Chances of TRON attraction now that movie is out?


Active Member
Does anyone know if there is an app or downloadable program where you can play the arcade version of Tron? I liked all 4 of the games. It was usually the first machine I played whenever I went.

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Neither are gonna make the top ten movie releases of the year, and for how much they cost Disney was expecting more I gurantee you.

I beg to differ. Breaking into the top ten for the year will not be that hard. Karate Kid is at the 10 spot with 176 million. If Tron only averages 3 mill a day for the next two weeks, (it has been averaging more than 6), it will already be at around 150 mil, so 176 is easily doable. Not to mention that Tangled is already in the 13 spot.

What is with all of the antagonistic doom and gloom comments about Tron and its box office totals. They can't be substantiated when they are made but are reported as fact, and then when one thing is disproven something else comes up. :shrug:

First it was going to fade in a week and get knocked out by the little fockers (didn't happen), then it was going to limp to a 100 mill (didn't happen), and now all that is really left is that it won't make it's budget (still very doable), and it won't make the top ten. And when those get proven wrong, what's next...:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ. Breaking into the top ten for the year will not be that hard. Karate Kid is at the 10 spot with 176 million. If Tron only averages 3 mill a day for the next two weeks, (it has been averaging more than 6), it will already be at around 150 mil, so 176 is easily doable. Not to mention that Tangled is already in the 13 spot.

What is with all of the antagonistic doom and gloom comments about Tron and its box office totals. They can't be substantiated when they are made but are reported as fact, and then when one thing is disproven something else comes up. :shrug:

First it was going to fade in a week and get knocked out by the little fockers (didn't happen), then it was going to limp to a 100 mill (didn't happen), and now all that is really left is that it won't make it's budget (still very doable), and it won't make the top ten. And when those get proven wrong, what's next...:veryconfu

The only reason it's still doing $6 million per day is because of Imax and 3D ticket prices. Once those screens dwindle, so will the daily numbers.

I don't care what place it ends up in personally. The fact of the matter is, anyone who knows anything about box office numbers knows that if a movie doesn't make back it's production budget in the US, it's not good. Have you seen a rush for Warner Brothers to push out a new Superman after the last made "only" $200 million? Disney is not going to take that big of a gamble again with Tron.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
The only reason it's still doing $6 million per day is because of Imax and 3D ticket prices. Once those screens dwindle, so will the daily numbers.

I don't care what place it ends up in personally. The fact of the matter is, anyone who knows anything about box office numbers knows that if a movie doesn't make back it's production budget in the US, it's not good. Have you seen a rush for Warner Brothers to push out a new Superman after the last made "only" $200 million? Disney is not going to take that big of a gamble again with Tron.

You do know Warner Brothers has announced a new Superman movie, right?

Superman: Man of Steel


Well-Known Member
The only reason it's still doing $6 million per day is because of Imax and 3D ticket prices. Once those screens dwindle, so will the daily numbers.

I don't care what place it ends up in personally. The fact of the matter is, anyone who knows anything about box office numbers knows that if a movie doesn't make back it's production budget in the US, it's not good. Have you seen a rush for Warner Brothers to push out a new Superman after the last made "only" $200 million? Disney is not going to take that big of a gamble again with Tron.

when those screens dwindle, the movie isn't going to be out anymore. Most of the theaters around me are showing twice as many showing of tron on 3d than non-3d.


New Member
The only reason it's still doing $6 million per day is because of Imax and 3D ticket prices. Once those screens dwindle, so will the daily numbers.

I don't care what place it ends up in personally. The fact of the matter is, anyone who knows anything about box office numbers knows that if a movie doesn't make back it's production budget in the US, it's not good. Have you seen a rush for Warner Brothers to push out a new Superman after the last made "only" $200 million? Disney is not going to take that big of a gamble again with Tron.

Correct. 100 percent the entire point I have been trying to make written much better. I applaud this.:sohappy:

I am calling iffy on it making that ten spot over Karate Kid and for the exact same reasons quoted above.

Once the kids go back to School and The Green Hornet takes those Imax Screens away, it will fall fast and could/not likely to reach over 176 million. Either way, it is still a huge underperformance for a movie that was so hyped and came out the busiest money making time for films and had more theaters than any other movie it opened with.

And this is all presuming that Karate Kid is still at number ten. It will most likely be Tangled at that point that it would need to take the number ten spot.

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Once the kids go back to School and The Green Hornet takes those Imax Screens away, it will fall fast and could/not likely to reach over 176 million.

You also said Guiliver's Travels would knock out Tron. :hammer:

Why don't you stop making predictions, you're not very good at it:animwink:


New Member
You also said Guiliver's Travels would knock out Tron. :hammer:

Why don't you stop making predictions, you're not very good at it:animwink:

You are not very good at reading. I never stated that it would out or suggested it would out perform Tron in any way, but it did take away some of its theaters and that was my point on the subject in conversation at that time. That is the curse of 3D cinema gimmick.

I will be shocked if Tron makes it far past 200 million. Some are saying it won't get to 150 million but I think its going to get there for sure, but I don't see it making it to 200 all. That is my hopeful prediction for it. I really hope it does. I wish live action Disney would do better. It would bring more to the company rather than just Pirates and Pixar.

Let me close it with the original thread in question then, again...opinion but supported opinion with credited fact....The answer is slim to none.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
You are not very good at reading. I never stated that it would out or suggested it would out perform Tron in any way, but it did take away some of its theaters and that was my point on the subject in conversation at that time. That is the curse of 3D cinema gimmick.
WRONG. On the first day of release, TRON: Legacy opened in 3,451 theaters. As of Thursday, it's 14th day in release, it still was playing in 3,451 theaters. Before stating things as pure fact, maybe next time you should check your facts!

Oh, and here's the proof that it is still playing in the same amount of theaters Thursday as opening day:


Well-Known Member
You do know Warner Brothers has announced a new Superman movie, right?

Superman: Man of Steel

You do realize it's a reboot and not a sequel to Superman Returns, right? This actually supports the piont that Superman Returns was considered a disappointment by WB inspite of a 200 million dollar gross.

(Tron Legacy actually has a heck of a lot in common with Superman Returns now that I think about it. Not in terms of the films themselves but their relationship to the larger franchises. Both were sequels to very old films that were intended to restart the franchise. Both made decent money but fell below the high expectations of the studio.)

Maybe 5 years from now Zach Snyder will do Tron: Man of Bytes.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
You do realize it's a reboot and not a sequel to Superman Returns, right? This actually supports the piont that Superman Returns was considered a disappointment by WB inspite of a 200 million dollar gross.

(Tron Legacy actually has a heck of a lot in common with Superman Returns now that I think about it. Not in terms of the films themselves but their relationship to the larger franchises. Both were sequels to very old films that were intended to restart the franchise. Both made decent money but fell below the high expectations of the studio.)

Maybe 5 years from now Zach Snyder will do Tron: Man of Bytes.

Yes, I do realize it is a reboot... Captain said you didn't see WB running to greenlight another Superman movie when Returns only made $200 million.. Fact is, they DID announce another Superman movie, even though it is a reboot.. Why reboot it???? Cause Superman is a money maker... Yes, Superman Returns was not that good.. Still pulled in $200 million... Not too shabby...

If WB didn't see potential of making money from another Superman movie, they wouldn't have done it... The potential is there.. Even a not so good Superman movie made $200 million.... Their mistake was not rebooting it from the start.... Ohh and that was also when Pirates of the Caribbean was out in the theaters, so Superman had a lot of competition... $200 million was a nice haul for a rather dull, boring, and terribly written movie...

Spiderman 3 was the worst of the three movies as well.. But the demand is there so Sony reboots the franchise because #3 killed it...

If the demand is there for Tron, and right now, in my opinion, it is in the middle, Disney will make another Tron movie... If they don't think they can make money off it, then they won't... I think Tron is in the position where Disney executives are asking themselves if the demand for Tron is great enough for this to become a franchise, or deserve a third movie... We can't compare Tron to Superman because Superman is iconic.. Tron isn't... Everyone knows Superman... Not everyone knows Tron... Believe it or not, there are people my age who didn't know what Tron was, or that Legacy is a sequel, and who have never seen the first movie.. If Tron does hit $176 million, I think that would be great... Maybe below what Disney was expecting, but that is THEIR mistake... And again, my opinion: Disney's biggest mistake with Tron calling it a sequel instead of rebooting it... Introduce Tron to the new generation of young ones.. Re-introduce Tron to the generation that grew up with the original... I think they would have been much better off... And could have built Tron as a new franchise...

It will be interesting to see how Disney goes with this... But no matter what happens, the Tron haters, those who predict doom and gloom, nad have had to back pedal somewhat, will always try to spin even the most positive of news, to be the death of Tron....


Well-Known Member
Yes, I do realize it is a reboot... Captain said you didn't see WB running to greenlight another Superman movie when Returns only made $200 million.. Fact is, they DID announce another Superman movie, even though it is a reboot.. Why reboot it???? Cause Superman is a money maker... Yes, Superman Returns was not that good.. Still pulled in $200 million... Not too shabby...

If WB didn't see potential of making money from another Superman movie, they wouldn't have done it... The potential is there.. Even a not so good Superman movie made $200 million.... Their mistake was not rebooting it from the start.... Ohh and that was also when Pirates of the Caribbean was out in the theaters, so Superman had a lot of competition... $200 million was a nice haul for a rather dull, boring, and terribly written movie...

Spiderman 3 was the worst of the three movies as well.. But the demand is there so Sony reboots the franchise because #3 killed it...

If the demand is there for Tron, and right now, in my opinion, it is in the middle, Disney will make another Tron movie... If they don't think they can make money off it, then they won't... I think Tron is in the position where Disney executives are asking themselves if the demand for Tron is great enough for this to become a franchise, or deserve a third movie... We can't compare Tron to Superman because Superman is iconic.. Tron isn't... Everyone knows Superman... Not everyone knows Tron... Believe it or not, there are people my age who didn't know what Tron was, or that Legacy is a sequel, and who have never seen the first movie.. If Tron does hit $176 million, I think that would be great... Maybe below what Disney was expecting, but that is THEIR mistake... And again, my opinion: Disney's biggest mistake with Tron calling it a sequel instead of rebooting it... Introduce Tron to the new generation of young ones.. Re-introduce Tron to the generation that grew up with the original... I think they would have been much better off... And could have built Tron as a new franchise...

It will be interesting to see how Disney goes with this... But no matter what happens, the Tron haters, those who predict doom and gloom, nad have had to back pedal somewhat, will always try to spin even the most positive of news, to be the death of Tron....

I agree with a lot of what you're saying. And I apologize in advance if I drift to far from the thread topic. But I have a lot of little points to make.

True story: a couple weeks ago, my wife (who is 30) was asking about Pirates 4. I told her the trailer would probably be on Tron. She said "What's Tron?" This was the week before it opened.

Superman and Tron, you're right. There's no comparisson. If you make a 1/2 decent Superman movie, you'll do pretty well with it. But Superman isn't money in the bank. Superman Returns sqeaked by. But look at Superman III and (god help us all) Superman IV: the Quest for Peace. Or the Superman spin-off, Supergirl.

Rebooting Superman isn't really a sign WB was happy with Superman Returns. It's a sign they thought it was a disappointment but they know there's money in the franchise.

Spider-man 3 didn't kill the Spider-man franchise. It didn't even kill Sam Raimi's version of the franchise. Sony was thrilled with how Spider-man 3 performed. They would have greenlit Raimi's Spider-man 4 in a second if they could come to terms with Raimi over what it was going to be. But the couldn't, and time had passed and Spider-man 4 got to be too expensive. So a reboot started to make more sense.

But make no mistake that if Raimi and Sony could have agreed on a script, Spider-man 4 would have happened with Raimi, McQuire and Dundst. Although you and I might not like Spider-man 3, it didn't kill the franchise in any way except creatively.

Is there demand for Tron? Yes. But Disney is looking for a franchise along the lines of Pirates. Tron doesn't have that. The question is, what does Disney do with Tron given its level of demand? Are they even interested in a mid-range franchise?

I think the cartoon is about the right level of commitment. Wait and see how that does. If the cartoon and associated tie-ins build up some more interest, maybe give another live-action feature a shot. But I don't see Disney rolling the dice on another live-action Tron feature given the current level of demand which is less than they had hoped.

As others have pointed out, the possibility of a Tron theme park attraction aren't tied strictly to Tron's performance at the box office. But I do think the under-performance of Tron 2 and the fact that future live-action films are unlikely have to hurt the chances of a substantial Tron attraction being built.

There's certainly potential in the franchise. And Tomorrowland could use something that isn't based on cartoons. So maybe they will move ahead even without live-action feature films in the future. But I have to think that the projects that are being talked about don't have the same heat they did a month ago.


Well-Known Member
The only reason it's still doing $6 million per day is because of Imax and 3D ticket prices. Once those screens dwindle, so will the daily numbers.

I don't care what place it ends up in personally. The fact of the matter is, anyone who knows anything about box office numbers knows that if a movie doesn't make back it's production budget in the US, it's not good. Have you seen a rush for Warner Brothers to push out a new Superman after the last made "only" $200 million? Disney is not going to take that big of a gamble again with Tron.

Those Imax an 3D screens won't dwindle for two more weeks when Hornet comes out.


New Member
As nice as a Tron ride would be I don't forsee one coming in the end. Due to, I doubt it would be a rollercoaster such as the motorcycle/cycle styles there. An example would be Pony express at Knott's. The best system would obviously be the TT system that is way to expensive to the price they've brought in and also the price it would cost to upkeep two of those kinds of rides. There also is no where near enough room in MK for it and Epcot doesn't have room either. AK obviously can't have it and DHS needs pixar place spoofed up. There's the major dilemma along with prices brought in and price to build, space and park.


Well-Known Member
So what's the latest box office numbers compared to Tangled's? Which is doing better?

Tron has better per day numbers, but tangled has made its budget back with the international added in.

Tron made 5 million on Friday, Tangled got 3.3 million.

Tron brought in 117 in domestic with a total of 183 overall on a production budget of 170.

Tangled brought in 161 in domestic with a total of 279 overall on a production budget of 260.

Now the production budgets don't include the cost to print the movies or market them. After the movies wrap up they should cover half of that post-production cost with home media covering the rest. Tangled cost way too much with such a small ROI, I hope disney reevaluates their next animation offerings and budgets. Tron just didn't attract the crowds they wanted, a sequel would be hard to approve.


Well-Known Member
As nice as a Tron ride would be I don't forsee one coming in the end. Due to, I doubt it would be a rollercoaster such as the motorcycle/cycle styles there. An example would be Pony express at Knott's. The best system would obviously be the TT system that is way to expensive to the price they've brought in and also the price it would cost to upkeep two of those kinds of rides. There also is no where near enough room in MK for it and Epcot doesn't have room either. AK obviously can't have it and DHS needs pixar place spoofed up. There's the major dilemma along with prices brought in and price to build, space and park.

I think that a tron ride that uses the same ride system as pooh's hunny hunt would be best for using the lightcycles. Any lightcycle ride would need to be able to make quick movements.


Well-Known Member
As nice as a Tron ride would be I don't forsee one coming in the end. Due to, I doubt it would be a rollercoaster such as the motorcycle/cycle styles there. An example would be Pony express at Knott's. The best system would obviously be the TT system that is way to expensive to the price they've brought in and also the price it would cost to upkeep two of those kinds of rides. There also is no where near enough room in MK for it and Epcot doesn't have room either. AK obviously can't have it and DHS needs pixar place spoofed up. There's the major dilemma along with prices brought in and price to build, space and park.

Plus, it would have major capacity issus like the Knotts ride.

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