Change Of Attitude?


New Member
Originally posted by worfbb77
Maybe I misstated myself,

That day was indeed ruined for the first part of it, but it did leave a bad taste in our mouths. But like I said AK was FANTATICK, MK wasgreat also and MGM. To but a more positive note(I am really not a critical person) we had Dinner at the CG @ the contemporary it everyone these was ubelivable - they knew it was our honeymoon and her b-day. They were fantastic, and let them know it. Overall it was a good time. But being in CS industry - movie theater manager - youy know the old adage it always the complaints you here about before the compliments.

Movie theater manager? I could have sworn you were a typist!?:lol: :lol:

P.S. What actually made your wife cry?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by worfbb77
Obviously you did not read my firs post - re read it. I was on my honeymoon what mood do you think I was in genius?

Quit calling me names or I'll get mad and blame a castmember!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by blackride
They have you working 16 hour shifts or is this something that you choose? I cant belive that this is normal since a company could not make you work that many hours in a day...

They do. The week between Christmas and New Years I worked 11 days staright.

normal hours are less but it can get up there if they need ya.

And really it was never that bad. I loved going to the parks early and seeing everything all washed down. Then getting the rockets out and getting them up on track. Then comes the word that guest are in the park and then we have to put on our show faces :D

Originally posted by worfbb77
And to the cast member who said that its hard to be happy the whols shift, like I tell my employees when they are unhappy, find another job that makes you happy. I would give my left nut to work @ WDW. So would about Hundreds of people. You CM are what makes or breaks the experiance for us, just think What Would Walt Do? -WWWD?

I take it you are talking about my post, well let me just give another little speech to this one

(stands up)

Frist of all its not like its a normal thing to be upset the whole shift. And like heck I am going to find some other place to work when I love space so much. I mean you took what I said (I belive you are talking about me) and just took it all the wrong way. All I do is sit there are try to make every guest happy. But sometimes it is just not possible. I am sure that if you worked at disney ( and really it an't that hard so I don't see why not) you would understand 100% where the CMs here are coming from. Why we work there and why sometimes some of us can be not so nice.

Really I understand what happened out there. And I am glade that you still had a good time. I hope you went on space too. EVERYONE NEEDS TO RIDE SPACE! BUt really its not cool to tell me that I need to find a new job because of a day that I had man.

That just an't cool

(sits down)


Well-Known Member
se8472, don't take that so personally (I don't know who wrote it).
For the rest of you, I know se8472 personally; he is one of my good friends and fellow cast members. He is the type of cast member that you all commend; he is not the type at all that everyone here is complaining about. He goes out of his way to ensure guests have a magical day, and provides that extra spark. I think you can see from his continued enthusiasm how much he loves his job (as do I :D ), and if someone like him can get dishearted, that's saying something.
I know soo many CMs who try to preserve the magic. I just don't see this general lack of magic in WDW as a whole. Maybe that's because I see how much hard work, frustration, and tears go into keeping that place running every day. Aside from a few bad seeds, the CMs are very dedicated and happy to be there. YES, we showed up for 16+ hour shifts. As I said before, through the holidays I was scheduled 13 days straight, many of those were over 12 hour days. And for little pay--the reward was that I was working at a job so satisfying, in a wonderful place. I was so thankful I had the chance to work somewhere so magical, to make an impact on people who had saved for years just to come to such a legendary place.
I, along with se8472 and so many other CMs, did it for those guests who truly appreciated and noticed all the hard work we put forth.
I'm not here to make excuses as to why we may *once in a while* break down and display poor show, and I'm not saying its right. But I think you should understand that there are certain things that will make certain CMs crack.
Again, I don't think its poor management. To the best of my knowledge, Disney mostly promotes from within, so they were CMs too. And they drill in our heads how IMPORTANT good show is. And I also think Disney does a good job of trying to weed out or at least relocating those "bad" CMs we're all talking about.
Not specifically regarding that one guys wife, but take all the bad stories you hear with a grain of salt. People in general tend to percieve things the way they want to. I do it. I'm sure you all do it. You want somebody to blame. Don't be so quick to blame the innocent.


New Member
Originally posted by blackride
They have you working 16 hour shifts or is this something that you choose? I cant belive that this is normal since a company could not make you work that many hours in a day...

Sometimes we pick up over time.. no biggie.. but sometimes we are put on the schedule that way.. 3 or 4 shifts with a slight break between them.. (You'll also have to pardon me.. as I am only speaking for my department, I have no idea what goes on in the other departments...) For example.. July 4th, 2003.. I had to work from 6:18am til 1:30am the 5th.. About 5 different shifts but still.. crazy.. BUT.. I love my job! So.. yes, hot long crazy day.. but it was a very good day spent with my CM family :D


Well-Known Member
We're not talking about your managers here (at least I'm not talking about managers). We're talking about Management - the higher ups, who decide things like staffing levels, and benefits, and compensation, and operations, all that stuff. Please don't think that - well let me talk for myself - that I am criticizing managers. Not to be negative, but they are pretty much in the same boat as the CMs.

The fact that these discussions are even becoming commonplace, and that CMs feel that they have to even respond to them is already an indication of the problem - you obviously feel threatened and helpless in the situation, where if you had support you shouldn't.

No, I am not a cast member, And I know dang well I wouldn't make it one day there. Instead of focusing on this CM did or didn't do that, how about let's change the discussion a bit torwards what it is like working for the parks now versus those who worked for the parks say 6 or 7 years ago?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwvip3
Sometimes we pick up over time.. no biggie.. but sometimes we are put on the schedule that way.. 3 or 4 shifts with a slight break between them.. (You'll also have to pardon me.. as I am only speaking for my department, I have no idea what goes on in the other departments...) For example.. July 4th, 2003.. I had to work from 6:18am til 1:30am the 5th.. About 5 different shifts but still.. crazy.. BUT.. I love my job! So.. yes, hot long crazy day.. but it was a very good day spent with my CM family :D

what department are you in?? I don't get how they do that.
After 8 hours we get overtime, but then can only work up to 14 hour or it will go into double time. And we have to have 8 hours inbetween each shift. And at least were I work they don't give overtime, unless the place is falling apart LOL.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TravisM
what department are you in?? I don't get how they do that.
After 8 hours we get overtime, but then can only work up to 14 hour or it will go into double time. And we have to have 8 hours inbetween each shift. And at least were I work they don't give overtime, unless the place is falling apart LOL.

I think it works that wayin tomorrowland too. But the place does not really need to be falling apart to get overtime or even doubleback. Really if the try and put you down for like 8 horus and 30 minutes or something, all ya got to do is find the right manger or cord to help ya out


New Member
Originally posted by TravisM
what department are you in?? I don't get how they do that.
After 8 hours we get overtime, but then can only work up to 14 hour or it will go into double time. And we have to have 8 hours inbetween each shift. And at least were I work they don't give overtime, unless the place is falling apart LOL.

The big E (entertainment).. Yeah, after 8 hours is over time and we have a wonderful thing call bridge between all those little shifts.. we also have double time and turn around just like anyone else.. but you can guess how crazy things get when a last minute thing comes up..


Well-Known Member
Bad Show is Bad Show. Period.

It's not what the Cast was hired for.

It's not what the Guest is paying for.

ANY blurring of the lines requires action, not excuses.

The show must go on.



Well-Known Member
Here's somethign interesting i overheard yesterday.... A lady approached a CM at the MK and asked about where she could get a head of the line pass for her son, who had asthma and couldnt stand in line. The CM (with a straight face) sent her to Guest Relations, so they tell her the facts of life.

Me on the other hand, i shook my head at hearing this as i continued to work and limp around on my sprained knee. Im no longer amazed at what people will try to get for free. People more often than not want something for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Me on the other hand, i shook my head at hearing this as i continued to work and limp around on my sprained knee. Im no longer amazed at what people will try to get for free. People more often than not want something for nothing.

There are these people but there are also the people that can NOT sit in warm weather like this. My family has Cystic Fibrosis and it is not good to be sitting out in the extreme heat/cold. Funny thing is most CM's would not even know what CF was so we had to get special passes at the main gate...


Well-Known Member
I know the difference between CF and asthma. World of difference, and i'm sure you had doctors certifications and all to back it up. I understand the problems with the extremes.

But this lady CLEARLY was trying to pull something... you know, when someone reads on the internet somethign about 'This is how you can skip all the lines' and the whatnot. It made me, 2 other CMs and a manager all laugh.

My point being that there are clearly people who cannot wait in long lines and there are people who are constantly trying to abuse it.


New Member
I'm asthmatic - I take a preventative inhaler for it.

Hey - if I "forget" my inhaler can I jump the queue?

Photodave - are you a CM a Space Mountain. If so, I'll keep a look out for the bloke with a limp and say "hello" when I'm there in ten days time.


Account Suspended
I think that what we are all talking about here is the quality of service that cms are able to provide, given the current circumstances that exist at WDW. I would ask the cms if they feel that additional payroll is needed at all parks.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PhotoDave219
Here's somethign interesting i overheard yesterday.... A lady approached a CM at the MK and asked about where she could get a head of the line pass for her son, who had asthma and couldnt stand in line. The CM (with a straight face) sent her to Guest Relations, so they tell her the facts of life.

It is amazing what people will do!!! I have people asking me " my mother gets tired easily can we get a front of the line pass so she doesn't have to wait in line"

I also get people asking if they can just buy a front of the line pass, they do not want to bother with fast pass.

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