Casual Look for CMs???


Well-Known Member

Hey, is that because of the absurdity of this thread, or the Celtics? :)


Well-Known Member
If you are cutting yourself with every shave to the point of bleeding, you are doing something very, very wrong. In the 21st century Western world, the only reason why a man would be cutting themselves more than a few times a year while shaving is because they are using cheap and old razors, too little shaving cream, or they have a horrible and ineffective technique.

You don't have to spend 100 bucks at a swanky store like The Art Of Shaving (although I admit to splurging there once in awhile, and it's worth it). But you should go down to Target or WalMart ASAP and spend 20 bucks on a basic Mach 5 razor from Gillette and some good brand name shaving cream for "sensitive skin". Read the directions, and follow them. Want to really splurge? Spend another 20 bucks on pre-shaving oil and/or conditioning aftershave. Then plan on spending another 12 to 15 bucks every month to buy a 4-pack of replacement razors, and replace them every 7 to 10 days, for the rest of your life. It's part of being a man.

Every once in awhile even a careful shaver will nick themselves. But if you are seriously experiencing skin irritation and regular bleeding, something has gone very, very wrong in your shaving regimen. :confused:

In the 21st century for someone living above the poverty level, that's simply not an excuse for not shaving 5 or 6 days per week.

Yeah, this isn't correct. I have all that stuff and my neck still gets wicked razor burn.


Well-Known Member
I have to shave pretty much every other day to meet school standards. But I dont nick myself and I dont recommend razors. Go out and buy a nice new mid-level remington electric razor and you'll see a world of difference. Although its only good when you need to keep a clean shaven look. But once you get it down short enough just run the top of it along your face to get rid of the small hairs that are left. Pretty cheap and you dont have to replace the blade or razor as often.

I get razor burn with that too.


Well-Known Member
I can firmly attest that all Cast Members are treated equally.

First off I said:
..a lot of areas CPs are given more recognition..

I didn't say all of them.

Secondly. Have you talked to every CM in the company? Do you know for a fact that they are all treated equally? No. Otherwise we wouldn't need a union and our's is currently fighting for several things just to be treated equally.

You only know of CMs that you are familiar with. You don't know every department and their ways of governing, nor do I. But not all departments treat their employees with the way that you'd expect the company to be doing. We've complained to park leaders in the past and nothing has come of it. We've given up on that route. That's why we go straight to HR.

I would like to also clear up some things that Raven has eluded to in the past about CPs and full time CMs

Fact: CPs trade or even give away shifts to Full Timers/Part Timers who want shifts, so yes they are giving away a shift and thus making their "own" schedule. By doing this they are able to go out and have a good time. Yes a leadership team may make certain exceptions and they may alter a CPs schedule for a special circumstance, but it is no different than going to your leader as a Full timer and asking them for help to trade or give away a shift for a special engagement, it is done all the time.

Again, not in every department. Many don't have that freedom.

Fact: CPs get paid minimum wage, no holiday pay, different overtime rules, very few benefits compared to full timers and part timers, etc. So is it ok that instead of the company paying CPs more they can give the CPs a party to keep up morale?, I think that is very fair.

Fact: A lot of FT CM's only get just above minimum wage. Now take out union dues, taxes and health coverage. What's left to take home? Not much at all. Some of us have to fight to get what's owed to us because management won't document our OT.

I think you answered your own argument here though:

..each area is different, as many CMs can attest. And all CMs are treated equally in many departments around WDW...

Until you have worked in every department I don't think you can "firmly attest that all Cast Members are treated equally" like you said at the top of your post.


So, what exactly is wrong with a CM using their cell phone? Maybe they were doing their job- such as a guide, on a tour, using the phone to call and get info for their guest, check on a ressie, etc?? Just because they're using their phone doesn't necessarily mean they are using company time for personal business.


Well-Known Member
So, what exactly is wrong with a CM using their cell phone? Maybe they were doing their job- such as a guide, on a tour, using the phone to call and get info for their guest, check on a ressie, etc?? Just because they're using their phone doesn't necessarily mean they are using company time for personal business.

I think the issue is that the rules say cell phones are not to be onstage. But some company radios have earphone pieces that look like headphones and bluetooths as well.


Active Member
I think the issue is that the rules say cell phones are not to be onstage. But some company radios have earphone pieces that look like headphones and bluetooths as well.

Exactly. According to everything in the Disney Look booklets, CMs aren't even supposed to have their cell phones on their person while working, but many do.
I know my phone is typically in my pocket, on silent, depending on where I'm working. I also work backstage in costuming, so some of that stuff is more laid back. As long as I don't use it when I should be working, I've never had a problem with having it my pocket. I've taken it out of my pocket, in front of my manager, during a break & they never said anything to me about it.
Managers are the only people that I know of that have company-issued Blackberries. Even then, I think they use them more for email & messaging with other managers than they do for an actual phone.
Most likely to the TTC to catch a bus. This is actually fine with Disney. As for the low number of CPs, you could've been there between the groups that come in.

True. But in a lot of areas CPs are given more recognition, get thrown parties from the company and get special treatment, sometimes including prefered work schedules to be allowed to party, and they take advantage of the situation. As you can probably tell this doesn't sit well with regular CMs who've been around for years often with no recognition.

Parties from the company? I have yet to go to a party here on property =/ Now if you're talking about pool parties and certain events, those are thrown by housing and we pay for those when we sign up to do CP. We pay 100 bucks before our program starts. I went to a few parties while I was at Innoventions back in 06 but that wasn't just for CP's, that was for all of Innoventions.

A lot of my friends also don't get the schedules we want just to party, I got mine for this week because I've been with the company on and off since 2003 (seasonal/cp alumni,) but I'm actually with my bf and family.

And they'll try to do whatever to please us? Not really. When I was CP, we're always at the bottom of the barrel and they usually don't listen to us. Even now as seasonal I'm still starting at the bottom but I still enjoy my job.

And whomever saw the CM at the fountain at Epcot at the Fountain of Nations that's called the "Wave Goodnight." We're allowed to wear big mickey gloves lol unless what you meant was that while they were doing that, she was on her cell?

I'm also a cm with two tattoos on my wrist and this was done before I thought I was going to end up staying in Orlando forever. But unlike some CM's, I'm responsible and actually keep mine covered. I don't want to risk being yelled at by the hire ups.


New Member
First off I said:

I didn't say all of them.

Secondly. Have you talked to every CM in the company? Do you know for a fact that they are all treated equally? No. Otherwise we wouldn't need a union and our's is currently fighting for several things just to be treated equally.

You only know of CMs that you are familiar with. You don't know every department and their ways of governing, nor do I. But not all departments treat their employees with the way that you'd expect the company to be doing. We've complained to park leaders in the past and nothing has come of it. We've given up on that route. That's why we go straight to HR.

Again, not in every department. Many don't have that freedom.

Fact: A lot of FT CM's only get just above minimum wage. Now take out union dues, taxes and health coverage. What's left to take home? Not much at all. Some of us have to fight to get what's owed to us because management won't document our OT.

I think you answered your own argument here though:

Until you have worked in every department I don't think you can "firmly attest that all Cast Members are treated equally" like you said at the top of your post.

You are correct, I actually did answer my argument with my own quote. My bad, I did a blanket statement myself.

But overall I just feel that there are many overly generalized statements of CP behaviors and bashing on the boards. Many CPs do as good of a job as Full timers and usually ( from my experience around the company) both are recognized evenly from Area Leaders. I rarely see favoritism towards one over the other from Leaders, but once again, that is just from my personal experience.

Also like you stated, neither your nor I have talked to every CM in the company, but just like you, my perceptions of the Walt Disney Company are skewed by the CMs I talk to and work with. I just want to give those on the boards who have no knowledge of CM working conditions some idea of what occurs all over property. Because overall, many CMs enjoy their role and have little to no complaints about the company, (once again, this is just from what I see and who I have worked with).

However, I think we both can agree that there are both many positives and negatives with WDW employment, and even though it may not be perfect, the overall work experience is a rewarding one.

Sorry for the thread drift!


Well-Known Member
For those that get upset about being called out by a manager for bending the dress

I work at a VERY relaxes dress environment. We have VERY basic rules, but every day, there are violations and upest employees being told to go home and change. When an employee in another department wears something against the dress code, they call eachother out in bitterness. If the dress code says NO TANK TOPS, don't wear them. Same with flip flops. Or leggings. We have employees that would rather wear a blanket around work all day with them than come dressed properly.

Don't risk it. Dress right the first time.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. According to everything in the Disney Look booklets, CMs aren't even supposed to have their cell phones on their person while working, but many do.
I know my phone is typically in my pocket, on silent, depending on where I'm working. I also work backstage in costuming, so some of that stuff is more laid back. As long as I don't use it when I should be working, I've never had a problem with having it my pocket.

I keep mine on me as well and it's always on silent. Only one manager in our area likes to enforce the rule of not having them though but we all have them on us due to the fact that each of us work alone, often in rural areas without a phone nearby. So for safety's sake we are allowed to have them. Heck, one manager even texts me sometimes to ask how I'm doing.


New Member
Exactly. According to everything in the Disney Look booklets, CMs aren't even supposed to have their cell phones on their person while working, but many do.
I know my phone is typically in my pocket, on silent, depending on where I'm working. I also work backstage in costuming, so some of that stuff is more laid back. As long as I don't use it when I should be working, I've never had a problem with having it my pocket. I've taken it out of my pocket, in front of my manager, during a break & they never said anything to me about it.
Managers are the only people that I know of that have company-issued Blackberries. Even then, I think they use them more for email & messaging with other managers than they do for an actual phone.

The rule about cell phones was actually just re-worded. We are now ALLOWED to have the phones on our person while onstage, but they have to be on silent/vibrate, Tho we are still not allowed to check them until backstage.

About the managers. I know they are messaging with other managers and what not, but shouldn't there be a rule about them doing it onstage, or while walking from one area to another onstage? to any guest it just looks like they're texting. They should at least be discreet about it, otherwise why not just whip out the cell and text your buddy?


New Member
I fail to see a problem with this Mickey Hand waving thing. IN fact, the company looks favorably upon it as most guests react in a positive manner and it eventually seels a lot of big overpriced Mickey hands.

I also would love to know more about the CM talking on a phone. Was she in costume? Could she have been a manager with a Blackberry?

Most likely it was the nextel phone with the GSM speaker off, meaning she was using it like a telephone. When you in a loud area, its impossible to understand anything when the loud speaker is on, especially if english is not the first language.

and I agree with raven about the CP/FT CM relationship. sounds like most people dont want to accept it but its true and happens everyday.


New Member
The biggest reason that this was such a great thing was for those who's costume is a skirt - lots of the merchandise areas are all skirts in all parks. With skirts, even if they were mid calf, you had to have some sort of hosiery on, whether that be stockings or knee highs. Not all merchandise locations are inside - outside vendor carts also have people in skirts and stockings in 100 degree weather are tantamount to torture.

*I'm in a skirt in an indoor location and I choose to continue to wear my knee highs just because I don't want stinky feet.

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