Check-in to Hell


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
THIS JUST IN: THE DEVIL IS A LIFE SAVER!!! (No Jer, not the candy!)

STOCKHOLM, Sweden – Ben-Hur Pereira was dressed as a devil but became the guardian angel of a teenager dangling from a four-passenger gondola on a Ferris wheel.

Pereira, who works as a devil in the "Ghost House" at the Groena Lund amusement park in Stockholm, had stepped out of the attraction Wednesday and saw the 16-year-old boy holding tight to the gondola. He had somehow fallen out of the passenger compartment and was hanging 30 feet above the ground.

Pereira, a trained acrobat, scaled the Ferris wheel, reached the teenager and pushed him back inside the gondola car.

"I acted on impulse. I have the technique and had the equipment. To climb is my job and now it just happened this way," said Pereira, wearing a black body suit with flecks of red, a goatee and a silver stud in his lower lip.

"He was a devil of a hero," Robert Mesterton, Groena Lund's chief executive told The Associated Press on Thursday.

Mesterton said park officials weren't sure how the boy managed to slip out of the gondola but when they saw what happened they stopped the ride.

The teenager wasn't injured but was taken to a hospital for a checkup and released.

Mesterton said the park has had the Ferris wheel for 30 years and Wednesday's incident was the first time anyone had been in danger of falling out. He said the incident is being investigated by the park and police.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
If you got girl problems I feel bad for you son...I got .

Sing it ! 99 problems but a beeyatch ain't one.. BTW! Its wacky voice mail Friday !:lol: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by DMC-12
Sing it ! 99 problems but a beeyatch ain't one.. BTW! Its wacky voice mail Friday !:lol: :lookaroun

*looks at calendar*

Yep...there it is...right under "Have lycra drycleaned"


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
*looks at calendar*

Yep...there it is...right under "Have lycra drycleaned"

Hmmm I was thinking about trying some "TCR OFF" hijinks this weekend... The TCR has kicked in a couple of times on me now... and man does the Caddy up a storm.... :lol:

Car: "TRACTION ACTIVATED! clear to continue"

Me: "Pfffft shut your traction hole!" :lol:


Well-Known Member
Traction control took all the fun out of beating up rental cars.

You can still drive it likes its stolen but you can't light up the tires as easily in that rented Alero that National conveniently forgot to change the oil in and the change oil light stares at you the whole time!!!

***sighs and gets out of bitter mode***

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