Active Member
Umm...So @StarWarsGirl95, tell me how many people have died from exposure to a whiff of too much perfume or how many diseases can be attributed to a whiff of too much perfume? I'll guess it's zero. Exposure to second hand smoke is not the same as perfume and you are doing a disservice to the conversation by continuing to make the comparison.
"Perfume ingredients may smell good to some people (while giving headaches to anyone sensitive to the fumes), but a 2010 study suggests popular brands reek of long-term health problems for all of us."
"And, as with smoking, it's not just the person using the product that's affected. "Secondhand scents are also a big concern. One person using a fragranced product can cause health problems for many others,"
You better start cyber bulling, oops I mean shaming, those that wear perfume.
BTW, a "whiff or two of perfume" CAN kill those with those with that asthma trigger. For you to dismiss that fact is just as ignorant as the pro smokers that you are trying to bully on here.
And I will continue to shame smokers, especially those brazen selfish a-holes that continue to light up in public.
How, by talking all mean and stuff on the interwebs? That will show them......

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