... It would completely destroy that area... TOT and Sunset were purposely designed together... the thing that doesn't reallly go is the Rock N Roller Coaster... If they built a few more buildings where the Sunset Ranch area is, they could isolate Sunset Boulevard and allow it to remain Old Hollywood, ahile accessing Rock N RollerCoaster from behind through the animation courtyard, and there you could have your superheroes without disturbing the Act 1 setup of the Tower Of Terror...The new facades would create a buffer further advancing the storyline of TOT and old Hollywood, while allowing an all new themed area to exist right behind.


Well-Known Member
Sunset is not mixed up......sunset is damn near fact its the only part of that park not broken and you want to go ahead and break it?

Scattered free flow thoughts:

Sunset is really just shops and one big ride though, right? I do like it, but it also doesn't necessarily seem like one "huge" area that is untouchable.

RnR could use a retheme, but it isn't mandatory. I don't like the idea Guardian's overlay makes sense here, unless they have space behind the area to add a 2nd marvel attraction (Big Hero 6 could definitely work).

I'd like a Marvel presence in the park, but don't want it at the Tower's expense.

Star Wars Land, Sunset Blvd, Toy Story Land, Marvel area --- really could be a thematic mess, but could be a lot of fun too?


Well-Known Member
Thankfully you're not in charge.

Take your superheroes and stick them in a purpose built area.

Or visit IOA.

If I were in charge Tower would stay, as would have Anaheim's. It's the fact Disney is in charge which means the writing is on the wall and the DHS Tower's days are numbered. They will remove the Twilight Zone theme, and that will be something which requires recording new media, new music, new narration, and new 5th Dimension Room effects. Sure, they could go through this expense and NOT put in a Disney property. But we know Disney. If they're going to spend this money, they can spend a little more and clone the Anaheim retheme to sell more DVD's, merchandise, and satisfy customer demand.

It's not something I look forward to, it's just what makes logical sense. The street is act one to Tower? So is Anaheim's and they have a "solution." The themeing for Buena Vista St/Hollywoodland is more elaborate in Anaheim and we already know that Disney doesn't care. With the simpler themeing of Sunset Blvd, making the DHS Tower into Guardians will seem like a cakewalk for Disney.


Park History nut
Premium Member
If I were in charge Tower would stay, as would have Anaheim's. It's the fact Disney is in charge which means the writing is on the wall and the DHS Tower's days are numbered. They will remove the Twilight Zone theme, and that will be something which requires recording new media, new music, new narration, and new 5th Dimension Room effects. Sure, they could go through this expense and NOT put in a Disney property. But we know Disney. If they're going to spend this money, they can spend a little more and clone the Anaheim retheme to sell more DVD's, merchandise, and satisfy customer demand.

It's not something I look forward to, it's just what makes logical sense. The street is act one to Tower? So is Anaheim's and they have a "solution." The themeing for Buena Vista St/Hollywoodland is more elaborate in Anaheim and we already know that Disney doesn't care. With the simpler themeing of Sunset Blvd, making the DHS Tower into Guardians will seem like a cakewalk for Disney.

As it stands the TZ theme is at risk being replaced by a generic zone of twilight-esque theme. Not Donald goes ghost hunting or similar.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 168777 Taking more than half of Sunset and retheming it to Superheroes would not upset the theming of Sunset Blvd? lol at that point all that is left is a couple shops on the backside of Hollywood Blvd... It would completely destroy that area... TOT and Sunset were purposely designed together... the thing that doesn't reallly go is the Rock N Roller Coaster... If they built a few more buildings where the Sunset Ranch area is, they could isolate Sunset Boulevard and allow it to remain Old Hollywood, ahile accessing Rock N RollerCoaster from behind through the animation courtyard, and there you could have your superheroes without disturbing the Act 1 setup of the Tower Of Terror...The new facades would create a buffer further advancing the storyline of TOT and old Hollywood, while allowing an all new themed area to exist right behind.
Since Star Wars Launch Bay won't be around for ever, The old animation building and pretty much everything from Animation Courtyard to Rock n Roller Coaster, including the one "L shaped" operations building, are all potentially areas for future expansion projects

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