News Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
We'll have a water feature, according to the concept art.

I mean, I love TSI. The theming is excellent. And the river is beautiful.

But it's low-capacity and not that popular. If we're getting IP in the parks, this isn't a bad trade.
Yay Moana’s Journey of Water replacing FoN except 10000x worse


Well-Known Member
I told yall they would fill the river in for this crap. And whoops, it's going almost exactly where I suspected it would. Cars vrooming right up against the old walkway of Liberty Square and the Frontierland buildings...

On top of that, the Cars ride doesn't impress me at all. Scenery looks like a huge step down from RSR, and will probably lack much (if any) interior dark ride sections. Will also be amusing to see how much worse the end product looks compared to even this art (looking at you Slinky). Nearer BTM, it looks like there's a small flat ride too.


Well-Known Member
This will be the breaking point for exactly zero people.

This literally is the first thing they have every done that has really soured me on WDW to the extent that I might not want to go back. I mean, removing Splash was there too but I at least can understand it even though I vehemently disagree.

I mean I complain about some things all the time, but nothing that I have felt has fundamentally worsened the parks on a such a deep philosophical level. I'm even pretty cool with what they've done with Epcot - I think the kvetching about it is typically way overblown and the park needed a better balance for everyone to enjoy it.

What is brazen about this is how unnecessary it is. There's no reason to do it except that they wanted to rip out the RoA and TSI. There's land available instead, but this just takes something away and makes the entire view and vibe and setup just far worse. Frontierland and Liberty Square are supposed to be waterside. It's insane not to at least keep water there (and dock the boat, etc) while using the more northern parts of the island/river for expansion.


Premium Member
It’s not over yet either.



Well-Known Member
I really like how the ride seems to be pretty immersive; dirt trails, snowy mountains, waterfalls. Hopefully the amount of tree lining is enough to provide a buffer to Frontierland's wild west area.


Premium Member
They always involve closing things, because that's the nature of adding new attractions: demand gets shifted elsewhere and the attractions at the bottom suffer a steeper falloff in visitation. It's the reason I keep saying the parks don't need more capacity, just better utilization.
The parks don’t need more capacity? :facepalm:

Horizons '83

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Cars isn't about cars, just like Zootopia isn't about Animals.

The cars (and animals) are characters, but the stories they're telling are human stories.
eh, you're riding in a car on either attraction. Tomorrowland Speedway needs to die, and this might be the thing to put the final nail in the coffin of one of MK's worst attractions that has somehow survived.


Well-Known Member
My prediction is that the riverboat landing building will remain and repurposed for shopping or dining, I also predict the river will remain in places on a smaller scale along with additional water features like what they did in Disneyland, just not a complete loop. It looks like cars will be hidden from current FL/LS with trees and theming.
My personal hope is that if they keep any of the river, even if narrowed, they keep it as marked in red here. This way all three entrances to Frontierland/Liberty Square have the water as a buffer directly in the guests' sightline to the "wilderness/forest" area they're going for with Cars. Both Liberty Square and Frontierland are going to need a significant thematic buffer. As a bonus, the Liberty Belle could stay permadocked there.

Sadly, this does not seem to be the plan, but we all know things can and have changed.

Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 10.53.50.png

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