Castle Ramp Smoking Section Eliminated

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Well-Known Member
They wouldn't be so stupid.

It needs containing and controlling. Or it'll be a free for all.

There are one or two of the spots in MK that are terrible, but to close them all is unrealistic at this point. I liked the suggestion of an oasis of sorts within the trees as I'm sure Disney would not spend the money on separate buildings for smokers.

I don't smoke and don't particularly like second hand smoke either, but is has gotten kinda ridiculous. Here in Canada, they are banning it in public parks, in your own cars, in your own houses (if you have kids), etc.


Well-Known Member
I don't need an ecv, but when I do....I won't allow myself to drive one too old to be able to respond in MK's crowded condition.

Don't get me wrong it's a small minority that I speak of, but my goodness I don't care how old you are, you are NOT entitled to run over my five year old, you do NOT have special right of way that means that the masses must get out of your way and your buddies are NOT entitled to bus seats.

Last September we had a family get on at Movies (the third stop for the bus) with a woman on an ECV. They cleared the spot for her and then when her family of six got on, she looked at the people in the bench across the aisle and said snidely, 'they're with me. They need seats.'

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong it's a small minority that I speak of, but my goodness I don't care how old you are, you are NOT entitled to run over my five year old, you do NOT have special right of way that means that the masses must get out of your way and your buddies are NOT entitled to bus seats.

Last September we had a family get on at Movies (the third stop for the bus) with a woman on an ECV. They cleared the spot for her and then when her family of six got on, she looked at the people in the bench across the aisle and said snidely, 'they're with me. They need seats.'
Don't get me wrong it's a small minority that I speak of, but my goodness I don't care how old you are, you are NOT entitled to run over my five year old, you do NOT have special right of way that means that the masses must get out of your way and your buddies are NOT entitled to bus seats.

Last September we had a family get on at Movies (the third stop for the bus) with a woman on an ECV. They cleared the spot for her and then when her family of six got on, she looked at the people in the bench across the aisle and said snidely, 'they're with me. They need seats.'
Why, if they can go on the bus under their own power? I agree whole heartedly , that no one wants to see anyone hit, or injured. I wrote Disney and suggested they issue a paper to sign that make's the driver responsible if an avoidable accident happens. They said they couldn't do anything like that: making people sign a waiver. I saw a little girl hit on my last trip, it was night, and the driver was clearly going to fast. When, it was determined in seconds, she wasn't seriously hurt, I told the driver to slow down...I got a real "verbal" lashing. As she sped off.


Well-Known Member
I say ban alcohol also so I don't have to see the drunk idiots stumble all over the park & my kids don't have to see them as well. You drunks smell worse then our smoke. So if you want smoking banned so should the alcohol. I have to deal with you drunks who kill innocent people also.
"You drunks"... you're really assuming that I'm an alcoholic?


Well-Known Member
OK. And I am asking for someone to give an example of one of these out-of-way areas where the smoke does not travel to other areas and it's fair to tell a non-smoker to stay away from.
Behind Barnstormer. It's so far out of the way that it doesn't travel to areas except the small, little-used path it's located on.


Active Member
I smoke. I never used that particular smoking area though because it was so in the "stream" of visitors. I agree that smoking areas should be in areas that are out of the way. Partly because I understand others not wanting to deal with smoke and partly because getting some peoples negative reactions to smoke as they walk thru a smoking area tick me off. Hate on me if you must, but I'm trying to be polite about my "nasty habit".
Totally agree with all you said, I'm pretty annoyed that they moved the one near the treehouse, which was off the main path and pretty big to right at the entrance to Adventureland in a tiny little spot in the the middle of 2 walkways and people stand right in the walkway as the area is full from being too tiny.

betty rose

Well-Known Member

There are one or two of the spots in MK that are terrible, but to close them all is unrealistic at this point. I liked the suggestion of an oasis of sorts within the trees as I'm sure Disney would not spend the money on separate buildings for smokers.

I don't smoke and don't particularly like second hand smoke either, but is has gotten kinda ridiculous. Here in Canada, they are banning it in public parks, in your own cars, in your own houses (if you have kids), etc.
How do they monitor your home, do you have to go in the bathroom, and turn on the exhaust fan?:D


Active Member
This is great! My little girl missed out on meeting Merida last year as the line was so long it extended into that smoking area. And she loves Merida but we couldn't handle the smoke.


Well-Known Member
I guess I missed the sea of people walking around the parks, cigs in hand, blowing smoke in everyone's faces. LOL. This thread was never going to go well but maybe it's time to close this one up.

People have become so over-sensitive to this one thing in particular that you are correct, it tends to get way over-amplified. It's also that it's attached to a visual and has a specific person they can point at.

You'll find far more dangerous pollutants, for example, if you tested the air quality at the park bus stops when a few buses are loading than you will from inhaling a whiff of smoke passing a smoking area. At least cigarette smoke has a distinctive smell, whereas people are so used to sucking up fumes from vehicles and other equipment that have little odor that they don't even notice it.

That said, it was a bad place to have one to begin with - though I do think it should have been relocated, vs. simply shut down.


Well-Known Member
Why, if they can go on the bus under their own power? I agree whole heartedly , that no one wants to see anyone hit, or injured. I wrote Disney and suggested they issue a paper to sign that make's the driver responsible if an avoidable accident happens. They said they couldn't do anything like that: making people sign a waiver. I saw a little girl hit on my last trip, it was night, and the driver was clearly going to fast. When, it was determined in seconds, she wasn't seriously hurt, I told the driver to slow down...I got a real "verbal" lashing. As she sped off.
But that's just it, I can see no reason why they would need someone else to give up their seats simply because the person they are with is on an ECV, but the sense of entitlement permeating society nowadays is insane. It's all about 'me', screw everyone else. A lot of this thread is a perfect example of this.


Well-Known Member
Now for the really important part... you tell me how, in the wide open world, separated by hundreds of feet from the general public, the interaction of cigarette smoke, based on parts per million is doing any harm to anyone anywhere beyond that point and I will join your side.

I should not have to inhale secondhand smoke, in any amount. I should not be affected by another person's addiction and complete disregard for others.

You are expressing your opinion, good, thankfully for mankind your opinion doesn't carry any weight.

My opinion is that of the majority, and it does carry weight, which is why smoking bans continue to increase.

Your inability to think about the needs and concerns of everyone else is overwhelming.

This is, undoubtedly, one of the most absurd and ridiculous posts anyone has ever written on this subject. To accuse a non-smoker of not caring about the needs and concerns of others is delusional. It takes a selfish person to smoke in public. If a smoker cared about the needs and concerns of others, they would not smoke in public. They would realize that the smoke from their cigarette travels and other people have to breathe it. They would realize that there are other methods to get their nicotine fix that don't involve secondhand smoke. Smoking in public, in 2015, is the ultimate selfish act.

It is obvious that you want to see the end of smoking everywhere

Edit - I want to see smoking in public banned. Smoke whatever you want in your own home.

because the entire world is not consumed by this

Yes, they are. Governments worldwide are starting to advocate warning labels on cigarettes. They realize the health costs associated with smoking and they are trying to minimize this.

We are probably the only nation, including Canada, that is over the top crazy about controlling the actions of everyone else in this matter.

Wrong. Australia recently passed plain packaging laws that are far stricter than anything in the US.

It isn't just you and your opinions that have to be considered.

These are not just my opinions. You just don't like the facts that I have stated, so you choose to attack me. My opinions are held by the majority of people. Your failure to realize this does not change this fact.

You actually sound like a small child that cannot get their own way and by being like that you have done more harm to your cause then you can imagine.

You can call me any name you want. Throw all the temper-tantrums your heart desires. They don't change the fact that the acceptance of smoking is nearing its end. You belittle me because you refuse to accept this.

Or another idea... build your own theme park, ban smoking (and I'm including all types of smoking here) and then you and your cronies can sit around, holding hands in victory, until the place goes broke.

Again, your opinions are based on delusions and facts that don't exist. Disney could ban smoking in all of their North American parks tomorrow and the financial impact would be negligible.

I have said it before, and I will say it again. If you ask a smoker to smoke somewhere else, they get defensive - at the very least. Some smokers attack those who ask them to smoke elsewhere, and that is what is happening here. Smokers are bitter because they smoke. They know it's a disgusting habit, and they know their secondhand smoke affects others. They just don't care. If they cared, they would not smoke in public, or they would use a patch, chew gum, try to quit, or use an electronic cigarette. Despite all of the other available options, smokers still light up in public, regardless of the fact that other people are affected by their actions.

I would love for smoking in public to be banned everywhere. If you want to smoke, smoke whatever you want in your own home. Just don't do it in public.

There is no merit to the argument that smokers should be able to smoke at a Disney theme park. Non-smokers should not have to avoid smoking areas, and they should not have to breathe secondhand smoke. Smoking at a Disney theme park should not be an option, unless Disney built enclosed smoking spaces where the secondhand smoke would not filter to other areas. Since we know that won't happen, they should completely eliminate smoking areas. Smokers should choose between smoking or visiting a theme park. Doing both should not be an option.
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betty rose

Well-Known Member
I should not have to inhale secondhand smoke, in any amount. I should not be affected by another person's addiction and complete disregard for others.

My opinion is that of the majority, and it does carry weight, which is why smoking bans continue to increase.

This is, undoubtedly, one of the most absurd and ridiculous posts anyone has ever written on this subject. To accuse a non-smoker of not caring about the needs and concerns of others is delusional. It takes a selfish person to smoke in public. If a smoker cared about the needs and concerns of others, they would not smoke in public. They would realize that the smoke from their cigarette travels and other people have to breathe it. They would realize that there are other methods to get their nicotine fix that don't involve secondhand smoke. Smoking in public, in 2015, is the ultimate selfish act.

Edit - I want to see smoking in public banned. Smoke whatever you want in your own home.
Colorado, already does that!;)

Yes, they are. Governments worldwide are starting to advocate warning labels on cigarettes. They realize the health costs associated with smoking and they are trying to minimize this.

Wrong. Australia recently passed plain packaging laws that are far stricter than anything in the US.

These are not just my opinions. You just don't like the facts that I have stated, so you choose to attack me. My opinions are held by the majority of people. Your failure to realize this does not change this fact.

You can call me any name you want. Throw all the temper-tantrums your heart desires. They don't change the fact that the acceptance of smoking is nearing its end. You belittle me because you refuse to accept this.

Again, your opinions are based on delusions and facts that don't exist. Disney could ban smoking in all of their North American parks tomorrow and it would the financial impact would be negligible.

I have said it before, and I will say it again. If you ask a smoker to smoke somewhere else, they get defensive - at the very least. Some smokers attack those who ask them to smoke elsewhere, and that is what is happening here. Smokers are bitter because they smoke. They know it's a disgusting habit, and they know their secondhand smoke affects others. They just don't care. If they cared, they would not smoke in public, or they would use a patch, chew gum, try to quit or use an electronic cigarette. Despite all of the other available options, smokers still light up in public, regardless of the fact that other people are affected by their actions.

I would love for smoking in public to be banned everywhere. If you want to smoke, smoke whatever you want in your own home. Just don't do it in public.

There is no merit to the argument that smokers should be able to smoke at a Disney theme park. Non-smokers should not have to avoid smoking areas, and they should not have to breathe secondhand smoke. Smoking at a Disney theme park should not be an option, unless Disney built enclosed smoking spaces where the secondhand smoke would not filter to other areas. Since we know that won't happen, they should completely eliminate smoking areas. Smokers should choose between smoking or visiting a theme park. Doing both should not be an option.


Well-Known Member
Here's an idea. Print out a list of all the behaviors/people you don't like and hand it to a CM as you enter MK. I'm sure they will clear the park for you.
I was feeling a titch contrarian when I posted. The best solution is to provide an accessible area where people can smoke and it can be controlled to a point. I have worked at installations where militant non smoking directives were implemented. This implementation caused the smokers to go underground where the problem became 10x worse than it was before.

Therefore, my true feelings on the topic are portrayed in a little video below. Simply change the marching hammers for a no smoking sign.



Well-Known Member
@betty rose

Don't smoke, never did. I am a bit of a Switzerland on this subject as long as the smoking is remote from everyone else.

But to update on Disney policy, '...or use an electronic cigarette' from your post is no longer an option. Disney now requires even the fake smokes to be used only in smoking areas if they produce any vapor. GSM aquaintences tell me they are instructed to remind "vapor" folks of the rules, and yes that change is published.


Well-Known Member
My opinion is that of the majority
Clearly, your opinion is not that of the majority on this board, nor is it Disney's opinion.

Pretty much everyone here has said, "Yes, smoking is bad for your health, but no, smoking areas cannot go away just yet" and proposed logical reasons as to why not, as well as discussed some alternative solutions to the current smoking areas.

Your entire argument is, "I don't want to breath in smoke, it's bad for me, so I shouldn't have to" without providing a logical explanation other than that it's best for you. Even those of us who have conditions like asthma that make breathing in smoke immediately harmful for us are not saying that smoking areas should be entirely eliminated. You don't try to compromise. You don't listen to others. You just continuously argue that you are right and that those who don't agree with you are wrong. And you're also insinuating that smokers are bad people, which is becoming offensive to quite a few members.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I was feeling a titch contrarian when I posted. The best solution is to provide an accessible area where people can smoke and it can be controlled to a point. I have worked at installations where militant non smoking directives were implemented. This implementation caused the smokers to go underground where the problem became 10x worse than it was before.

Therefore, my true feelings on the topic are portrayed in a little video below. Simply change the marching hammers for a no smoking sign.

I've been more contrarian lately. But, seriously....that video was sobering....times of the late 30's to early 40's when Germany was allowing Hitler to come to power (not a political statement, just a fact). We all need to be mindful, that our Constitution was to protect those with unpopular views...not always the majority... heaven forbid , that we can't allow for a person with another view. Within, the rules and laws. Disney has rules to allow smoking in certain areas. We should respect their rules, as they own this property. Walking out of the way, is no problem to me, I just sit on a bench (if I can find one) :D when I get tired.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Clearly, your opinion is not that of the majority on this board, nor is it Disney's opinion.

Pretty much everyone here has said, "Yes, smoking is bad for your health, but no, smoking areas cannot go away just yet" and proposed logical reasons as to why not, as well as discussed some alternative solutions to the current smoking areas.

Your entire argument is, "I don't want to breath in smoke, it's bad for me, so I shouldn't have to" without providing a logical explanation other than that it's best for you. Even those of us who have conditions like asthma that make breathing in smoke immediately harmful for us are not saying that smoking areas should be entirely eliminated. You don't try to compromise. You don't listen to others. You just continuously argue that you are right and that those who don't agree with you are wrong. And you're also insinuating that smokers are bad people, which is becoming offensive to quite a few members.
You have said this so much better (and kinder) than I did kudo's to you! Have a nice evening.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
@betty rose

Don't smoke, never did. I am a bit of a Switzerland on this subject as long as the smoking is remote from everyone else.

But to update on Disney policy, '...or use an electronic cigarette' from your post is no longer an option. Disney now requires even the fake smokes to be used only in smoking areas if they produce any vapor. GSM aquaintences tell me they are instructed to remind "vapor" folks of the rules, and yes that change is published.
Thanks for the update.


Well-Known Member
Clearly, your opinion is not that of the majority on this board, nor is it Disney's opinion.

You provide no proof to back up this statement, and you have no way of determining Disney's actual opinion on the subject. The fact that Disney has smoking areas does not mean they endorse smoking. The smoking areas are nothing more than areas, they are not an opinion.

You have absolutely no way of knowing the actual opinion of the majority on this board. Only a tiny fraction of the total membership has posted in this thread, and there is no way to know the opinions of people who view this thread but don't post.

Pretty much everyone here has said, "Yes, smoking is bad for your health, but no, smoking areas cannot go away just yet" and proposed logical reasons as to why not, as well as discussed some alternative solutions to the current smoking areas.

I have also said that enclosed areas would work. Your claim, "Yes, smoking is bad for your health, but no, smoking areas cannot go away just yet" and proposed logical reasons as to why not" is not entirely true. Yes, there have been posts reflecting this point of view but that does not mean they are logical.

Your entire argument is, "I don't want to breath in smoke, it's bad for me, so I shouldn't have to" without providing a logical explanation other than that it's best for you.

You can write anything you want, but that does not mean it's true. The fact that you claim I am only concerned about me proves you refuse to listen to what I am saying. I am not saying that this is only what is best for me. I am saying this would benefit the majority.

Even those of us who have conditions like asthma that make breathing in smoke immediately harmful for us are not saying that smoking areas should be entirely eliminated.

You are entitled to your opinion, however foolish it may be - especially considering you clearly admit that smoking is harmful to you.

You don't try to compromise.

I have offered a compromise. First, I said Disney could build enclosed smoking areas. Second, I said that smokers could smoke whatever they want at home. My point is that smokers should not smoke at Disney, or they can stay home. I'm not going to compromise on that. If I was on the wrong side of this issue, I would reconsider, but I'm not.

You don't listen to others.

I do listen to others. I carefully consider each argument, and I respond to each one. That is the definition of listening. The fact that I don't agree with some arguments does not mean I am not listening.

You just continuously argue that you are right and that those who don't agree with you are wrong.

Here is my main argument: Smokers should not smoke at a Disney theme park. They can choose to smoke and not go, or they can choose to go and not smoke. On that argument, I am right, because the majority of adults in the US do not smoke. When you consider that the average daily attendance of the theme parks is made up of a considerable number of people under 18, it means the vast majority of people in attendance at any one time are non-smokers. The vast majority should not have to deal with the secondhand smoke generated by a small percentage of the visitors.

And you're also insinuating that smokers are bad people, which is becoming offensive to quite a few members.

Not all smokers are bad people. Some are. It is my opinion that a smoker who smokes in public is committing a selfish act. If that offends you, or a smoker, then don't do it.
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