News Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom


Premium Member
This literally is the first thing they have every done that has really soured me on WDW to the extent that I might not want to go back. I mean, removing Splash was there too but I at least can understand it even though I vehemently disagree.

I mean I complain about some things all the time, but nothing that I have felt has fundamentally worsened the parks on a such a deep philosophical level. I'm even pretty cool with what they've done with Epcot - I think the kvetching about it is typically way overblown and the park needed a better balance for everyone to enjoy it.

What is brazen about this is how unnecessary it is. There's no reason to do it except that they wanted to rip out the RoA and TSI. There's land available instead, but this just takes something away and makes the entire view and vibe and setup just far worse. Frontierland and Liberty Square are supposed to be waterside. It's insane not to at least keep water there (and dock the boat, etc) while using the more northern parts of the island/river for expansion.
My biggest complaint is that I don't think Magic Kingdom should be a priority in the first place, no matter where they put it. It becomes acutely apparent when you're in the app booking Lightning Lanes. "Wow, Magic Kingdom has so much to do, I don't know how we're going to get to everything! Wow, Hollywood Studios has six major headliners... and basically nothing else! Wow, Epcot and Animal Kingdom need more stuff!"


Premium Member
eh, you're riding in a car on either attraction. Tomorrowland Speedway needs to die, and this might be the thing to put the final nail in the coffin of one of MK's worst attractions that has somehow survived.
I guarantee the day they announce a replacement for the Speedway, the exact same complaining we're seeing today will be made about that too.


Well-Known Member
On a related note: it is WILD how much the Overton window has shifted on what can be changed, cut and reconfigured at the parks.

Things like retheming Splash Mountain and nuking RoA feel like ideas that would never have been seriously considered by the company even 10 years ago. Nothing is safe or sacred anywhere now.

Captain Barbossa

Well-Known Member
They’ve already stopped ordering replacement parts for it
Very few replacement parts for the LB are things they can just order. The majority, especially the mechanical components of the steam engine, have to be machined in house. While the new boiler is more modernized, everything else it still pretty mid 1800s technology.

Not currently, but you don't think they'd consider invest in repurposing it for actual transit from TTC to MK? If not, what else do you do with it? It doesn't seem to have a place in the current plans.
The LB would have to be rebuilt from the ground up for it to be used on the lagoon. That’s not happening. But even if it did, I highly doubt it would remain steam powered.

Charlie The Chatbox Ghost

Well-Known Member
Maybe it’s just me but I really don’t feel that “the park’s legacy” argument works here.

This isn’t Disneyland. MK’s version of Rivers of America and Tom Sawyer Island et all has never, ever been on the level of importance or significance that Disneyland’s is. Unlike Disneyland’s version, this particular corner of the park gets really ignored beyond it just being a way to get to the rides in the area people care about.

The RoA and riverboat are deeply integral part of Disneyland’s identity, especially with Fantasmic! being performed there and it’s co-relationship with other nearby attractions. That has NEVER been the case for Magic Kingdom. It has never been a highlighted point of the park, has never been held up as one of its sacred jewels. It has always just been “Disneyland has it so we do too.”

MK’s version of Frontierland has been incredibly weak for decades. Among the worst (if not THE worst in the world, bottom two). It getting a massive overhaul I feel has been an inevitability for ages.

I understand nostalgia for RoA. I do. I have it myself. I’ve loved it. But the park isn’t really losing anything critical to it’s existence and identity here.

This was never sacred ground here. I do feel the image of a river and riverboat is indeed a fixture and foundation of Disney iconography, just that that comes from a completely different park.

If you want to knock this from a thematic point of view, I’ll gladly join that. I don’t think Cars really belongs here either. But I really also cannot start to pretend that MK’s RoA or TSI is or ever has been important to this park, let alone a part of its legacy.
I can agree with this, but I really think the biggest loss here is the river itself and the visual energy it brings. It adds breathing room, kinetic energy, world building, and a peaceful view to take in. If they replace TSI with the Cars ride that’d work perfectly for me. Keep the rivers. But they’re getting rid of the entire river and island for the Cars ride despite having plenty of space north of the river- I imagine this is all because they don’t want to redo the railroad berm again.

Also, this just removes multiple smaller attractions for people to do that don’t really require waits. People hate waiting in long lines already, and adding two more long lines in place of a handful of attractions with no lines doesn’t do much for capacity.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks

Is it possible the reason they didn't mention the liberty bell because it's still staying? They said they were "transforming" the area so maybe the river loop simply gets altered to allow more guest pathways up to villains but the back half of the river stays?


Well-Known Member
This might be an unpopular opinion, but kids today don't know who Tom Sawyer is, nor do they care about a steam-powered riverboat. Besides, maintaining an island with a steam-powered riverboat circling it every 20 minutes or so gets expensive in the long run, and the infrastructure they had to maintain to keep this obsolete (by today's standards) bit of fantasy going just isn't justified by today's MBA standards.

And the kids of today are the ticket buyers of tomorrow. Better to put something in that THEY can relate to. Boomer G'paw gonna be gone soon anyway...

Think upon this... now that there's another Car ride coming into MK, expect pressure to mount on repurposing the land eaten up by Tomorrowland Speedway...

Meanwhile, who's the robot being memorialized in that mountain peak?
View attachment 808611
Oh my god, it's Groot isn't it... Starlord visited TSI as a child...



Well-Known Member
My biggest complaint is that I don't think Magic Kingdom should be a priority in the first place, no matter where they put it. It becomes acutely apparent when you're in the app booking Lightning Lanes. "Wow, Magic Kingdom has so much to do, I don't know how we're going to get to everything! Wow, Hollywood Studios has six major headliners... and basically nothing else! Wow, Epcot and Animal Kingdom need more stuff!"
While I agree with you, you have to blame the dumb dumbs for that. Three different groups.

One is the short stay guest that only visits MK.
Two are the guests that might go to 2-3 parks. One of those is always MK.
Three are the 'don't you be puttin that kiddie stuf in mah Epcot (insert DHS/AK)!!!!1111!' crowd.

Losing the riverboat and the rivers sucks, it does, but progress is progress. TSI, even though I have very strong memories there, I won't miss. Wasted space in its current iteration.

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