I think I am. Are you? Do you know (without Googling) the name of Kevin Corcoran's character in
Old Yeller? (Arliss, by the way.)
Is it really relevant to this thread?
I called him a dancing alligator really because he was kind of obscure and his being an alligator was the significant part, as was the fact that he was in a prominent show (hence why I called it the "castle show" rather than its exact name). Sometimes I think we on this site can be too "insider," and even though I have loved Disney World -- excuse me,
Walt Disney World -- for almost all of my 50 years and know nearly every crack and crevice, even I have to think sometimes about acronyms or specific names used here, especially of shows. Since this site is visited by people from all over the world and at many levels of Disney fandom, I try to be specific sometimes, but other times, like this, I felt more inclined to use generic language that told everyone exactly what I was referencing (a dancing gator on the castle stage) for its relevance to the topic and prominence. Looking back I guess I was not entirely consistent in this reasoning (such as with naming the parade, though still calling it a parade); but I guess it was just a judgment call on when more people would get what you are trying to say.
As for discussion and this thread, I think the questions about what is changed and not are good, as is some modest discussion of when or whether it might come back. I also like people showing these pics and calling our attention to objects or show elements they wonder about. It really does remind us how much alligators/crocs are people of the culture and of Disney. But I just ask us to keep it centered in the long run, so that it is easier to follow the discussion. Not trying to keep from having ANY discussion, just keeping it more or less on track (even as I went a little off track to answer our friend above...).
Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled programming.