Well-Known Member
I think Disney should remove their ban on facial hair (semi-serious). It is a good idea but I used to have a nice goatee and trying to shave everyday kills my face. It gets so cut up and I hate it I just wish I could have a day where my face didn't start bleeding because I needed to shave.
If you are cutting yourself with every shave to the point of bleeding, you are doing something very, very wrong. In the 21st century Western world, the only reason why a man would be cutting themselves more than a few times a year while shaving is because they are using cheap and old razors, too little shaving cream, or they have a horrible and ineffective technique.
You don't have to spend 100 bucks at a swanky store like The Art Of Shaving (although I admit to splurging there once in awhile, and it's worth it). But you should go down to Target or WalMart ASAP and spend 20 bucks on a basic Mach 5 razor from Gillette and some good brand name shaving cream for "sensitive skin". Read the directions, and follow them. Want to really splurge? Spend another 20 bucks on pre-shaving oil and/or conditioning aftershave. Then plan on spending another 12 to 15 bucks every month to buy a 4-pack of replacement razors, and replace them every 7 to 10 days, for the rest of your life. It's part of being a man.
Every once in awhile even a careful shaver will nick themselves. But if you are seriously experiencing skin irritation and regular bleeding, something has gone very, very wrong in your shaving regimen.

In the 21st century for someone living above the poverty level, that's simply not an excuse for not shaving 5 or 6 days per week.