I can see the advantage of removing dessert... A lot of people would get flled up on drinks, breadm and their main course that they would only have a few bites of their dessert. That and by removing dessert they would have the option of buying it, or leaving thus allowing a better turnover of tables not ordering dessert because they don't want any or dont want to pay more. (and it speeds up the kitchen on desserts for those who wanted some)
I see your point,:wave: but at the same time ... come on. The dinning plan has changed a lot from when it was first offered, and it seems like we keep getting less, and less (and the food quality has just gone down with it, along with the service). I was upset when they took away the appetizer, and gratuity (I think they should have just dropped the appetizer) now they want to drop the desert too. Man, it just seems like a rip off to me. I know there will be some people that say, "well if you calculate it all up your still saving money", but if I didn't buy the DDP, I probably wouldn't go out to a TS restaurant every day. If this is true, Im all for Disney dropping The Dinning Plan, maybe then I'll be able to have a few more meals at Canada while I'm there :slurp:
Edit: As far as Disney (or us) being concerned about the wasting of food, I have an idea. Instead of doing away with desert, because people might be to full to eat it, give the option of a desert that they can take with them (you can't put ice cream in a doggie bag, well you could, but it would melt) like a cake, or something of that nature. That way ... there is no wasted food. Animal Kingdom would be proud.
Hey, Figment 1986, you really do make a great point about the turn over of tables. I just miss the old DDP, I think the real problem started when they began offering it for free, that was when everything started to go downhill. Take care