Casey Anthony is not guilty of first degree murder...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow. Maybe they didn't have enough evidence (according to court law anyway) to convict her; but some things are just common sense.

You don't wait a month to report your child missing. You don't go out and party while she's missing. If you do, then yes, there is something wrong with you and you need to be treated or something. And to say living the Bella Vita could have been a tribute to Caylee is absurd.

Like was mentioned before, something is definitely fishy.


Premium Member
And to say living the Bella Vita could have been a tribute to Caylee is absurd.

Absurd that a mother might get a tattoo that says "Beautiful Life" after her daughter's beautiful life ended, regardless of how it ended?


Even at the start of the case when I believed without a doubt Casey was a murderer, I always thought the tattoo was something done for Caylee.


Well-Known Member
Absurd that a mother might get a tattoo that says "Beautiful Life" after her daughter's beautiful life ended, regardless of how it ended?


Even at the start of the case when I believed without a doubt Casey was a murderer, I always thought the tattoo was something done for Caylee.

I guess the "Hot Body" contest was done for Caylee, too?


Think for yourselfer
Stunning verdict. It is far too easy to wriggle off the hook in cases like this. Any reasonable, intelligent person would agree that she is almost definitely guilty of murder, i'm talking 99%. But one tiny sliver of doubt and she gets to go free? It is a tragedy of epic proportions. We can only hope that she gets her comeuppance, and soon.


I'm no legal expert, but my stomach does not sit well at all with today's outcome. What makes me even more sick is thinking that she'll walk out a free woman on Thursday, probably write a novel about all this, & rake in mega $$$ for some TV documentary. I think today was a very dark, embarrassing day for the U.S. justice system.

And the way gas prices are, it looks like Casey, O.J., and Robert Blake are all going to have to carpool together while they search for "the real" killers.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
"The jury" could very well have voted to convict her. There were enough people who took an interest in the case that had different individuals served on the jury, we could be talking about whether she would be getting the death penalty at sentencing instead of wondering whether she will go home at sentencing.

Laura's points are not popular given today's verdict and our desire to see a killer made to be responsible for that death, but they are not unreasonable. Obviously 12 jurors unanimously agreed with the ultimate point, which was a not guilty verdict.

Had I served on that jury, I believe I probably would have seen things a different way.

But the reality is, as mad as I am at the verdict, I know nothing of the day and circumstances by which the child died or at whose hand specifically. The defense does not have to tell us what Casey knows. The defense only has to show us reasonable doubt that Casey killed that child or abused that child (before her death). Different people see that evidence and come to different conclusions. :shrug:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
She was not declared "innocent". There was a jury verdict of "not guilty".

Not the same thing.

Thank you.

The state had no solid evidence against her and it's a shame that most of you feel like judge and jury and had her convicted just on flimsy evidence.

There is a reason why our legal system is set up the way it prevent Witch Hunts like the one going on in the media today.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
"The jury" could very well have voted to convict her. There were enough people who took an interest in the case that had different individuals served on the jury, we could be talking about whether she would be getting the death penalty at sentencing instead of wondering whether she will go home at sentencing.

Laura's points are not popular given today's verdict and our desire to see a killer made to be responsible for that death, but they are not unreasonable. Obviously 12 jurors unanimously agreed with the ultimate point, which was a not guilty verdict.

Had I served on that jury, I believe I probably would have seen things a different way.

But the reality is, as mad as I am at the verdict, I know nothing of the day and circumstances by which the child died or at whose hand specifically. The defense does not have to tell us what Casey knows. The defense only has to show us reasonable doubt that Casey killed that child or abused that child (before her death). Different people see that evidence and come to different conclusions. :shrug:

Just to add to a great post. The jurors did NOT see everything TV watchers saw. Many times the Jurors were dismissed and the cameras left running for all to see. My point being a lot is left to what the court and judge allows the jurors to see. We need to hear from the Jurors to see why they found her not guilty.

People may not like the verdict but this is America's law system of 235 years. Innocent until proven guility.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Just to add to a great post. The jurors did NOT saw everything TV watchers saw. Many times the Jurors were dismissed and the cameras left running for all to see. My point being a lot is left to what the court and judge allows the jurors to see. We need to hear from the Jurors to see why they found her not guilty.

People may not like the verdict but this is America's law system of 235 years. Innocent until proven guility.

That just it...most people already had her convicted before the trial was finished.


Well-Known Member
I'm still up in the air on how I feel about the whole thing. I believe in this country's justice system so I do believe that she is innocent if that is how the jury found her. The being said the evidence is compelling and I am very interested to see why the jurors found her innocent. There is no doubt in my mind that she was murdered...I'm just still not 100% sure that she was the one to do it. Yes the evidence seems to be that she did but clearly there was something that made the jurors say they weren't sure. So I trust in the justice system of this country as it has worked for hundreds of years.

That being said, whoever did kill her must live with it the rest of their life...


Well-Known Member
I see a lot of anger from people here and it amazes me. So because some of you watched it on tv, you think you know all of the details? As someone who spent time in jail for something I didn't do, I can assure you that you don't know all of the details. From all that I've gathered of this case (which wasn't from watching it on TruTV or CNN), the case against her seemed weak. Again, her being a liar was so easy to prove, yet the actual murder was up in the air.

Monorail Lime

Well-Known Member
All I'll say is she is a dead woman. Some nut, whether in jail or in public will do the deed. Heck, I'm so ticked off right now that I'd be willing to do it... :mad:


Well-Known Member
I'm still up in the air on how I feel about the whole thing. I believe in this country's justice system so I do believe that she is innocent if that is how the jury found her. The being said the evidence is compelling and I am very interested to see why the jurors found her innocent. There is no doubt in my mind that she was murdered...I'm just still not 100% sure that she was the one to do it. Yes the evidence seems to be that she did but clearly there was something that made the jurors say they weren't sure. So I trust in the justice system of this country as it has worked for hundreds of years.

That being said, whoever did kill her must live with it the rest of their life...

The justice system in our country is what it is. It's probably more fair than many countries in this world. However, it is NOT 100% correct 100% of the time. How many people have spent decades in prison only to be set free once DNA testing was finally able to prove their innocence? Innocent people are convicted and guilty people are acquitted. Happens every day because we are human and humans will never be perfect. Ever.

The prosecution didn't prove without a doubt to this jury that she was 100% guilty. Doesn't mean she wasn't. Have I passed judgement on her? Everything that I know to be factual in regards to this case points directly to this woman who was no kind of a mother. To not report her child missing, to party and act like it's a great time while she's missing, to give false information to police & investigators, to lie, to deceive, to act more concerned about her own plight in jail than for that of her lost child....yeah....a mother who truly doesn't know and wants only for her child to have justice does NOT act in this way. A guilty person does. That's what I see and that's what I know. So yes, I have passed judgement. As a mother, I absolutely have.

And whoever the guilty parties in this dispicable murder are :)rolleyes:) will not be living with this for the rest of their lives...they'll answer for it for all time and eternity.


Well-Known Member
It really does make you question the legal system in our country. That's the sickest thing I've seen since she killed her kid. Sick. Absolutely sick. Tired of being saddled with the responsibility of a child? Just off 'em. No need to worry about the rap in court. :rolleyes:

Just like OJ, God will have His say. That I have faith in. Her life will never be the same. I don't wish death upon the little sociopath because that'd be too merciful. I hope her suffering is slow, deep, and long-lived. I hope every day she lives it is in a constant state of hell. She deserves no better.

Well said. I hope no man ever touches that lying body ever again.I hope someone does some bad stuff to her and she cannot get out of it. Nor ever be found again. Does anyone think she may not live long in our world. You know prison inmates do not like molesters nor child killers.. I think even her family needs to move out and let their neighbors live in peace. They will not be happy with a lying family living there that includes her grandfather grandmother trying to take the rap for searches on the computer. Maybe now they can go after George for murder since it isn't Casey, yea right!!! and for sure Cindy on purgery charges

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
The defense contended that Caylee Anthony drowned and that her body was wrapped in a bag and hidden away. Evidence showed that duct tape was put around the child's jaw before the child died. Doubt? Perhaps. Reasonable doubt? Come on.

This implies that jurors had to choose between two versions of events: either believe the prosecution, or believe the defense, looking at whose story is best supported by evidence.

The truth is that as long as any version of events outside of the prosecution's seems reasonably likely to a juror, then he is obligated to find for the defense...even if he thinks the actual story put out by the defense is a load of hooey. The prosecution is the only side with the burden of constructing an airtight narrative.

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