Change Of Attitude?

Customer service just isn't easy these days, so many egocentrics. Alas, we cannot stop them from visiting the parks much less working at them. Just remember that the vast majority are really there for the magic! Look around you for the happy faces and stay in the mood! :animwink:


Park History nut
Premium Member
Originally posted by mickhyperion
And then there was the It's a Small World CM who was absent-mindedly beating on the control console where the boats load using the metal "grabber" pole/device that they use to fish things out of the water with. But that's for another thread...

I`m patiently waiting!! :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by 1disneydood
After managing a major retail outlet for many years I can state, thet no matter what, unless you are HNIC, the customer is always right.
After having spent years in retail my reply would be plural and spherical. (Though I do not think that expression is used in America)

One example was the “gentleman” who returned a camcorder I sold him demanding a refund as I’d sold him a machine with a hole in the side. I held my ground and eventually, after my pointing out to him that I had shown him all the controls on the camcorder before boxing it up for him that he admitted he had hit it against a wall.

There may be an increase in the less special CMs, but I've noticed a bigger increase in unpleasant guests.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by se8472
Granted goofying off happens but its all in fun. We can't just there for 16 hours and have a smile on our faces unless we are happy right? As long as nothing in terms of the job or guest safty is being effected.

I'm not taking sides here, but this statement is exactly what Grizz is talking about, and it's exactly what's wrong with the customer service industry today.

It is your JOB to stand there and be happy ALL DAY. What if you aren't happy? Too bad. It's your JOB to stand there and be happy ALL DAY.

At Disney it's about WAY more than just safety and getting by. Goofing off is unacceptable. Why? Because it's bad show, which is a HUGE part of what your JOB entails.

It seems to me from your past posts that you enjoy working there, but if you can't go an entire shift (oh my! an entire shift! :rolleyes: ) without goofing off, then maybe you aren't doing your job after all.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be too tough on one CM for basically just adopting the vibe around him. Officially, of course, CM's are supposed to stay doused in pixie dust all day, but when management and your fellow CM's make it clear that they're not too concerned with it, then it can be easy to lose your own motivation and forget why "show" is supposed to be so important.

The system produces what's put into it; Disney has put less into their system, and their dividends are accordingly less. No sense in blaming individual CM's for fitting in with what Disney has come to accept.


Well-Known Member
In the 18 years of going, while not scrutinizing the resort like SOME PEOPLE, my family and I have never ecountered any rude CM's. None. Although I can state that I have noticed a few grumpy ones. No they were not CP' they were not younger CM's goofing around on the they were not foreigners who barely knew english....THEY WERE OLDER PEOPLE WHO ESCORT THE CHARACTERS! I've seen some of these and I've been like "man, check your blood pressure folks." They usually rush people and while theyre not neseccarily mean or anything they just look like they grew up in the 1600's and found a job at Disney while being rejected from the Bakery at Publix. They tend not to smile very much and they're just kind of blech. Sorry I didn't make much sense but I hope someone knows who I'm talking about. And if these are the veterns who are just angry at how the company is being run then I guess I'd be kind of grumpy too


Well-Known Member
BTW, make my wife cry and you'll meet the nastiest customer EVER. I promise. I put my wife and son's happiness above all things and have no morals or care while defending that. :fork: [/B][/QUOTE]

Unfortunately we weren't there when this guys wife was cryng.

That's one bad thing about these boards...we hear all kinds of stories about bad castmembers or other rude park employees but we never get to hear the OTHER side of the story.

Sometimes I think there are people that just make UP some of these stories just to stir up trouble on these boards.

For all we know maybe this guys wife might have been

My wife crys when ya say BOO! when it's that time of the month.

:lol: :lookaroun :cry: :cry:


Well-Known Member
First, as to General Grizz's general comments and observations, I second all of his thoughts except for the accident at BTMR. I don't know enough of the facts to support that statment. Grizz might have a whole lot more info than I in that area, or many other areas as Grizz generally does.

Second, I've only had one experience with a really horrid CM at POTC that made me feel awful. I shared it here on the boards some weeks ago. There are good and bad apples in every group. The trick is not to to throw the whole barrel out because a few are bad.


Active Member
Originally posted by marni1971
I'm patiently waiting!! :animwink:

Well I think I pretty much already gave away the meat of the story. No need for another thread I guess. I didn't have any other dealings with the CM except seeing him laying (yes, laying!) on the console when the ride was over. This CM position, as far as I can tell, is one which is required to watch out for Guest safety as people are getting in and out of boats and probably hit a button to indicate things are all clear. He was as good as asleep since he wasn't paying attention to anyone, let alone being a nice smiling, waving Small World CM.


New Member
two short stories from my last visit:

at guest services at the boardwalk, a group of women were shouting at the cm who was getting them tickets to HDDRevue over the price, even though they were getting a discount! It was ridiculous. I talked to him right after and he said that the majority of guests he deals with are yelling about something or other.

also, when my wife and i were in tommorowland we saw the fastpass cm at buzz lightyear making a blowing my brains out motion to another cm accross the way. i thought it was pretty funny, but very un-disney.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA
I'm not taking sides here, but this statement is exactly what Grizz is talking about, and it's exactly what's wrong with the customer service industry today.

It is your JOB to stand there and be happy ALL DAY. What if you aren't happy? Too bad. It's your JOB to stand there and be happy ALL DAY.

At Disney it's about WAY more than just safety and getting by. Goofing off is unacceptable. Why? Because it's bad show, which is a HUGE part of what your JOB entails.

It seems to me from your past posts that you enjoy working there, but if you can't go an entire shift (oh my! an entire shift! :rolleyes: ) without goofing off, then maybe you aren't doing your job after all.

I think something you are missing is that fact that we are human. If I am having a really bad day you will never know it, because the only thing that can make me have a really bad day at space would be the guest.

I think what you think of goofing off is not what is really going down. In my book and every person I know working at space and outside of it, being funny is something that is needed to get by. Not only does it NOT BREAK SHOW but it also can make the guest laught and make there time that much better.

As far as having fun doing my job. That is how I do it, really I don't care if ya don't like it but really that is how its done all over the place.

I fell I have done by job better then anyone else I know. Only one complant was ever put in on me that I know of and that was when someone thought I had lied to them about splash being faster then space. But if you think that how I run that place an't the way it should be then by all means to city hall!

/end rant


New Member
I have been a cast member. And I took my job very seriously. I was always curtious, making that extra effort to create a magical moment. But honestly, some guests do not treat cast members with the same respect. I was cursed out, spit at, and even had a woman raise her hand to me (ready to strike). So I believe that most cast members try to do their best most of the time, but sometimes just have to let loose. And if you see it, I'm sorry. But cast members are humans too. We have good days and bad. We have nice guests and demon guests. We are entitled to goofing off to keep our sanity! So the solution to cast member problems? Train the guests!


Well-Known Member

everyone should get a 1 day course all about WDW, including how not to run over people with ECV's :D

oh how I wish

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I hear ya. I only visit WDW for one or two weeks a year, but I get to see more than my share of moronic guests, so I truly understand your position.

se8472, clearly, I misunderstood your first post about "goofing off." To me, that's means a lot more than laughing, telling some jokes, and having a good time. That's EXACTLY what you should do as long as it doesn't interfere with the guests experience AT ALL.

BTW, Space is SO much faster than Splash. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Ok guys. I was gone for the weekend, but I'm back to defend my fellow CMs.
If you are a CM here complaining about other CMs, then you probably have a valid point. Having been a CP, I have a completely new perspective on what's expected of CMs. No, goofing off does not mean we're not doing our job. Often times, the goofing off is the extra little magic that helps make the guest's visit magical. In fact, its the CMs who don't goof off and just stand there like a brick wall that provide horrible guest service.
If you are a guest here complaining about CMs, I have to say, spend a day in our shoes and then see how easy it is to perfectly keep up the magic. Yes, before my college program experience, I thought it would be easy just to sit there and tell everyone to have a magical day. I thought human nature was inherently good. ..........Then I dealt with rude, vicious, horrible guests. I'm a pretty optimistic person, but so many of the guests who come through are TERRIBLE!! You'd think being at the happiest place on earth would make people, umm, happy? But its like you all come in with pitchforks ready to stab the nearest person, either guest or CM. I've been screamed at, cussed out, threatened to be killed (over trivial things such as a child being too short to ride or the wait time being too long for their liking).
I'm sure these people are mostly nice in the real world, but something changes them once they walk through that main gate.
I'm not gonna say all CMs are perfect; there are problems.
AND its NOT just CPs.
(I'm really sick of this CP bashing..and I also have trouble believing half the stories that are presented here, I believe they are made up just to top the last person's story) When I was interviewed for the college program, only 2 of us were selected out of the 25 or so that interviewed at my school. That's gotta say something about the quality they are trying to select.
Its also not only management. Yes, there are some dumb managers, but there are also good ones who still embody the Disney spirit and strive for quality.
So if the problem lies not in just management, CMs or specifically CPs, then where must it be? Guests. So many guests who are looking for something to complain about; they expect at 100% satisfaction level and a perfect vacation, and when one thing goes wrong, look for someone to blame it on. And then these guests are rude to other guests, and to CMs...its a big cycle.

If people would only come to the parks a little more appreciative and thankful that they are fortunate enough to come to a wonderful place; that they have the money and the time to come and family to spend it with; that there are CMs out there pulling 18 hour shifts on the holidays away from their families so that guests may have the time of their life; that were in a wonderful country where they are allowed to visit a magical place such as WDW...there are so many reasons for guests to be thankful and happy, yet they all seem to focus on the negatives.
CMs need a reason to feel fulfilled in their jobs. I got a high from the energy and happiness of sincerely appreciative guests. On Christmas, two-TWO- guests thanked me in the 17-some odd hours I worked. Yet these two people made my day and made it worthwhile.
Just show some respect. The CMs attitudes towards you extend far beyond their jobs. They will treat you the same way you treat them, I am sure. I know that anyone who cares enough to post negative things on this board is the type of guest who knows Disney inside and out, and goes around scrutenizing. I challenge you to take a trip to WDW and for once, focus on the positives. Maybe you can even throw in a little thank you to those CMs who stick out--in a positive way


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ZHoyt
two short stories from my last visit:

also, when my wife and i were in tommorowland we saw the fastpass cm at buzz lightyear making a blowing my brains out motion to another cm accross the way. i thought it was pretty funny, but very un-disney.

How is that very un-disney???? :confused:
Sometimes they get aggravated, I would be too. After reading the message boards over at, I would probably be fired from WDW for fighting a guest or something. I think you guys should read some of those CMs comments. It's pretty funny and gives you different perspectives.


New Member
I personally witnessed something insanely interesting this weekend.

EASTER SUNDAY!!! Pecos Bill's... in the middle of lunch rush. There are approximately 20 people in EACH line on EACH side of EACH register. One of the busiest days of the year, in one of the busier restaurants in the MK and at the height of the day.

An middle-aged female guest walks up to the counter (not having ordered food) and gets the attention of a manager pitching in filling food orders b/c everything is so incredibly backed up. She asked to see his lanyard to look at his pins. He briefly stopped and asked her if she saw something she needed/wanted. PERSONALLY, I think this was extremely nice seeing how busy he was. She wanted to chat about the pins. Asking about exclusiveness and which pins where lanyard only and such. He VERY VERY politely pointed out the massive crowds and explained that he'd be happy to talk with her if she'd come back after the lunch rush. She told him "I know Disney rules and that you are REQUIRED to trade with me whenever I want you to." He politely pointed out the guests in line and told her that he was making lunch happen for her fellow guests and that she would need to see him at a less busy time if she wanted to chat, but he would gladly trade her anything on his lanyard immediately... but she needed to let him make everyone happy by serving them lunch. At this point, she started yelling about the way Disney tradition had "gone way downhill". It was amazing that the people behind her didn't start revolting. She yelled at him a little longer, he apologized and continued serving food. I personally saw several people from the line of guests commend him in the next few minutes following that and I heard a few mention they would have just strangled her and tossed her outside.

In my opinion... this happens more often than people acknowledge. People are quick to blame the CM and not the unreasonable guest.

Look at some of the people here on this board... they fully believe the needs of the few outweigh the needs of many. According to some of their previous tirades... Test Track and Mission:Space should never have been built... thrill rides don't fit into Epcot. Horizons and World of Motion should have stayed... the thousands and thousands of guests who ride TT and M:S should be ignored and the light crowds who rode H and WoM should be appeased... for the sake of history.


Well-Known Member
THANK YOU Poncho1973!! :sohappy:
This is the point so many of us are trying to get at. Its not a battle of CM versus guest, its human vs. human.
You can't go into any kind of business with such unreasonable wants or requests; nowhere else but Disney are guests allowed to get away with such unruliness. Disney is #1 in the world when it comes to "the guest is always right"
The fact is that Disney is so far superior in their guest service that people have come to realize they can take advantage of it.
It's very unfortunate, but you have those who come as guests and completely forget how to act human and treat others with decency and respect.
Imagine being a CM whos been there for years, and all you ever see are selfish, unbearable people who will do anything to benefit themselves, especially taking advantage of CMs who have no choice but to serve them. I'm sure you'd get burned out.
I believe that even though there are bad CMs who don't deserve to work there, the majority of cases of guests complaining are probably of superior CMs who just can't take it anymore.


Well-Known Member
Wow the Cast Memeber versus Guest battle has heated up! Hey, everyone has bad days, cast member and guests alike.

As an observation, I think that everyone is trying to grap at specific examples that may ot be perfect just in order to support a more general sense that something is wrong. I don't think that the problem is with a few bad examples, what the problem is is an overall lack of spirit that guests get from the CMs. I noticed this especially on my last visit - you can't specifically point out an example, it's just an overall feeling - you know that the CMs are unhappy and they are trying to be nice but they can only do so much.

The problem lies, I think, in a simple case of morale. And I don't mean from the immediate managers - they are in the same boat as the rest of the CMs. It from the mid and upper levels of management. It seems like the pride and belief in Disney is starting to give way to a belief that they are just working to make the company money. It's no longer the CM's company - they just are stuck working for them. They have gone from being "magic makers" to just being employees. That's where management (again, not the local managers - the people high up who decide things like traditions and benefits and policies) really needs to get their act together. CMs are getting the brunt of the attack because they are stuck trying to make things work without the support they need from the top.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA

BTW, Space is SO much faster than Splash. :lookaroun

no no no man, I am talking about top speeds here. I think Slash tops out like 15-20 mphs faster then space

But I mean really people. We try our hardest every day to make every guest overly-happy to be at WDW. But if someone comes up to you (out of no where) yelling at you about something you have no control over, and you try and calm them down, but they keep going and try and blame it all on you, giving put downs after put downs after put downs. Then of course we have a point where we really don't need to need/want/have to take it anymore.

Having fun at space it what I love do. Both the people and the ride itself. But when people start talking about my fellow CM and about my ride. I take it so personal and head right into defence mode.

But please lets remember that WDW is brought to you today by the letter K for Kindness. Please remember to be Kind to your grouper. Thank You, and enjoy your flight!

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