Cliff's Kitchen


Well-Known Member
ya'll should forward this thread to some cleaning supply companies... they would prob. really enjoy knowing how many people dearly love clean kitchens... never know what wal-mart might start selling then... lol... cleanup on aisle five, cleanup on kitchen aisle number 5...



It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I cleaned my Kitchen this morning before I left for work.... ugh... what a task...

It was so messy... and full of dishes :eek: So I was up to my eyeballs & elbows this morn, diving into a dirty kitchen, to make it all clean and shiny. :) :wave:

True story... Now when I get home tonight... I will have a nice clean kitchen waiting for me. :) :wave:


Well-Known Member
So you can either eat at home after you clean the kitchen or you can just say "the heck with it!" and dine at the Bearded Clam.


Well-Known Member
I think a clean home is important, but the kitchen and the bathroom are the areas that must be the cleanest.

some filth is ok in the bedroom :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
Where IS Cliff. . . ?

Speak of the devil. (and the devil appears?)

Hey, I remember this place,'s all comming back to be now!

I had a freak boating accident and had amnisia,...amneesia,....I mean a. m. n. i. s ,...the thing where you loose your memory. ( Wasn't there a dude here that threw a fit every time somebody mispelled a word?...I think I remember that)

Anyhoo,..I couldn't remember what the URL was. After I figured out the web address, I got stuck on my user name,...after a few months I discovered that my user name was "Cliff",...may actual real name.

I never did remember my password. I simply got "lucky" today. Fo the past few months I have been trying to log in with a complex process of typing every combination of letters in the alaphebet,...starting with "aaaaa" then "aaaab" and "aaaac" and so forth. Then finally after several thousand attempts I found my old password!! Wa-Hoo!!

I feel like I partially proved Hawking's chaos theory! ( A million monkeys pounding on typewriters for 100billion years WILL eventually write their own perfect copy of "War And Peace")

OK,....I'm back. (Now what do I do?...I feel "shy" all over again)

Lemme look through the user directory,...I'm sure I will recognize soem of those names.


(I deliberatly mispelled "some" as "soem"'s a "tip of my hat" to the guy that hates mispelled words...heehee)


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