News Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
Because it is?

And why do you think that is?

Why does MK lose the things DLR still has? Why have entertainment and character meet and greets been reduced to the bare minimum? Why did all the unique stores close? Why has the park gone long stretches without major investment? Why is there abandoned retail and dining space? Why did they never finish what they started with Tomorrowland? Why is attraction show quality so bad?

The Magic Kingdom just needing to be good enough to get people in the door is the result of a permanent change in mindset that has lasted for decades now.

It should be exciting and wonderful that the park is getting attention, but it misses what made the park in the first place.


Well-Known Member
For those who want to say “some people don’t like change” - and “modern cars can fit fomrtierland” - here’s some thoughts from Joe Rohde -

“The real world is brutally amoral and relentless in its rate of destruction and replacement. There are few refuges from this assault. Theme parks, at their best, can be such places, secular though they are. People step out of the chaos and into an ordered ceremonial world where time is arrested. Beloved important moments are re-enacted in a space that is outside of history.

That's why it's such a shock when time intrudes, either with changes, or more tellingly with new events that are too anchored in contemporary relevance.”

Chef idea Mickey`=

Well-Known Member
100%. This won't be trackless. It's gonna be something similar to Test Track or Dinosaur/Indiana Jones. No new innovation, but only because of Florida weather.
It's funny that before when the rumor or thought of bringing RSR and Cars Land to WDW tons and tons of people would comment about can't have you already have Test Track, and now still that a rugid terained maybe obstacle car motor experience that the whole test track debolical seems silent. Oh is it their silent because it's happening eventually so no one wants to stop it or they really don't give a rats anymore because it's replacing something that they don't care none the less about or now the shift is actually speaking on ROA and TSI how important it is when your argument of Test Track wasn't better. It doesn't count people when WDW has 3-4 trackless rides.


Well-Known Member
Which is unrelated to the fact that many in and out of the company view The Magic Kingdom as worse than Disneyland, which is the point I was making. Regardless if anyone on this WDW specific fan forum disagrees.

That mindset has had a very real, negative impact on MK.

Who are these people you are referring to?

I also wish we could stop comparing and contrasting the parks and let them be their own thing.

I think what holds Disney back is that people who spend money to travel down to Orlando magic kingdom, think oh well Disney land is very similar to magic kingdom and why should we visit the same park in a different state?

I think there are key differences between the 2 parks, but they would far be more successful if they were each more original and unique.

That’s why I think getting rid of roa isn’t inherently a bad thing. Let each land be unique and different. Enough with the copy/paste routine.

Chef idea Mickey`=

Well-Known Member
Which is unrelated to the fact that many in and out of the company view The Magic Kingdom as worse than Disneyland, which is the point I was making. Regardless if anyone on this WDW specific fan forum disagrees.

That mindset has had a very real, negative impact on MK.
I think the correct way to say is Disneyland is the crown jewel of Disneyland resort and in Walt Disney World you would say Animal Kingdom is the crown jewel even though to me Epcot had they kept it high quality would be considered and was too before 1998.

Magic Kingdom is not because it's worse, it's missing what it needs to fulfill balance of contrast to Disneyland. Magic Kingdom replacing classic lands for another land is not what it needs! It needs expansion and plussings!


Premium Member
Couldn't find max speed info on Dynamics site but it did mention "bursts of acceleration" whatever that means.

Based on demo video though, I'm guessing 20-30 mph with acceleration burst of 35-40 mph. Top speed of RSR is 40. The difference here is that this would have rocky terrain and tight turns which up the thrill/intensity.

Try more like half those numbers.

Stop trying to make fetch happen. It’s not gonna happen.


Well-Known Member
Try more like half those numbers.

Stop trying to make fetch happen. It’s not gonna happen.
I am wondering what is going on behind the scenes for this design - if they try to open something like this as trackless I think it’s going to be rocket rods 2.0.

I don’t think the trackless rumor appeared from nowhere though so maybe this this was designed with that in mind? Maybe that’s how it even got approved? But I’m with you…. I don’t see it happening realistically

Chef idea Mickey`=

Well-Known Member
I also wish we could stop comparing and contrasting the parks and let them be their own thing.

I think what holds Disney back is that people who spend money to travel down to Orlando magic kingdom, think oh well Disney land is very similar to magic kingdom and why should we visit the same park in a different state?

I think there are key differences between the 2 parks, but they would far be more successful if they were each more original and unique.

That’s why I think getting rid of roa isn’t inherently a bad thing. Let each land be unique and different. Enough with the copy/paste routine.
Isn't the point of Walt Disney World to be so Walt could easily further expand new dreams?

When Magic Kingdom was added to to the plan it had the ability to be different. Some of the same things were built because....

Disney World has four parks. If you're a US person traveling there you literally got 3 parks right there for you as long as DHS wasn't becoming a duplicate of DCA.

You say it would be more successful for whom? Americans? Locals? Isn't Walt Disney World's foot traffic success is Internationals?

If that regard was a fact then Disneyland would be or would it end up becoming a world wide destination as well.


Premium Member
That could be because a company has been working with them on rolling it out to customers

It’s because it’s a technology demo - a pitch looking for someone to buy into. But this not the 1200 rider per hour kind of e ticket that runs a million cycles a year for years on end.

It’s hysterical that you think the company that won’t even let hard mounted fixtures shake above guests are going to let people race around at high speeds in free movement in an uncontrolled outdoor environment…. Because you’ve seen a vendor demo.


Well-Known Member
Honestly wouldn’t be shocked if the train goes eventually. They seem to hate it. They close it at any opportunity, frequently only run one train so you must wait 20+ mins, and they had 5 years to upgrade and add to it and realistically, the sights suck, you see basically nothing interesting the whole time.

And of course, it’s non IP and doesn’t sell LL.

I could see them just permanently parking it at Main Street and calling it a day.
Most of this post is wrong. They obviously don’t “hate it” or they wouldn’t be spending millions of dollars shipping the locomotives half way across the country for multi year, meticulous restorations. They do not “close it at any opportunity,” whatever that is supposed to mean. In each of my 35+ trips to MK since reopening, they have had at least 2 locomotives running. The sights don’t “suck.” They only are bad if you hate nature. Florida is a naturally beautiful state. The forests around MK are classic Florida. Cypress, pine, oak and many other species of trees thrive there. Absolutely gorgeous!

Chef idea Mickey`=

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I think there are key differences between the 2 parks, but they would far be more successful if they were each more original and unique.
if you want to visit a castle park you want to visit a castle park, in my opinion. None of the parks should be carbon copies (and they aren’t) but they should share the structure of a Disney castle park. Otherwise it’s a completely different experience.

Logically…. If they were going to add cars to the MK it should be the speedway. I do wonder if this attraction was pitched for the speedway since the snow capped mountain resembles Matterhorn a bit…. They could duplicate the Tomorrowland / Fantasyland transition that works in California.

That’s also the area of MK that most needs improvement on all levels (visual, theme, etc.)


Well-Known Member
Couldn't find max speed info on Dynamics site but it did mention "bursts of acceleration" whatever that means.

Based on demo video though, I'm guessing 20-30 mph with acceleration burst of 35-40 mph. Top speed of RSR is 40. The difference here is that this would have rocky terrain and tight turns which up the thrill/intensity.
Whatever speed those vehicles may be capable of, I'd seriously doubt that Disney would allow a trackless outdoor vehicle like that approach such speeds.
Seems like some serious problems would happen should things go wrong.


Well-Known Member
Most of this post is wrong. They obviously don’t “hate it” or they wouldn’t be spending millions of dollars shipping the locomotives half way across the country for multi year, meticulous restorations. They do not “close it at any opportunity,” whatever that is supposed to mean. In each of my 35+ trips to MK since reopening, they have had at least 2 locomotives running. The sights don’t “suck.” They only are bad if you hate nature. Florida is a naturally beautiful state. The forests around MK are classic Florida. Cypress, pine, oak and many other species of trees thrive there. Absolutely gorgeous! View attachment 812712View attachment 812713
It is closed constantly at any chance, like being closed for 5 years due to the construction of a single attraction, where they could have run it in shuttle mode between the other two stations. They just didn't care enough because it's not seen as a priority attraction. I expect the same thing will happen again with the ROA construction.

You got a couple nice shots, but by and large there is nothing very interesting to see along the route. Even the new Tron tunnel is a plain, ugly, unthemed tunnel. Disneyland in CA has much more to see along the Railroad. The MK version has basically nothing in comparison.

Maybe "don't care" was a little harsh, but it's obvious that today's leadership prioritizes attractions that 1) are IP based and 2) can sell LL. If an attraction is neither of those, it's just not that much of a priority and subject to closure.

My post isn't "wrong" it's my opinion which I'm entitled to.


Well-Known Member
If they were to make the ride like some of the mountain roads in places like Colorado, speed wouldn't really matter. It could be a winding, bouncing, adventure ride with lots of thrills.
Yes, off roading is mostly done at a slow pace.
Even a crawl.
Though this ride is supposed to be a Rallye Race, and those racers are fast.

James Alucobond

Well-Known Member
Soooooooo the width of the filled in lower ROA is the same as the space between Tomorrowland walkway and the railroad tracks.

I bet this was proposed to replace the speedway and then moved for…. Reasons?
If it had been built for the Speedway, I would expect a completely different design. I don't think your earlier comment about Piston Peak really tracks. There are plenty of racetracks to pull from in the Cars franchise that look more futuristic and actually mesh well with the TRON canopy. I am sure Cars as a franchise has been considered for the space before, but not with this design.

James Alucobond

Well-Known Member
If it had been built for Frontierland I would expect a completely different design as well!
It is very clearly designed for the space in Frontierland even if you disagree with the time period and thematic fit. Something purpose-built for Tomorrowland would be more futuristic and account for views from at least three sides (TRON, Cosmic Ray's, Tomorrowland Launch Depot). The Frontierland design is hidden from all sides aside from Piston Peak peeking out as a background element from the Liberty Square entry. Only on approach from the north do the cars reveal themselves.

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