Changes at WDW due to alligator attack (dedicated thread)


Active Member
Any changes to all the fiberglass alligators in and around the pool at POFQ? The ones not playing instruments double as water fountain and a pool side shower. Would hate to see them go but certainly would understand if they were removed if even temporarily. There is no reasonable way to completely remove alligator symbols from everything Florida . I agree with most of the changes made thus far. View attachment 147290
I was wondering about those too. This is the same brother at POFQ about ten years after the first picture.

I agree that removing everything would be completely unnecessary, but we live in a world that absolutely revels in being offended and outraged.


Well-Known Member
Again, THIS thread is just to let people know about changes - not to debate whether or not those changes are warranted. And to let folks know if changes are temporary or permanent as time goes by.
I absolutely agree, but, if that is all that was included it would consist of about three posts, tops! All the stuff has been questions about if something has been removed not that it has been removed. So far we have only heard of the changes, few as they are, and I don't think that we can allow random questions to crop up and not attempt to explain why the should or should not happen. It just leads to more panic and the spreading of incorrect assumptions. JMHO!


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of the roped fence along the water. I feel like it will tempt more people to go right up to the fence (if it's still there when beach access is open again). Obviously gators can walk under it and so can unsupervised little kids. Many kids love swinging from such an apparatus and they wouldn't know any better about the dangers. Of course you can't keep alligators off the beach but I feel the fence may draw more people near the water. And I'm sure there will be people who legit believe, "As long as I'm on this side of the fence I'll be fine."


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of the roped fence along the water. I feel like it will tempt more people to go right up to the fence (if it's still there when beach access is open again). Obviously gators can walk under it and so can unsupervised little kids. Many kids love swinging from such an apparatus and they wouldn't know any better about the dangers. Of course you can't keep alligators off the beach but I feel the fence may draw more people near the water. And I'm sure there will be people who legit believe, "As long as I'm on this side of the fence I'll be fine."
To that point they are more likely to get struck by lightning twice while standing at that rope then to get touched by an alligator


Well-Known Member
Are they really removing all gator statues and references throughout property? That's crazy... Nobody is going to go running to Guest Relation in floods of tears because they stumble upon a statue of Lagoona Gator accidentally.
...I think its sad that a company has to feel obligated to remove certain features and theming because people are so sensitive to something that has been there since the parks opened.

Given the notoriously dysfunctional management hierarchy of Disney Parks & Resorts, I think it's more likely that a "remove all gator references" policy would be the result of an internal political storm that's been blowing through TDO in the aftermath of the tragedy, rather than a response to any protests by the cash customers.
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Well-Known Member
"Ginger Snaps" was in the Jungle Cruise spiel on Friday morning when we were there. Is there another JC line that y'all are referring to?

The Mom

Premium Member
I absolutely agree, but, if that is all that was included it would consist of about three posts, tops! All the stuff has been questions about if something has been removed not that it has been removed. So far we have only heard of the changes, few as they are, and I don't think that we can allow random questions to crop up and not attempt to explain why the should or should not happen. It just leads to more panic and the spreading of incorrect assumptions. JMHO!

But that's all it was meant to be - just an update on changes.


Well-Known Member
LIST OF KNOWN CHANGES, as of 6-21-16:

  • Jungle Cruise script updated to exclude crocs joke
  • Chomping gator figure barge excluded from Electric Water Pageant (but the pageant itself is running)
  • Rope fences put up on the beaches on Seven Seas Lagoon, with new signs warning of snakes and alligators present, with prohibition against feeding the wildlife
  • Resort beaches are unavailable to Guests. Movie Under the Stars will be shown on the grass or in the indoor location, if applicable.
  • Dancing alligator removed from new castle show
  • Tic-Toc croc removed from Peter Pan segment of Festival of Fantasy Parade
  • Watercraft service (transportation, no sport use) is now operating as normal.
  • Guests may rent pontoon boats and Boston Whaler boats at available marinas. However, Sea Raycer rentals are not available. Sammy Duval water sports are also unavailable.
  • Guests are not permitted to fish on any resort waterway with their personal equipment at this time.

Will update as we hear from others and as I can get to it. Thanks again for your help.
You know the alligator is called louis are you a real disneyfan?


Well-Known Member
Are they really removing all gator statues and references throughout property? That's crazy. Alligators aren't a new thing, they've been around longer than WDW, and they're not even particularly more dangerous now than they were, so if a statue of one was fine in 1980, it's fine now.

Why is everyone acting as if they've just realised they exist? The fact there are so many references shows they're part of the culture, and have always been.

I get not having a dancing one in the stage show, but as for the decorations... overkill. Nobody is going to go running to Guest Relation in floods of tears because they stumble upon a statue of Lagoona Gator accidentally.

Questions are being asked only. To my knowledge no statues/art have been removed.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but in response to those questions, people are quickly inventing straw men to attack.

One of the reasons for the questions is not whether the items should be removed but whether they'll be removed as a sort of reflex. My answer is they won't. So far, IMHO, anything removed has been done so with deliberation: JC joke, chomping alligator "swimming" in SSL during Electrical Water Pageant, and a happy/singing alligator (Louis) from the castle show just as a real one attacked and drowned a child. The other things done were the preventive measures: rope off beaches, put up better signs, etc.


Well-Known Member
I get why they would remove things that would remind people of the tragedy, but I really don't understand why they had to take out Tic Toc the Croc from the parade. I hope it's temporary..
To be fair, they're probably trying to cver their butts and try to not look insensitive... Because lets be honest, the media is all over this and there's always one that finds something to get offended about.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You know the alligator is called louis are you a real disneyfan?

I think I am. Are you? Do you know (without Googling) the name of Kevin Corcoran's character in Old Yeller? (Arliss, by the way.)

Is it really relevant to this thread?

I called him a dancing alligator really because he was kind of obscure and his being an alligator was the significant part, as was the fact that he was in a prominent show (hence why I called it the "castle show" rather than its exact name). Sometimes I think we on this site can be too "insider," and even though I have loved Disney World -- excuse me, Walt Disney World -- for almost all of my 50 years and know nearly every crack and crevice, even I have to think sometimes about acronyms or specific names used here, especially of shows. Since this site is visited by people from all over the world and at many levels of Disney fandom, I try to be specific sometimes, but other times, like this, I felt more inclined to use generic language that told everyone exactly what I was referencing (a dancing gator on the castle stage) for its relevance to the topic and prominence. Looking back I guess I was not entirely consistent in this reasoning (such as with naming the parade, though still calling it a parade); but I guess it was just a judgment call on when more people would get what you are trying to say.

As for discussion and this thread, I think the questions about what is changed and not are good, as is some modest discussion of when or whether it might come back. I also like people showing these pics and calling our attention to objects or show elements they wonder about. It really does remind us how much alligators/crocs are people of the culture and of Disney. But I just ask us to keep it centered in the long run, so that it is easier to follow the discussion. Not trying to keep from having ANY discussion, just keeping it more or less on track (even as I went a little off track to answer our friend above...).

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled programming. :)
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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Tiki man on Facebook is reporting that new netting has been spotted on pallets at Pollyanna and that plexiglass is going up at the bungalows. I would link but I am at work.

EDIT: By reporting I mean he has photos of both on his Facebook site


Well-Known Member
I think I am. Are you? Do you know (without Googling) the name of Kevin Corcoran's character in Old Yeller? (Arliss, by the way.)

Is it really relevant to this thread?

I called him a dancing alligator really because he was kind of obscure and his being an alligator was the significant part, as was the fact that he was in a prominent show (hence why I called it the "castle show" rather than its exact name). Sometimes I think we on this site can be too "insider," and even though I have loved Disney World -- excuse me, Walt Disney World -- for almost all of my 50 years and know nearly every crack and crevice, even I have to think sometimes about acronyms or specific names used here, especially of shows. Since this site is visited by people from all over the world and at many levels of Disney fandom, I try to be specific sometimes, but other times, like this, I felt more inclined to use generic language that told everyone exactly what I was referencing (a dancing gator on the castle stage) for its relevance to the topic and prominence. Looking back I guess I was not entirely consistent in this reasoning (such as with naming the parade, though still calling it a parade); but I guess it was just a judgment call on when more people would get what you are trying to say.

As for discussion and this thread, I think the questions about what is changed and not are good, as is some modest discussion of when or whether it might come back. I also like people showing these pics and calling our attention to objects or show elements they wonder about. It really does remind us how much alligators/crocs are people of the culture and of Disney. But I just ask us to keep it centered in the long run, so that it is easier to follow the discussion. Not trying to keep from having ANY discussion, just keeping it more or less on track (even as I went a little off track to answer our friend above...).

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled programming. :)
Yes i knew it without google

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