**CELEBRATION 25 Complete and Total Coverage Thread!**


New Member
Funny thing is when I started to hear it was when I went to the restroom before the park opened. I was so pleased & excited to hear it I almost didn't want to leave the restroom because it was nice & quite in there.lol

As far as the re-dedication I cried big time. What was worse I tried to hold it in when I should of just got it all out right away.

Jenn I look forward to hearing the rest of your thoughts on the day & the pic of the group is in the pic topic somewhere.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
More adventures from October 1st

After taking in the wonderful displays inside the EPCOT 25 Gallery....it was time to relax a little. I don't fully recall what i was doing at this point....other then wondering what might be coming up next on our list of activites...and also trying to prevent myself from getting further sunburned. I was doing fine up until the 1st, when i must have washed my face after applying my usual dose of sunblock. My face was absolutely fried to a crisp...and i spent a very painful few hours after the Re-Dedication trying to not face the sun directly. It was tough, as i soon had to dash off for the Press Meet i was to attend in the Norway "penthouse".

All the major players involved in putting Celebration 25 together were in attendence, and Disney had very kindly offered to let us have use of the beautiful Norway meeting room located above Malestrom and the ajoining theatre. I was in awe of the place...as it is always a Park Fans' fantasy to be allowed to go places where your normal Day Guest rarely has a chance to experience. The folks at Disney were very gracious and gave us ample time in the space to conduct group interviews and some nice group shots. The photo of all of us with our hands on my original Figment plush were taken here. Around the room were several artifacts related to Norway, and a spread of liquid refreshments were provided as well. I think what i will rememeber most though about being there was the cool Retro-old WDW plastic cups used for the drinks availible...and the fact that when you were in the restroom you could hear the Norway film playing right next to you practically! It was quite an experience...and the room(s) hidden up there are gorgeous. I could have spent a night there....

After the press meet our core group was refreshed and we all parted company to do our own activites for a short while. Around 2 we had a scheduled group ride on Journey Into Your Imagination ( with Figment). This was quite fun, as for the first time since the refurbed version opened there was actually a WAIT TIME of 10 mins! YES! I think the CM's that were there were shocked to see such a huge crowd want to ride "this attraction". Ha ha...it was a hoot! After the first pass though i met up with some folks and we hung out in the Gift Shop. We got to talking with a friendly CM who had been at WDW for 18 years and foundly rememebered EPCOT "back in the day". We talked about how fast the Limited 25th Merch sold out...what is still up there in the old Image Works....and other related topics. i then met a couple of fans who were interested in learning about where today's JII ride relates to the original: In other words, where the old scenes were compared to what is there now. I was more then happy to ride again with them and point out exactly where everything used to be. I think they both enjoyed themselves quite a bit, and took away even more appreciation of what was there before.

After the JII group ride, i headed off to The Land to grab dinner. The Land has always been a great place to get a nice meal.....and today i recouped from the sun as i watched people already lining up for Marty Sklar's 4:30 presentation at the Circle of Life Theatre. I sat there eating my salmon with Figment watching....wondering what wonders Marty would bring to light.

After i finished i headed upstairs to join the gathered who were already camped out in front of the Theatre doors. I met up with Lou, Bkgnews,and the folks from AllEars.net and we had a good time sitting there chatting about the highlights we had experienced so far. Soon we were let into the Theatre, and i was lucky to be able to get a front row seat. Later on i noticed Adam and his family take there reserved seats directly in front of Marty in said row.

Marty Sklar is indeed worthy of the title "Living Legend" in all regards. The man is utterly fasinating and he has been there from the start, not just with EPCOT of course, but going all the way back to DisneyLand. I was thrilled to be able to witness this presentation, as Marty covered the entire story of EPCOT's beginnings with Walt right up to Opening Day...and i have to say it was well executed and TOTALLY AWE-INSPIRING to say the least. Many have noted the stunning array of never before seen concept art, pavillions that never came to be ( mostly for World Showcase) and the wonderful tribute to EPCOT's musical past. One was left with a feeling that Marty wanted the veiwer to understand how important and valuable EPCOT Center's music was. As Marty stated, the original Pavillion songs were written to tell the Pavillions "story" in mind...which he felt was important as Disney was getting away from that he felt. I have to agree that the old song did indeed do their job well, and i think the fact that most in attendence broke out into song upon hearing those familair tunes if proof indeed that these compositions were indeed understood and TIMELESS. Can one say this about today's "new" EPCOT attractions? Hmmm...it left one thinking about this. I think Marty himself was delighted at the reponse people gave to the musical segment of the presentation.....having a theare of 400+ sing these old "forgotten" classic word for word would surely impress even the casual by stander. For someone like Marty who actually had a heavy hand in creating this, i would like to think it left him with a heartfelt feeling of satisfaction.

After Marty's wonderful presentation, i met up with Adam and his folks again. We departed The Land and as we were leaving who do we see but Marty again! He is outside walking down the ramp in front of us....just like any other Guest would. This impressed me to no end...here is Marty Sklar leaving The Land like eveyone else. One would assume someone of his stature would be shuttled away Backstage, seperated from the "commoners" as so many other people of high regard often have happen. If by slim change one were to actually go out in public, surely one usually has some escorts to keep them company. No sir....Marty is out there with the park goers like all the rest of us....as was Jim macPhee throughout the day. I found this to say a LOT about them, as they were encouraging interaction with Guests and WANTED to converse and be amoung them. This was awesome on so many levels.

So yes. i had the immense pleasure of meeting Marty Sklar. I am fairly certain my short experience with him was the highlight of the entire Event for me. As i was introduced to him, he congratulated me on the success of our Event. He also enjoyed meeting "Figment" and not only shook hands with my original plush, but also humorously rubber his head too! Ha ha! As we shook hands ourselves, he leaned in towards me and said some very choice words that i will never forget. Hearing this coming from Marty ment a lot to me, and cemented the fact that yes, we did make a huge difference. What a great guy...

After that momentous event it was time to hurry over to The American Adventure for our planned meet up. The original time was for 5pm, but since a portion of our group was slated to attend the 4:30 Presentation with Marty, it was decided earlier on that day it would be best to push the meet up back to 6pm. Most attendees recieved the change of time, but a few ( such as poor ol' Merf) missed the important info and ended up arriving too early and missing the meet up! It was all okay in the end, as the anticipated "Sing Along" during the finale song and the planned flag waving from the audience was sadly a bust. I only spotted one other flag besides my own...and i arrived after the meet up show started so was way in the back where no one could see me. We did arrange permission to film the audience ONLY during this showing...in anticipation of the interaction planned...but not much ended up happening. I think only Matpez knows for sure what, if anything, he was able to capture on film. Oh well......

After the AA meet the rainclouds rolled in. Jason then had to swing into action and get things finalized with Disney regarding out Dessert Finale Party for the evening. With the threat of rain, plans were already afoot for moving us to the Odessey, which in retrospect i thought worked out perfectly in keeping with the "Reto EPCOT" feeling. I thought it was really cool to be able to eat in the ol' Odessey again...and the place looks ( and sounds..music wise) like it did back when it was build in the early 80's. Getting there was another matter....

Myself and a small band of us started off for the Odessey, but we only managed to get as far as the African Outpost before the monsoons decended. In all the years i lived in Florida, and all the other years i have revisited the area, never in my life did i see rain fall so fast or see the sky turn the colors it did. The rain literally poured as if the Greek Gods overturned a giagantic bathtub. The sky turned a spooky rusty orange. There was no end in sight.

Our small band was now trapped under a shade umbrella at the Outpost....with a couple of Park rain ponchos and already wet feet. The rain let up a little and we decided to make a break for it....squeezing under Bkgnews' poncho wings for cover. We were all pretty moist by the time we finally made it to the outside of the Odessey, as both Norway and Mexico were awash in a couple of new "rivers" due to the flash flooding caused by the excessive rain.

We arrived at the Odessey and Jason along with most of the Event Staff members were already inside. i had no clue i could go in until about 1 minute before everyone else was let in. It was neat inside the Odessey...and as i said earlier, i was actually glad it worked out that we were able to have our afterparty there. It kept the Retro EPCOT theme going very nicely. The background music played there was laughable too ( anyone take note of it?). I swear it was the same tape the place opened with in 1982....the funky disco-ish elevator music was a hoot to hear.

The spread of desserts was fabulous. Mmmm mmm they were SO GOOD...even the tea was good! A nice touch laid out for us was the neat white chocolate discs placed in the shaved chocolate dishes for putting into coffee. They featured the 25th Logo used for the buttons passed out earlier that day to everyone as they came through the turnstiles. VERY neat little detail touch there...

I felt we could have spend hours there just lounging around and coversing with one another. That hour or so went by too fast. Before i knew it, time was getting close to the special edition of Illuminations and i was starting to get nervous as the minutes ticked by. At 15 of 9:00 i had to hunt Adam down and note how we need to get a move on...as the photographers/videocam folks will need time to set up there gear at the Italy Isola before the show starts. A quick gathering of the Staff Members of C25 and a thoughtful toast to EPCOT concluded the Dessert Party. Now it was time for the mad dash to the Isola, as it was STILL raining and we all wanted to be sure to get a good viewing spot.

So off we went in the rain.....things being fine at first until i reach China. The heavens open up again...and i am once again trapped under a booths shade hoping it will let up so i cam make it to the Isola before the show starts. I decide after about 5 minutes that i can't wait too much longer, so make a break for it in the soaking rain. As i scurry off getting even more drenched, Adam saves the day by brining to my attention out CM escort who is toting a crate full of Disney Park ponchos! Yay! These were provided free for those who attended the Dessert Party, which was another kind touch. These were VERY welcome...and eagerly used!

Once arriving, i flash my "John Hench Purple" wristband to gain entry to the reserved space set aside for our Dessert Party group on the Italy Isola. We have a nice large gathering there, and everyone is hoping the rain will let up to allow those who wish to capture it on video to be able to do so without ruining there expensive professional equiptment. Video Tribute legend Martin is one of these folks...and the Gods answered our prayers and finally turned off the faucet upstairs just long enough to get things started.

The Show was delayed a bit, but in the end i think it enhanced the evening somewhat. The build up of excitement reached it's zenith during that 20 or so minute delay. Folks were absolutely pumped beyond beleif, regardless of how soaking wet they were. There feet and clothing may have been dampaned by the weather, but NOTHING could dampen the spirits of these people tonight. NOTHING.

Finally Illuminations started...and WHAT A SHOW. Even though i have seen it dozens of times, and never get tired of it, tonights' showing seemed to be ever better then all the previous showings. Sure the view was stunning from the bridge of the Isola...there was nothing between you and the show. Literally...the Inferno Barge singed the very hair from my eyebrows when it went off...it was THAT good!

One of the most anticipated events of the day was now coming up: the much talked about "25h Anniversary" tag added to the end of regular Show. Everyone was really looking forward to seeing what Disney would do...and few were dissapointed. It was awesome. It looked as though thousands of shells were shot off at once during the first "ending"..as well as during the surprise "2nd ending". I loved that aspect of the show as well...the "false" ending. Just when you thought it was over,,BOOM,,, they hit you right in the gut with another explosive spectacle totally un expected! It was FANTASTIC. Although many were thinking they would include some of the old EPCOT Pavillion themes in the finale, those folks were surely delighted in the post-show selections of music played as you exited the Park that night.

After Illuminations ended, we all stood around revealing in what we had just experienced. Martin was pretty blown away..as we all were....and everyone was very excited about it all. No sooner had people had a chance to digest what had just happened, Jim MacPhee joins our group again! Wowee! He checks in to hear some feedback about the show...and also to personally thanks us all for coming and being a part of this grand day in EPCOT. Talk about a lovely gesture of thanks....Jim is da' MAN!

Jim departs and we are left on the Isola to enjoy each others company as we await the infamous "Inferno Barge Burnoff". We had recieved special permission from Disney to stay in the Park late to witness this as a group, and stay we did for quite some time! Like the fireworks show itself, the Burnoff was delayed quite a bit...but we had PLENTY to keep us entertained...

Yes, the Park was now playing the same loop of Retro EPCOT music it was playing this morning at the Entrance Plaza and before the Re-Dedication! It was truly incredible to be there at EPCOT..you are the only people still there besides CM's and hearing this wonderful music from the past blaring around you. Naturally when you are there with a large group of EPCOT enthusiests such an accasion brings about a bit of nostalgia, and we were in very high spirits after a amazing day. We started off another signalong..this one much more theatrical then the ones we held before the Re-Dedication. Myself along with John and some friends kicked off the Isola singalong with such classics as " Universe of Energy", "Listen to the Land", It's Fun to Be Free" and even "Makin' Memories". Whatever song played over the parks' loudspeakers...we sang it! It was great fun...and surreal knowing that you are actually surrounded by people who KNOW ALL THE WORDs too!

While socializing i met the famous "Lee"...a well known celebrity of sorts from this very forum. Lee, if you are reading this windy review: A great pleasure to meet you (breifly) in person! I also had the pleasure of meeting the gentlemen who wrote the popular book series "An Imagineers Guide to..(insert Park here..)". I was warmed by having the opportunity to talk with someone involved with WDI. Now i had wished i had bought the EPCOT Guide when i bought my new "The Disney Mountains" book a few days previously! Speaking of books, our UK friends Simon and Susan Veness slipped me a copy of there very informative book "A Brits Guide to Orlando and WDW". I have read half of it already since returning home, and there is a great assortment of helpful info and tips one may not think of. Thank you both again for the copy!

Now we are drawing to the close of the evening, and the time finally arrives for the countdown to the famed "Burnoff". For those not familar with this, the "Burnoff" is done every night late in the evening when most Park guests have already left. It is done to burn off the extra fuel in the "Inferno Barge"...in other words, the barge used in the show to create the stunning fire effects at the start of Illuminations. It has become known as "The Burnoff" and it is preceaded by a short annoucement and coutdown. Afterwards the barge explodes into a violet burst of flame and a loud "boom". Pretty neat to witness in the flesh...and if you are not paying attention or not expecting it, it can scare the coffee out of you!

As we await the burnoff to happen, we stand around, chat, sing, and reminse about today's highlights. Then the pyro barges are brought backstage, and as the Globe Barge passes by our location, i shout out "Let's hear it for the Globe Barge!" A large cheer goes up, and the person driving the Barge signals out acknowledment by flashing his flashlight twice toward out group. Yay!!

Eugene was our Event Coordinator assigned to us for the evening...and somewhere i read he actually requested to work that night so he could be a part of what he figured would be a fun group. He kept coming back and telling us the Burnoff will happen shortly..and at one point made some additonal arrangements for Guests attending our Finale to enable them to get back to their Resorts at that late hour. Most of the regular Disney Transportation was done for the evening, so naturally some attendees were concerned about how they were going to be able to return. Arrangements were made and everything was taken care of.

After all was said and done for the evening. it was time to leave the Park. Eugene gathered us together, and noted that since the Park is offically closed and cleared of Guests, we will need to stay together as he escorts us out the front gate. However...to reach the front gate from Italy we have to traverse half of EPCOT! YAY!!! No really...here now was another great highlight for me: The trek to the exit Singalong!

Imagine if you will a complely empty Park..except for nightly CM workers and maitenence. Now imagine the quiet of the deserted Park broken by the sound of Classic EPCOT Attraction theme music and songs. Stuff like: "Tomorrow's Child", "New Horizons", " Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit" and " Energy( You Make the World Go 'Round) and others. NOW imagine if you will 160+ die hard EPCOT fans walking from Italy to SSE's exit gates singing word-for-word these very songs...and more! Yes, it all happened...and it is the stuff great moments are born from.

It started off as some random notations...think of the songs people in the army sing when they march. Then a classic oldie from a while back was being sung....forget the tune...and then things die down again. I suggest we go back to what we were doing earlier, and the roster then takes the form of classic EPCOT tunes. We add some additonal songs, like "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow", the Tiki Room theme song, and of course the sing along song to END all singalong songs: "It's a Small World"! It was great fun...and now more then ever i connect these classic EPCOT tunes to good times. I still catch myself singing "Listen to the Land,", both "Energy" tunes, and of course "One Little Spark" ( which is my personal theme song anyway..). Good times man...it was one of those moments you had to experience for yourself. It was definately a one-off....the likes of which EPCOT may never experience again anytime soon.

After parting company with many of the folks i had spent the last two days bonding with i headed back to my Resort and went straight to sleep. I was pretty pooped, but exilirated somewhat in all that had happened. There were a few things i felt i had missed out on....or missed being a part of....but as a whole it was a very positive and incredible experience.

And that was October 1st. There is more to the story however. In my next post i will tell you about my surprise adventure that happened the next day.....when i took one faithful ride on Monorail Silver from EPCOT on the morning of the 2nd......


Active Member
It seems every time I walk through Cast Services, the music from Splashtacular is playing. It will NOT get out of my head.

"Make a wish on a shooting star..." Argh! :hammer:

By chance, do you know if the music loop that is played in Cast Services is the same loop that played for the 25th?

Hoop Raeb

Formerly known as...
I can't seem to download from Mousebits. OH WELL. Yeah Listen to the Land sticks in my brain when I watch the old Land ride-through. It has a guy playing guitar and singing the song while the boat travels through the ride. It makes me laugh when I watch it.

I have the old EPCOT LP but no turntable. Jeesh the connectivity issues are overwhelming! :lol:

:lol: So you're stuck in the 90's. I've heard people get to the point in history they like the most and then stop. You're living proof! :ROFLOL:(I can help with MouseBits if you want, PM me).


Well-Known Member
By chance, do you know if the music loop that is played in Cast Services is the same loop that played for the 25th?

Yup, it is indeed. It's funny though, as "We've Just Begun to Dream" will start playing (for the umpteenth time) and people around me will start yelling "I just heard this stupid trumpet song!"

Ah... good times... :lol:


Active Member
Thanks for the confirmation (one less piece of audio to look for).

I thought it was odd that the EPCOT exhibit, while also playing a retro music loop, is different than the loop played on the 25th. So it appears that two distinct "retro" loops were created for the 25th (for those audio collectors out there).


Well-Known Member
:lol: So you're stuck in the 90's. I've heard people get to the point in history they like the most and then stop. You're living proof! :ROFLOL:(I can help with MouseBits if you want, PM me).

Yes I have never held an iPod or listened to one and when my Razr phone goes into camera mode it drives me crazy - I am just trying to make a freaking phone call! :lol:

PM sent...


Premium Member
Yes, I had the honor of sharing an overhead poncho with Jenn trying to get to the Odyssee in the great flood of World Showcase. El Rio Del Tiempo was not gone, it was in the street in front of the Mexico pavilion. The lagoon seemed to be overflowing there was so much water. But as others have said, a ton of rain couldn't dampen the spirit we all had that day.

I'm listening to the second hour of Lou's podcast and I really think of what he said at the end, after Illuminations in the dessert party area, we were all wet, with ponchos, and none of us wanted it to end! I couldn't dream of leaving at that moment, even though I had to drive home and get to work early in the morning, I wasn't about to leave so many incredible people who shared the same enthusiasm.

If I can reminisce for a bit about what I feel about Celebration 25 and Epcot on it's anniversary:

I am truly happy with Disney's involvement with the event. Some may still criticise (and they do). No, we had no real announcements made for the future, but the acknowledgement of history, the classic music, the original maps, it goes to show that Jim Macphee and others understand that we're Epcot fans because of how it all began.

I am so glad we were able to show and share our love of Classic EPCOT Center. It became ever clearer to me as I went through the EPCOT Center display area, showing the original attractions and designs.

I really got the sense that the reps in charge of Epcot now can still embrace the classic EPCOT Center attractions and Im quite hopeful that they're aware of how they can still bring the futuristic themes to the park, plus adding to the World Showcase.


Well-Known Member
I agree, ChrisFL. I felt that everyone loved EPCOT all at the same time.

Or maybe we were slipped Xtasy in our desserts? :lol: Even though I could not stay for the burnoff, I felt fulfilled. I missed all the group photos after the group rides (I was out of the know!) and I missed seeing Jim MacPhee at the Hub Walk, the AA group meet...but I got to be a part in my own way.

I had the incredible feeling of belonging to a wonderful family.


Active Member
I agree, ChrisFL. I felt that everyone loved EPCOT all at the same time.

Or maybe we were slipped Xtasy in our desserts? :lol: Even though I could not stay for the burnoff, I felt fulfilled. I missed all the group photos after the group rides (I was out of the know!) and I missed seeing Jim MacPhee at the Hub Walk, the AA group meet...but I got to be a part in my own way.

I had the incredible feeling of belonging to a wonderful family.

I think you were just slipped "Fantasy" in the desserts... :lookaroun
For those of you who missed some of our highlights for Celebration 25, look forward to my upcoming announcement (shouldn't be too far away) of the next event on my planning schedule. As you can see in the short hint in my signature, I am confident that it will be big, taking all of the great aspects of Celebration 25 (that we can recreate- sorry guys, no additional theme park galleries or rededications to the best of my ability) but adding newer, larger activities to our already successful roster. One last hint, this event is Walt Disney World-centric, not just Epcot. As I told you all before, Celebration 25 was just the beginning... :animwink:

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So Adam...

Did that photo of the both of us with Marty outside of The Land come out?

Love to see it.....

Also...i notice no one has any shots of ALL of us gathered for our group shot after the Re-Dedication. The only one i have seen was taken before many of us were there, including Jim and the Ambassadors!


Well-Known Member
For those of you who missed some of our highlights for Celebration 25, look forward to my upcoming announcement (shouldn't be too far away) of the next event on my planning schedule. As you can see in the short hint in my signature, I am confident that it will be big, taking all of the great aspects of Celebration 25 (that we can recreate- sorry guys, no additional theme park galleries or rededications to the best of my ability) but adding newer, larger activities to our already successful roster. One last hint, this event is Walt Disney World-centric, not just Epcot. As I told you all before, Celebration 25 was just the beginning... :animwink:

YAY! I enjoyed getting together with fellow WDWMagic members. While I enjoy going to the parks with family, the extended family I met is also important to me. I don't even care if it is a big event - I hope we can all plan get-togethers often. Maybe if we have enough the out-of-staters can at least go to one of them a year. That would be really nice for everyone. :)


Well-Known Member
Also...i notice no one has any shots of ALL of us gathered for our group shot after the Re-Dedication. The only one i have seen was taken before many of us were there, including Jim and the Ambassadors!

Er... funny you should mention that. I've just posted in my trip report (in the Trip Report forum) the group picture that I photo-stitched together.




Active Member
So Adam...

Did that photo of the both of us with Marty outside of The Land come out?

Love to see it.....

Also...i notice no one has any shots of ALL of us gathered for our group shot after the Re-Dedication. The only one i have seen was taken before many of us were there, including Jim and the Ambassadors!

I have uploaded some of my photos here in my trip report on TPR, but I will be uploading all of my photos on my website, most likely tomorrow. I have over 300, so it has taken me quite some time to sort through it all.

YAY! I enjoyed getting together with fellow WDWMagic members. While I enjoy going to the parks with family, the extended family I met is also important to me. I don't even care if it is a big event - I hope we can all plan get-togethers often. Maybe if we have enough the out-of-staters can at least go to one of them a year. That would be really nice for everyone. :)

I'm hoping that this upcoming event will work out to the point where it can become an annual event. Celebration 25 gave us alot of great insight on how to approach such a group event. Now that we have an idea of how it all works, we can take from the good, enhance that and come up with another great event that will cater to every Walt Disney World fan, along with the Epcot diehards like myself... :animwink:


Well-Known Member
I think you were just slipped "Fantasy" in the desserts... :lookaroun
For those of you who missed some of our highlights for Celebration 25, look forward to my upcoming announcement (shouldn't be too far away) of the next event on my planning schedule. As you can see in the short hint in my signature, I am confident that it will be big, taking all of the great aspects of Celebration 25 (that we can recreate- sorry guys, no additional theme park galleries or rededications to the best of my ability) but adding newer, larger activities to our already successful roster. One last hint, this event is Walt Disney World-centric, not just Epcot. As I told you all before, Celebration 25 was just the beginning... :animwink:

We've only just begun to dream......


New Member
Adam whatever you have up your sleeve consider me in for it. Also I said before instead of sitting around doing nothing I would be honored & thriled to help out with the next event in any way I can.


Oh Meyla Weyla
THANK YOU for this !! This is EXACTLY what i was looking for! YAY!!

Thanks for making my day a bit happier...


I'm feel so badly that you are having a post-hurrah letdown. It'll pass a little every day. I felt that way too when I first got home, but I didn't get to do nearly as much as you did, so I guess it was shorter for me.

Maybe when you have time you could start planning next years trip down here, and next years event. That might could help :D

BTW, I'm dying over here waiting for the report from Oct. 2nd to find out what happened!

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