Castle pics 3/12/05


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
I don't think it looks bad.....and since it will only be up for 18 is not the end of the world.

Well, while I think the piece itself is really beautiful, it does look out of proportion in the pictures. Is it any different in person?

Great pictures, btw. Thanks! :wave:

44 days, wooooo!!!


New Member
I love the castle during the day but I think it looks AWESOME at night. The mirror adds something at night. I LOVE IT.


Well-Known Member
Brad, once again you've brought us some really nice photos! *thumbs up*
I just have no luck capturing the fireworks.

Isn't the mirror a focal point? If so then it should be on the large side.
I won't be down until August and you all are doing a great job with the updates. Thanks again!

EDIT: Just went thru them again. Brad, could I use that first one in my new screensaver I'm putting together?


Well-Known Member
Great pics. Thanks for sharing.

I dno't really like the mirror "on" the castle. It's not proportional to the rest of the castle. It's as big as some of the turrets and that just doesn't look right and it overwhelms it a bit. It LOVE the gold swirls and characters though they are gorgeous. It looks a million bazillion times better than the cake castle though so it's okay.


I always liked the mirror in the day shots, but seeing the night shots...I love it. It really ads to the lighting effects. Also, without the spirals, the top of the turrets used to 'disappear' in the night sky. WIth the spirals, you can now see the top of the turrets. I think the whole castle looks beautiful and I can't wait to see it in person.

On a side note, I think the second most recent picture you posted (where it is yellow) look pretty funny. The way the fireworks look, it looks like wendy blasted off or something because the trail from the firework is coming out her back.



Active Member
Thanks for the pictures.

Do we know if the mirror is going to light up? And also, is it finished? Because it doesn't look like Tink is up, but I thought someone on the boards said the crane was gone:lookaroun :confused: And if it's gone, wouldn't that mean they aren't going to do anymore?



I believe they can't do crane work for a 2-week period because of saftey reasons for Cinderellabration. Since they can't do anything for a while, they figured they should take the crane away to make the area look nicer.


Premium Member
I think it looks great. I have a feeling that many of the people who dislike the mirror now will be complaining about how plain the castle looks once it's removed.


Premium Member
Everything I've heard lately suggests that they just paused construction during the final testing of Cinerellabration (after hours) for a couple of weeks. As a result they pulled the crane out and will put it back in place when they start up again. Indeed Tinkerbell still needs to be added and there is more work yet to be done on the mirror. The legs need to be covered, etc.. Based on the concept artwork, those posts are supposed to be covered with gold bunting as well.

I was there the other day and took a look at the structure of it and got a pic of the underside of mirror. At least at this stage, there seems to be a whole lot of empty space behind the image panels. The black bar that you see just behind the mirror front is the section that contains the image panels.

I would suggest that you not pass judgement on whether you like it or not, until you've seen it in person. From what I've seen, the angle of view makes a really big difference on your impression of the whole thing.

If you see it straight on from Main Street, the proportions don't look all that bad. However, if you look at if from the sides you start to see how far forward of the front of the castle it is, the thickness of the sides and it starts to look a little strange and unbalanced.


I guess your right, you kind of read my mind why I didnt like it in those other pictures ( how it was seton the castle) ButI guess I'll change my answer to wait and see :)

BTW... wonder how much that thing will fetch on ebay after this is all over with....
Great Pics

I Love the Pics. The castle looks great. I agree with most of you about the mirror being too big. I think they should have also added more gold charachters and they should light up the castle better at night to bring out the golden accents. but other than that it looks amazing!:cool:


Well-Known Member
Badger Brent said:
If you want the mirror as the eye catching piece on the castle, then they did their job. But I don't think that was their intention

Actually, I think the mirror is supposed to be the focal point of the whole overlay and as such the castle for the 18 months of the celebration. Especially when its turned on and rotates through the images of the five worldwide castles all taking part in the "50 years of theme parks". I would even say its THE reason for the rest of the overlay and pulls it all together. Its also the one major thing I've noticed thus far that will tell the average guest that WDW is celebrating the 50th by bringing together the "best" of the resorts around the world, from Soarin and LMA to Cinderllebration and Lucky.

From the front, almost right up to the stage, I think it looks great. Its not a permanent change so while yes, I think the castle looks better without it, its only a decoration, and it is quite attractive and nicely detailed, especially up close.

As donsullivan said above, it size is most noticed as you walk underneath it or from viewing the castle from the sides. The closer you get the "bigger" it seems to get. Again though, its just a temporary decoration, and it still looks nice from the sides after you get used to how different the castle looks with it. I'd guess its in the best place. Attaching it any further back would be impossible without doing major structural changes to the castle....and I really don't want them doing that.

See the whole thing in person first before passing any judgement. I think the entire overlay is very nice. Afterall, this is probably the first castle overlay they've done where I thought some of the additions (particularly around the turrets) could be a nice permanent addition.

Great pics everyone! :sohappy:

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