I think the 5th Dimension is a technical marvel and a fun surprise when it initially happens, but many feel Disney dropped the ball on the actual room. Non Theme Park fans won't realize the ride is trackless in that section, so that technical footnote is lost of most guests. Disney also doesn't use the trackless tech for anything showy. I mean obviously an elevator car moving from one shaft to another is showy, but it doesn't highlight the trackless nature in a way that trackless darkrides do with the cars bouncing around a large room in a seemingly random way without any indication where you're going next.
As for the room design, I wouldn't mind stark if used effectively. Me personally, I'd love to see the room replaced with a 3 dimension star field you travel through. An inky black limbo floating along. Right now it seems like we're getting a sneak preview of a Disney Store Mall window display with plastic mannequins and signs on fishing line behind large glass windows. It seems the Collector from Guardians has already set up shop here with the industrial glass containment look of the set. There's only 3 issues I have with the DHS Tower (5th Dimension Room themeing, the end of the hallway scene just kind of quietly dying out without any button on the end, and the silent projection finale at the bottom of the drop shaft.) I think it has the bones to be a Disney great, I just think it needs a little love and updating.
Can it get that Disney "plussing" without management writing off the budget as a retheme to a Disney property? That's debatable. But I do think Tower's effects might negatively stand out against the new Star Wars Land effects and the new Great Mickey Ride. Its like Ellen's Energy Adventure next to Mission Space and Test Track. Ellen is another technical marvel with the flow of the attraction, but its definitely outdated next to these modern attractions.