Cinderella Castle: Disneyland 50 Anniversary Modifications - New Concept Art!


Well-Known Member
the concept art looks wonderful for the new castle. gold is a nice touch...and lets all shudder as we remember the scary castle cake...


had to add a hurl for good measure... ;)


Well-Known Member
I really like the castle like that! Thank God it's not the castle cake again. That was just hideous! :lol: This one is very regal looking.

Any word on when it will be done?


New Member
General Grizz said:
I wonder if the characters will affect the forced perspective. . .
I was thinking that too, I am sure they have thought of that and scaled the characters to the proper size. I guess we won't know until it done.


New Member
Coaster Guy said:
I am not sure how they will put the decorations on the castle. They seem fairly simple (not like transforming it into a cake) so they may be able to do it quickly, then again it is Disney so you never know. I know Stitch's castle was very temporary and simple, it went up overnight, literally. Also, in 2002 they used a crane to paint the rooves of the castle without putting up any scaffolding. I bet they can do the same type of setup and put everything up in about a week or less with little effect on the guests. Since the celebration starts on May 5, I bet it goes up early to mid April. We'll see.

I was at MK this morning for a training class and one of turrets was decorated with the gold ribbon (just like in the photo at the beginning of this thread). I don't know if they were actually beginning the castle transformation or whether they were just testing it...but it looked pretty cool to me


Well-Known Member
It looked good?! Wonderful. It's probably just being tested - perhaps they made one little gold piece to test on the turret, and if it fit, they'd go ahead and fabricate the rest of the parts.


Nice! Can't wait to see it! :D

NemoRocks said:
Better than the castle cake, of course.... :lol:
They could burn it down and it would be better than the castle cake.

(ok maybe that's a bit extreme :lol: )


New Member
Honestly, I thought it looked good... The gold matched the castle perfectly and it didn't seem tacky at all, unlike the castle cake. I wish I had carried my camera with me. If it is still up tomorrow I will try to get a picture of it.


Active Member
I like it! I really like the gargoyles from Hunchback there because I still say Hunchback is one of the most underrated Disney films ever. I (and I realize I will catch heck for this) also liked the castle cake though. It was kind of nice for a change and to commemorate a special time in the park. I was there when they first started painting it pink and got pictures to prove to people they were painting it pink. I was livid then - but later when I saw promos for the 25th celebration on TV and saw it was a cake - I said AHHHHHHH! NOw I get it. SO I made sure to go back while it was a cake, since that would never happen again ( I know...thank God).
For the record I coudn't care less about the wand - and I like the hat - but I miss the view of the Chinese theater. :rolleyes:

Coaster Guy

New Member
Wow Was I wrong!!!!

Well I was wrong, WAY WRONG. I figured that the castle decorations would go up fairly quickly and therefore not start until next spring, but like WDWCPBrandon, I saw that castle on Tuesday with one tower turret worked on. I was told by a manager that is working on this celebration (one I know well) and he said it was just a test, but the final will most likely look very close to this test. And when the test is taken down, the final will most likely go up at the same time so there will be no down time.

I only saw it at night during the Very Merry Christmas Party, but I was not impressed by it. It looked like the castle was TP-ed all over again. I have not seen it during the day however when you can see the colors. I do like the concept art though so we will see how it turns out. The one thing I was surprised by (and which is probably why it will take longer to put up) is that the ribbons are not touching the castle. They are being held out about 6 inches from it is it looks like it is floating. I thought they would just wrap the castle up, but they are actually mounting things into it. A nice touch to make it look more enchanted.


New Member
Coaster Guy said:
Well I was wrong, WAY WRONG. I figured that the castle decorations would go up fairly quickly and therefore not start until next spring, but like WDWCPBrandon, I saw that castle on Tuesday with one tower turret worked on. I was told by a manager that is working on this celebration (one I know well) and he said it was just a test, but the final will most likely look very close to this test. And when the test is taken down, the final will most likely go up at the same time so there will be no down time.

I only saw it at night during the Very Merry Christmas Party, but I was not impressed by it. It looked like the castle was TP-ed all over again. I have not seen it during the day however when you can see the colors. I do like the concept art though so we will see how it turns out. The one thing I was surprised by (and which is probably why it will take longer to put up) is that the ribbons are not touching the castle. They are being held out about 6 inches from it is it looks like it is floating. I thought they would just wrap the castle up, but they are actually mounting things into it. A nice touch to make it look more enchanted.

I was thinking that probably at night it would probably look like the castle had been TP-ed. I haven't seen it at night yet, the gold stands out pretty well though during the daytime. I also noticed how the ribbons weren't touching the castle. Hopefully the end result will be good!!


Oh nuts! We'll be there the week of April 16-24 with our 3 little ones who've never seen the castle before. I hope it's not covered with scaffolds and cranes. :eek:

Anyone in the know? Best guesses?


Well-Known Member
Coaster Guy said:
Well I was wrong, WAY WRONG. I figured that the castle decorations would go up fairly quickly and therefore not start until next spring, but like WDWCPBrandon, I saw that castle on Tuesday with one tower turret worked on. I was told by a manager that is working on this celebration (one I know well) and he said it was just a test, but the final will most likely look very close to this test. And when the test is taken down, the final will most likely go up at the same time so there will be no down time.

The interestin thing about working for Disney is that you never actually know the truth even as a manager. The test turret decoration has already been taken down. The Final decorations will begin to go up sometime in march as it stands right nowl.

The one thing I was surprised by (and which is probably why it will take longer to put up) is that the ribbons are not touching the castle. They are being held out about 6 inches from it is it looks like it is floating. I thought they would just wrap the castle up, but they are actually mounting things into it. A nice touch to make it look more enchanted.

The test unit was slightly larger than the final verison will be in order to not have any "fit" problems for the trial. The final version will be much tighter than the test. There will also be some changes due to the fact that the pixie dust didnt show up very well.

Someday when I can I will post some pictures of the Magic Kingdom that are nearly impossible to come by.

Here is one I can post!


Well-Known Member
We were at MVMCP on the 14th and noticed the test turret. We also thought it looked pretty good. I'll see if any of the pictures we got show it. We went back the next morning to take some photos in the daylight, but it was already down. I'm really optimistic about this one.

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